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-= GeForce FX topic =-

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yeps. ik las het. en tweakers heeft het hier vandaan: [quote:74d63e301a]Micro-Star International (MSI) and Leadtek Research are likely to be the companies to first benefit from Nvidia’s latest GeForce FX (NV30) products, as they are the few direct accounts that can acquire samples of the GeForce FX graphics chips from Nvidia at present. Based on the production schedule, [b:74d63e301a]GeForce FX graphics cards are expected to hit the market at the end of January at the earliest.[/b:74d63e301a] Meanwhile, due to limited chip samples, Nvidia is reportedly planning to offer finished graphics cards, possibly made by major manufacturers such as MSI, as chip samples to its other clients to speed up its new product distribution as well as lower clients’ initial production risks. With a brand-new architecture, the GeForce FX requires much higher production costs and more complex product capabilities than Nvidia’s current products. In addition to the record-breaking number of transistors, the GeForce FX adopts the new-generation DDRII memory standard and a sizable copper heat pipe cooling system. For the design, products even need at least a 10-layer PCB.[/quote:74d63e301a] [url=]Bron[/url] Het blijft afwachten helaas
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Helaas geen review maar wel een nieuwtje van nVidia: [quote:c6cb88c09c]The CEO of NVIDIA Corporation shared some of the company’s plans on a press-conference in Taiwan, as local news-sources report. Mr. Jen-hsun Huang told the journalists and observers that the company expects the rebound of the consumer graphics card market next year. He also added that his company will now be very aggressive in adopting the more advanced manufacturing technologies, even despite of the fact that this can lengthen the interval between the new products. The head of the most influential graphics processor developer on the planet said that they are fully satisfied with their partnership with TSMC. The Santa Clara, California-based company will continue to adopt thinner fabrication processes of their Taiwanese partners as soon as they are available. [b:c6cb88c09c]Currently TSMC seeks for customers on their 90 nanometer manufacturing lines and NVIDIA said that they will look towards it. [/b:c6cb88c09c]Unfortunately, they did not clarified whether they plan to launch the next-generation NV35 VPU using this process, or adopt it only for the even more progressive NV40 VPU. At the moment is seems to be more logical to wait for the NV40 to adopt the new technology since currently it is not mature enough. According to the statement, 50% of all NVIDIA products will be made using 0.13 micron fabrication process by the end of 2003. Given that next year a lot of new and interesting personal computer games will come, including the highly-anticipated Doom III and Unreal 2003 titles, NVIDIA expects that consumers will upgrade their existing graphics platforms with something new. Next year the company will offer us the NV31 and the NV34 solutions for performance and mainsteam markets respectively. The former will come in the first half of 2003, probably in Spring, while the latter is due a bit later. Both VPUs will support the same graphics features as the GeForce FX VPU.[b:c6cb88c09c] In the second half of the year NVIDIA will launch their even more powerful and feature-rich GeForce FX derivative currently code-named NV35[/b:c6cb88c09c].[/quote:c6cb88c09c] [url=]Bron[/url] Erg leuk en aardig een NV35 en een 0,09 micorn NV40 maar laat ze eerst maar eens met de NV30 aka GeForce FX komen :evil:
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[b:ee744dc128][size=18:ee744dc128]Nvidia Geforce FX cards will be in the shops in January [/size:ee744dc128][/b:ee744dc128] [quote:ee744dc128] Creative has pan-European FX exclusive Creative promises us that its Geforce FX will be available in end of January in retail and we heard that in Europe you will be able to onlybuy from Creative for the time being. [/quote:ee744dc128] Lees de rest [url=]Hier[/url] Ik heb zelf niet veel zin in een Creative videokaart. :x Nu maar hopen dat Leadtek e.d. ook rap met hun kaarten komen.
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tja, als het Ati, Matrox, etc. was geweest hadden ze al lang lopen te zeuren dat ze wel erg laat waren ... misschien dat de naam van nVidia nog (te?) heilig is om dat soort opmerkingen te mogen maken ? Straks heeft Ati z'n opvolger al klaar voordat de FX officieel leverbaar is ... dat zou pas echt leuk/pijnlijk zijn ;)
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[quote:e369ae73ce="JaFO"]tja, als het Ati, Matrox, etc. was geweest hadden ze al lang lopen te zeuren dat ze wel erg laat waren ... misschien dat de naam van nVidia nog (te?) heilig is om dat soort opmerkingen te mogen maken ? Straks heeft Ati z'n opvolger al klaar voordat de FX officieel leverbaar is ... dat zou pas echt leuk/pijnlijk zijn ;)[/quote:e369ae73ce] Dat bedoel ik, ik snap wel dat het wat anders is dan een pataje met op de markt brengen ;) maar een beetje duidelijkheid, ook vanuit de professionele sites, was best leuk geweest, maarja, die luisteren naar nv die blijktbaar voor totale radiostilte kiest. Volgens mij gaan veel kopers over tot een R9700, deze vertraging gaat ze een hoop geld kosten, maarja, als ze niet kunnen houdt het uiteraard op.
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[quote:e94337d176="E-Razoor"]\\Red Dragon wtf is een IMHO??? Of ben ik dom dat ik geen Engels snap... Ennuhh..... ga me afvragen of de FX wel zo stabiel is als ie zowat van alles en nog wat een beetje ondersteund.... :-?[/quote:e94337d176] IMHO= In My Humble Opinion= naar mijn bescheiden mening [b:e94337d176][color=red:e94337d176]<<knip>>>[/color:e94337d176][/b:e94337d176]
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[b:0a9b6b3f42][color=black:0a9b6b3f42][size=18:0a9b6b3f42]Nvidia to present NV31 at CeBIT[/size:0a9b6b3f42] [/color:0a9b6b3f42][/b:0a9b6b3f42] [quote:0a9b6b3f42] SOURCES TOLD the INQUIRER that Nvidia won't let the dust bunnies accumulate under its corporate bed and will use the mammoth CeBIT 2003 trade fair to announce a revamp of the TI 4600 technology. By then, we expect to see NV30 boards aplenty, but ATI also intends to carry on the graphics wars in 2003 by previewing its next step chip technology. CeBIT, known to hacks from Europe as SnoBIT because of the often prevailing cool conditions, and held in Hannover, runs from the 12th to the 19th of March next year. Although last year's show was poorly attended compared to previous years, many technology companies still see the show as a worldwide launch pad for their technology. For example, AMD is widely expected to have a number of exhibits of its chip technology at the show – it's already booked spots in Hall One and Hall 22 at the massive show. Nvidia will be showing off its latest wares in Hall Six, according to the CeBIT web site. µ[/quote:0a9b6b3f42] Beetje laat van nVidia om dan pas met een passend antwoord te komen op de Radeon 9500 pro en non-pro. [url=]Bron[/url]
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