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GTA: San Andreas

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[quote:50b31b4d75="turbo-pascal"]Ze verzinnen vast wel wat. Of je moet met het vleigtuig naar volgende level, en daarvoor moet je geld hebben. Geld moet je verdienen, en dan moeten ze er alleen geen moneycheat in maken lol. Gewoon een wegblokkade. Zo kan je genoeg verzinnen hoor :D[/quote:50b31b4d75] Of dat je een bepaald passport nodig hebt voor de volgende stad via het vliegtuig ofzo :P -- Die top view was inderdaad erg stijlvol, en zeker als je een mindere kaart hebt kan het soms wel even handig zijn ^_^
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[quote:f682a02e53]Ja, lekker old skool ! Moeten ze ook meteen die Hari Krishna's weer terugzetten, was heb ik me daar om moeten bescheuren de eerste keren. GOURANGA ! ! ![/quote:f682a02e53] Idd, heerlijk was dat. :) [quote:f682a02e53]Dat is nog niet eens een gekke gedachte, je komt namelijk toch net uit de gevangenis? Dan mag je toch nooit de staat/stad uit?[/quote:f682a02e53] Hmm, in Vice City kwam Tommy Vercetti toch ook net uit de bak? Weet niet zeker hoor, maar volgens mij wel....
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[quote:bb34e7f8fa="oMni"][quote:bb34e7f8fa]Ja, lekker old skool ! Moeten ze ook meteen die Hari Krishna's weer terugzetten, was heb ik me daar om moeten bescheuren de eerste keren. GOURANGA ! ! ![/quote:bb34e7f8fa] Idd, heerlijk was dat. :) [quote:bb34e7f8fa]Dat is nog niet eens een gekke gedachte, je komt namelijk toch net uit de gevangenis? Dan mag je toch nooit de staat/stad uit?[/quote:bb34e7f8fa] Hmm, in Vice City kwam Tommy Vercetti toch ook net uit de bak? Weet niet zeker hoor, maar volgens mij wel....[/quote:bb34e7f8fa] Klopt, en hij had een of andere drugsdeal verknalt, waardoor je het geld weer trug verdienen moetst.
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idd. als al die drugdeals, moorden, verkeersovertredingen en mishandelingen werden aangerekend, deed hij nou 6 x levenslang of de stoel... 8) Maar on-topic: Hoe is de besturing van GTA op de playstation? Ik heb nl al een PS2 maar nog nooit GTA hierop gespeeld, altijd op PC. Is het erg wennen? Ik heb wel ooit "Red Faction" (??geloof ik FPS) proberen te spelen op de PS2 maar dat was zwaar minder...
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[quote:6b29e8c877="oMni"]Red Faction is een FPS ja. ;) FPS games zijn ook gigantisch af te raden op consoles hoor... Daarvoor moet je echt naar de PC, wil je ze een beetje lekker kunnen spelen. Hoe GTA speelt zou ik eigenlijk niet weten, ben geen PS2-bezitter, maar zal ongetwijfeld beter gaan dan met Red Faction destijds. =P[/quote:6b29e8c877] Je hebt in GTA 3 & VC een 'lock'-functie waardoor je automatisch kunt richten op vijanden. Als je daarbij telt dat je daarnaast meestal je auto of motor kunt gebruiken om het tuig omver te rijden valt het nadeel van de controller vs muis+toetsenbord best mee. Het schijnt dat de besturing in SA nog een stuk beter/makkelijker gaat worden. Het is in ieder geval in de voorgaande delen nooit zo beroerd als bij Driv3r het geval was.
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[quote:34428ebad0]Je hebt in GTA 3 & VC een 'lock'-functie waardoor je automatisch kunt richten op vijanden. Als je daarbij telt dat je daarnaast meestal je auto of motor kunt gebruiken om het tuig omver te rijden valt het nadeel van de controller vs muis+toetsenbord best mee. Het schijnt dat de besturing in SA nog een stuk beter/makkelijker gaat worden. Het is in ieder geval in de voorgaande delen nooit zo beroerd als bij Driv3r het geval was.[/quote:34428ebad0]Yep, dat klopt. Het auto-target systeem is nu verfijnt. Wanneer je door de targets heen scrolde kwam het vaker dan eens voor dat eerst door politie en voorbijgangers moest scrollen voordat je bij je eigenlijke target uitkwam. Hier hebben ze nu een prioriteit ingebouwd. Je tegenstander wordt eerder gelockt dan bijv. een politieagent. Bron: EGM
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Deze features zijn op dit moment allemaal bekend: [color=red:1de03988fe][size=9:1de03988fe]General Information The new Grand Theft Auto game will be known as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The new GTA game will be Sony PlayStation2 Exclusive. The Official Game Description from Rockstar Games: Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas... a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers. Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster. On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets. The game will be based around "Recent Films" relating to the Californian gangster theme. The GTA style innuendo's will return, bigger and better than before. The game will use a Dual-Layer DVD because Rockstar have already filled up a full DVD disk! The Game Boxart will look like this. The game should take the average player no less than 150 hours to complete. Release Dates USA and Surrounding NTSC Areas: October 19th, 2004 UK and Europe: October 22nd, 2004 Australia: October 28th, 2004 Click Here For More Info Characters Carl Johnson - The main character and the gangster who the player will control. Sweet Johnson - Carl's brother and part of the Orange Grove Families Gang. Brian Johnson - Carl's 10 year old brother who was killed in a tragic car accident. Some people blame Carl for his death. Kendl Johnson - Carl's sister. Not much is known about her as of yet but she is always arguing with Sweet. Smoke - A family friend of the Johnson's who also takes his place in the Orange Grove Families Gang. Ryder - Another friend of Carl and member of the Orange Grove Families Gang. Old Reece - Carl's Barber. The guy who will be in charge of giving you all of your wacky hair styles. Eddie Pulaski - One of the corrupt cops who frame Carl for homicide and make his life difficult. Frank Tenpenny - The other corrupt cop who is always getting on Carl's back. Cesar - A mysterious Latino character armed with a .45 and a body full of tattoos. LSPD - The guys who'll be constantly on your tail when you break the law in Los Santos. Mysterious Cabin Woman - A girl from a previous GTA re-appears as Carl's Accomplice... We predict Catalina. Gangs Orange Grove Families - Carl Johnson's gang who the player will move with throughout the game. The Ballas - A rival gang of the Orange Grove Families. The Flats - Another rival gang The City / Map The state of San Andreas is made up of the cities; Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas. The three cities from above will be named Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas in the game. Each city is the same size as Vice City. The entire game will be about Four to Six times bigger than Vice City. San Fierro will contain hills and will be more driving based. You can drive from Los Santos, through the countryside, up a mountain and into San Fierro, then onto Las Venturas. Driving through the desert will be vibrant and alive with weird things to see. There will be tumble-weed in the desert. The game will contain photographs and digital images as textures. There will be Lakes, a Mountain, Farms and Fields plus more in the countryside. The map is so big players will get lost frequently. There will be 12 small towns throughout the game, alongside the 3 cities. The names of these town include: Dillamore, Angel Pine, Flint County, Fern Ridge, Red County, Whetstone, and Shady Creeks. Buildings / Places There will be a lot more buildings with open interiors. The only loading times in the game will be a short pause when you enter buildings! There will be places in GTA San Andreas called the following; Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas, Well Stacked Pizza, Tuff Nut Donuts, St. Brutus Motel, Reece's Hair Facial Studio, Mount Chiliad, Angel Pine, Dillamore, Vinewood, Gasso Gas Station, Pay N' Spray, Mt. Chiliad, Flint County, Fern Ridge, Red County, Whetstone, Shady Creeks, Burger Shot, Cluckin' Bell, Orange Grove is the name of the area where Carl and his gang will live. The Mountain, Mt. Chiliad, Is the biggest single object in the game. There are tunnels and lots of foliage on the mountain. There is a Liquor Store, Bakers, Single Screen Cinema and a Trailer Park in Angel Pine. Dillamore contains a Gas Station. Each city will have it's own airport with a Dodo which can be flown. Graphics The graphics engine has been tweaked. Smog will be present in Los Santos, and real-time reflections on cars, windows, and mirrors, as well as new techniques like radial lighting, which allows for more realistic shadowing, and soft-shadow lighting for interior levels will be present. Everything in the game now has independent models for day and night to give better lighting and shadowing. Shadows can be used to hide yourself, to help pick off unsuspecting enemies. Real sunlight is simulated, and shadows are placed where they would really be. There are different sets of lighting for day and night which helps create a more realistic feel. Weather effects have been added to. There are various things to do and places to see in the countryside, such as farms which keeps the game feeling alive. Vehicles will accumulate dirt and rust as you play through the game. The HUD will be similar to that of GTA3 and Vice City. There will not be as many 'pop-up' items while the player is moving throughout the game. Trees will be rendered as a group from distance, but rendered separately as the player gets closer. This allows a much bigger draw distance. The Draw Distance in the countryside is 4 times better than that in Vice City. You will start to see clouds when you reach a certain altitude on Mt. Chiliad. The foliage in the countryside is only drawn when the player can see it which keeps the game feeling vibrant and alive, but also maintains a steady framerate. Game Play The game will have rag-doll physics, or “Impact Animation” in Rockstars words. In the Las Venturas city, you will be able to buy and build a casino and then run it you can then gamble your money in the casino. You need to eat to retain your stamina. If you eat too much fast food, you become fat and pedestrians mock you for being fat. You also run slower and vehicles move slower. Beating certain missions is almost impossible unless you're in the right physical shape. To remedy this, you can go to a gym to exercise. You can now rob homes. The robberies will require skill and planning, however. You can recruit gang members and use them to do four person drive-by’s. Being a Gang Member only makes up about 15% of the total game. Carl Johnson can visit Old Reece (The Barber) and get his hair cut into numerous different styles which the player can decide. Pedestrians and characters will make remarks on your hair, depending if it looks cool or un-cool. Carl and the Orange Grove Families can take over areas and generate money from them. This is just one of the many things which can add to the replay value even after the game has been 'completed'. Swimming is now a part of the game, if you drive a vehicle into the water, you have two choices, climb out of the window and swim to shore, or stay in the car and sink, where you will have a certain amount of underwater stamina. Swimming will also be involved in some missions. There are parts of the game where you will work as a gang, and parts where you will work alone. The game is now very non-linear, and depending what choices are made, it will be rare for 2 players to have the same type of game. The missions will be the same, but so much can change depending on choices you make. There will be In-Breds and Degenerates in the Countryside and some missions will reflect the contrast between the towny and the country people. Characters have more bones which results in numerous different facial expressions. There are now many more ways to complete missions. You could run straight in shooting, or sneak through the shadows and pick off the enemies one by one. When the player only has one wanted star, hiding in the shadows should be enough to throw police off your trail. The player must tap the X button on the bike in order to pedal faster. The camera will automatically zoom behind the player at the touch of a button and the player then has the ability to freely target using the analogue stick. The auto-target will still be a part of the game though. The game will take at least three times longer to complete than Vice City. The longer the player holds down the R1 button, the more chance there is of getting a headshot on an enemy. Unlike previous GTA Games, the players stats actually change the way 'their Carl' will behave. If a player drives around on a bike a lot, they will be a good bike driver in the game, but won't be as good at driving a car. The player may have the possibility to change clothes or get tattoos in the game. Three confirmed hairstyles include "dripping Jheri curls, a fashionable Afro and a towering flattop." Instead of making us guess when we should eat, R* has implemented a message to appear onscreen whenever CJ is hungry. If you don't eat or eat too much, not only do your abilities and appearance suffer, but your clothes won't fit anymore either. Each food item has a specific caloric value which you must monitor because they affect how CJ's energy and fat levels increase. If you eat too much at one time CJ will throw up. You can adjust the camera angle with the right analog stick. CJ can operate tow trucks. Carjacking animations have improved. Rather than pulling the driver out of the vehicle, CJ opens the door, wacks him in the face, and throws him onto the road. The number of recorded stats has increased. There will be a stat for just about everything you do; driving motorcycles, driving cars, swimming, running, sprinting and so on. Much like hairstyles, tattoos will be available to customize the look of CJ. Depending on where you are in San Andreas, the style of tattoos will change. When using a gun, the right analog stick lets you aim with any and all ranged weapons. You no longer have to stay in a fixed position while aiming. You can aim with the R-Stick while running and strafing with the Left analog stick. You can look in any direction, even when you're driving. Cars get dirty (even rust), and in turn you can now take em' through the car wash. Gangs now sport their own "social" clique. Have a good enough relationship inside the gang and they'll always be watching your back. Carjacking has gotten a whole lot tougher. No longer will civilians just give up their wheels to a wandering thug. In response to this, CJ has a variety of ways to persuade drivers into surrendering their vehicle. The most interesting method so far? Smashing the guy's head off of the dashboard. It seems to work quite well. Missions will be more open-ended then in Vice or GTA3, blurring the lines between when you're on a mission and when you're not. Stats have a whole lot more meaning now. The more you shoot, the more accurate you become. The more you find yourself behind the wheel of a car, the more skilled you become at driving, and so on. In addition to building up strength at the gym, you can also learn new fighting techniques (think True Crime). Depending on where you are in SA, the fighting techniques you learn will vary. The Police chopper searchlight now serves a much more important purpose. When shining down on you, you'll find that the searchlight impaires your ability to see clearly, making it harder to drive and shoot. Weapons Your character can Dual Wield pistols, sub machine guns and potentially other weapons. The choice of weapons will match the weapons of the early 90's. So far we have seen: Colt. 45, Ingram Mac 10, Uzi 9mm, Stubby Shotgun, Chrome Shotgun, M-16 Assault Rifle, AK-47. You will have an accuracy meter at the top left of the screen, and the more enemies you hit, the better your accuracy will become. The crosshairs which are aimed at people will change colour depending on how much health the enemy has. Green will symbolise almost full health, yellow represents half health, and red shows the character is almost dead. Vehicles There will be 90’s versions of some GTA3 / VC cars. Some new vehicles confirmed for San Andreas are: BMX Bicycle, Mountain Bike, Police Motorbike, Monster Truck, Combine Harvester, Gas Tanker, 4 x 4 Jeep, Quad Bike. Some vehicles are made specifically for the countryside, while others are for the streets of the city. It is possible to attach and detach the trailer on the back of large trucks. The Monster Truck does not have a hand brake, but rather the ability to switch to 4x4 steering mode, which gives the vehicle an extremely small turning circle which is great for navigating through the trees in the country side. Players will have to be very careful when driving the Gas Tanker as it will Jack-Knife very easily. Artificial Intelligence Enemy / pedestrian AI will be greatly revamped and they will think more logically. You can't beat someone to death in broad daylight and not have people notice and react. Your enemies will be smarter, which will make robbing houses take a lot of skill. Each pedestrian has his own actions and animations based on where they live, and where they are at in the city or the country. You might see two pedestrians walking down the street, holding hands. They will react it you walk between them, then hold hands again. Pedestrians have around an hour of dialogue each, as opposed to Vice City's 10 minutes. Peds have an independent existence in the game. You can follow them as they go through their daily routine (e.g.: leaving their house, going to work, going to the store, meeting someone). Gang member A.I. is very advanced now. Gang members no longer stand around doing nothing during their downtime; they'll be chilling out with each other, smoking, drinking, greeting each other, and throwing gang signs. They'll even have conversations, too. Gang members also have different tactics to get you out of their territory. They may come at you at full force, or sit silently back waiting for you to get close and ambush you with a surprise attack. Music There will be a rap station, but there will be a variety of other stations as always. There will be three times the amount of licensed music than in Vice City. Every radio station will play different tracks. [/size:1de03988fe][/color:1de03988fe] En hier nog een redelijk lange lijst met screenshots:
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[quote:1e62aa2f35] Peds have an independent existence in the game. ... [/quote:1e62aa2f35] dat lijkt me nog het beste nieuws ... geen gespook meer of in ieder geval niet meer zo overdreven veel. :) Als het idd 3x de grootte van VC is dan is die speeltijd beslist een aardige indicatie. Eigenlijk ben ik benieuwd of ze het save-mechanisme hebben aangepast. Het lijkt me namelijk nogal lullig als je midden in de woestijn zit en niet eens kunt saven. Dat maakt met name de reis tussen de steden nogal tricky ... maar aan de andere kant is dat misschien net genoeg om de speler ervan te overtuigen dat ie binnen z'n eigen stad moet blijven ?
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[quote:3d0f2a2844="JaFO"][quote:3d0f2a2844] Peds have an independent existence in the game. ... [/quote:3d0f2a2844] dat lijkt me nog het beste nieuws ... geen gespook meer of in ieder geval niet meer zo overdreven veel. :) Als het idd 3x de grootte van VC is dan is die speeltijd beslist een aardige indicatie. Eigenlijk ben ik benieuwd of ze het save-mechanisme hebben aangepast. Het lijkt me namelijk nogal lullig als je midden in de woestijn zit en niet eens kunt saven. Dat maakt met name de reis tussen de steden nogal tricky ... maar aan de andere kant is dat misschien net genoeg om de speler ervan te overtuigen dat ie binnen z'n eigen stad moet blijven ?[/quote:3d0f2a2844] Meen dat GTA SA 6x zo groot is als VC, niet 3x. :) En dat saven... Ach ja, met sdh eens; vinden ze vast wel wat op. [b:3d0f2a2844]Edit:[/b:3d0f2a2844] Ah, kijk maar in die features-list hierboven: [i:3d0f2a2844]- The entire game will be about Four to Six times bigger than Vice City.[/i:3d0f2a2844]
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Weet je eigenlijk wel hoe groot dat is?? :o :o 4-6x dan duurt het nog wel ff tot ik daar de buurt een btje uit mn hoofd ken... had ik met Vice-City en GTA3 zelfs al wat moeite mee, maar nu weet ik psies waar alles staat. vooral in Vice-City. :P Ik hoop dat elke stad ongeveer net zo groot als vice city gaat worden, want dan hou je nog lekker veel platteland en bos over... 8)
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