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[UT] Airfight Beta 3 is er ...

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Het is een drukke week voor mods voor UT (nieuwe beta's van Jailbreak & ChaosUT worden ook binnenkort gereleased). // Site : Wat is het ? :eh: een simpele arcade-achtige flightsim voor UT [quote:32a31c6b13][i:32a31c6b13](van de site) :[/i:32a31c6b13] = Better network code = Improved vehicle models = Revamped HUD, added HUD elements for targeting, compass heading, altitude, speed, pitch/roll ladder = Weapons under the wings = Missiles have been improved = Threat warning = Guns are no longer instant hit weapons = Planes are faster now and have afterburners (given enough room, mach 1.0 is possible) = Planes can be manually rolled = Countermeasures: chaff and flares for aircraft, smoke grenades for ground vehicles Helicopters and ground vehicles are now available = Two internal views: cockpit view, targeting view = Three external views: chase view, target view, teammate view = Cockpit view and chase view can be modified for planes, for redeemer like control, through the alternate control key. Helicopter turrets separately controllable and choppers can be made to hover, through the alternate control key. = Throttle controls have been revamped: both a throttle setting and temporary accelerate/decelerate keys are available. = Cockpits have working displays = Gear animations = New air to ground ordnance: Laser/TV guided weapons = F15 carries LANTIRN laser designator = F14 wings' variable geometry (handled automatically) = Better smoke when aircraft crash = Burning vehicle wreckages = Scale has been set to 1/10th the scale of regular UT, vehicles have been resized to scale = New AirFight specific options when hosting a game = AirFightUT is now started through its own launcher/shortcut = New menus - for key setup etc. = AirFightUT maps no longer show up in regular UT (map prefix has been changed) = AirFightUT game types are no longer available in regular UT - this prevents the empty map list issue = Fast server browsing = New and improved maps! [/quote:32a31c6b13] Download : [img:32a31c6b13][/img:32a31c6b13] [img:32a31c6b13][/img:32a31c6b13]
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