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[UT] Defence Alliance Beta 1 is er ...

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Link : grootte : 41Mb download / +/- 70-80 Mb ruimte nodig voor de mod zelf. [quote:4184beabc9][i:4184beabc9](van de [url=]site[/url] )[/i:4184beabc9] "In Defence Alliance (DA) you and your teammates will defend your fort from a horde of humans. You will have some minutes to prepare your machine guns and get into positions. After that the attack begins. Your mission? Simply, keep them out of your fort for about 20 min. You really need to save your ammo and teamplay is required. The mechanic must be next to you to feed your gun with ammo or else you will lose time reloading it. There are going to be 6 classes, the Mechanic, the Medic and the Marine class which is seperated into 3 sub-classes." "Radio commands will help you and your teammates co-operating more effectively and protect your fort. The MOD is based near-future so do not expect any laser guns or such unrealistic weapons. As for the number of gameplays. We will first finish the current one (Protect your Fort) and then add more..." Well, what are you waiting for? Head over to the Downloads page and get DA and start fraggin'!!! Cya on the battle fields! Known Issues / Bugs It appears that the Server Tab to find DA Servers online does not work. This is already addressed by the team and will be included in the upcoming patch. Sorry for the inconvience. Several problems reported with console "conflicting" with mgun #2 key bind. Team is already working on it for a fix. Will be included on patch too. Temporary solution: Bring console and type 'placemg 2' to build mgun #2. When installation is finished and you have the item called "Launch Defence Alliance Beta 1" checked this will result to an error. Please re-execute launcher and it will work. Heavy lag reported. This has nothing to do with DA's NETCODE. This is due to the server connection or hardware. MAC Users, the launcher is coming up! For now a temporary solution is located here. [/quote:4184beabc9]
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:hmm: als modem/off-line gebruiker zou ik toch maar ff wachten met het downloaden van deze mod. Het is namelijk wel mogelijk om alleen tegen bots te spelen, maar er zijn nog geen bots voor je eigen team. Je zult het dus on-line moeten spelen om het geheel in het echt te zien. Probleem zal dan waarschijnlijk je verbinding worden, omdat er niet al te veel servers zijn. btw : 40+ Mb is tegenwoordig vrij klein voor een mod. 80-100 Mb is geen echte uitzondering voor de 'grote' mods.
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