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Ze worden steeds brutaler:\nDeze brief kreeg m\'n moeder, en aangezien zij toch wel eens per jaar naar de US gaat, schrok ze eerst toch wel even.\n\n\n[quote]----- Original Message ----- From: \"FBI FBI\" <[EMAIL=\"\"][/EMAIL]>\nSent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 1:49 AM\nSubject: OFFICIAL WARNING FROM THE FBI\n\n\n \n\n\nANTI-TERRORIST AND MONETORY CRIMES DIVISION\nFBI HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON, D.C.\nFederal Bureau Of Investigation.\n\n\nFBI-Washington Field Office\n601 4th Street, NW\nWashington, DC 20535\n\nPhone: 206-666-5137\n\n\nDATE: 06/22/2009\n\nATTENTION:\nFund Beneficiary.\n\n OFFICIAL WARNING FROM THE FBI FOREIGN\nREMITTANCE/TELEGRAPHIC DEPT.:\n\n\nIt has been discovered that your contract/inheritance/winning FUND was\nabout being transferred to an unknown account under\n\nyour name. This attempt was perpetrated by someone who claims to be\nworking for you, and that you have given him due\n\nauthority to have the FUND moved to the account specified below:\n\nSOUTHWESTERN FEDERAL CREDIT UNION\nWESCORP 924 OVERLAND COURT\nSAN DIMAS, CA 91772. USA.\nACCOUNT NUMBER: 322079133\nABA/ROUTING NUMBER: 1220-41-21-9\nSHARETYPE NO.: 25\nFINAL CREDIT HABIB FENZI AND CO. (Beneficiary).\n\n\nThe Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) waded in after being alerted\nby the supposed bank. We investigated and found\n\nthat there is a possible money laundering activity in play. The FUND\n(US$12,000,000.00) was found to be deposited in Bank of\n\nAmerica in your name pending your consent to have it transferred to the\nnew account indicated above. It was further revealed\n\nthat initial FUND transfer originated from Nigeria to England and now here\nin Bank of America in USA. These transfers did not\n\nfollow due process in line with the international FUND transfer rules and\nregulation.\n\nConsequently, we suspect this be a terrorism funding, drug related fund\ndeposit and/or money laundering. As stated above, the\n\nFUND has your name on it; and you must have it cleared of any connection\nwith any of these illegal activities. Be informed\n\nthat FAILURE to have this cleared out will attract a JAIL TERM. We will\nnot hesitate to visit the full weight of the law upon\n\nyou if you do not clear this fund. There is every indication that you are\ninvolved in this shady deal.\n\nFinally, you are expected to have the CLEARANCE DOCUMENT obtain from where\nthe FUND originated from to have you and your fund\n\ncleared. Only then shall we release your FUND as clean money devoid of any\nillegality, and you will be free of any\n\ninvolvement. To this end, you are to contact Mr. Spencer Lulu of the Anti\nGraft Department of Economic and Financial Crimes\n\nCommission (E.F.C.C.) Nigeria and have the DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY SEAL of\nTRANSFER (DIST) CLEARANCE DOCUMENT obtained. Contact\n\nhim through this direct email address: [EMAIL=\"\"][/EMAIL] ,\nNote that you have 72hrs to obtain this crucial\n\nDocumentation.\n\nThis has to be cleared!\n\nYou are warned!\n\n\nFaithfully Yours\n\n\nRobert S. Mueller 111\nFBI Director\nFederal Bureau Of Investigation.\nFBI-Washington Field Office\n601 4th Street, NW\nWashington, DC 20535\nE-MAIL : [EMAIL=\"\"][/EMAIL]\nPhone: 206-666-5137[/quote]
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