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Er is weer een nieuwe creature bekend: [url=]Mithral Golem[/url] [img:0360bb9f13][/img:0360bb9f13] Nieuwe screenshots: [img:0360bb9f13][/img:0360bb9f13] Meer screenshots [url=]Hier[/url] En de Feats pagina werkt nu ook: Ziet er allemaal erg leuk uit :)
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Er is weer een prestige class bekend: de [url=]Weapon Master[/url] [quote:f73114b00f]Abilities Weapon of Choice (Level 1): The weapon master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experiences. Ki Damage (Level 1): Once per day maximum damage can be dealt. Increased Multiplier (Level 5): The weapon of choice gains an additional 1x to its critical damage multiplier. (i.e., 2x becomes 3x, etc.) Superior Weapon Focus (Level 5):Superior Weapon Focus (Level 5) Ki Critical (Level 7): Add +2 to weapon of choice threat range Weapon Master - Epic Levels (level 21+) The weapon master's bond with his weapon of choice becomes stronger and devastatingly effective as he becomes the epic weapon master. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 2+ Int Modifier every level Bonus Feats: 1 bonus feat every three levels Superior Weapon Focus: For every five levels gained an additional +1 to attack is granted to the Weapon of Choice. Epic Weapon Master Bonus Feats List Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Overwhelming Critical, Superior Initiative.[/quote:f73114b00f] Erg leuk voor diegene die graag Fighter speelt en er alles wil uithalen. Hou de [url=]prestige classes pagina[/url] in de gaten voor meer nieuwe classes. Verder staan er ook weer nieuwe spells op de site:
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Er is weer een leuke nieuwe prestige class bekend gemaakt: [url=]Shifter[/url]. Lijkt me op zich ook wel een leuke class, je kan in allerlij gedaantes veranderen. [quote:57021d157d] Greater Wildshape I (Level 1): Change into a red, green, black, white or blue wyrmling Greater Wildshape II (Level 3): Change into a minotaur, a harpy or a gargoyle Greater Wildshape III (Level 5): Change into a manticore, a basilisk or a drider Humanoid Shape (Level 7): Change into a variety of humanoid forms Greater Wildshape IV (Level 10): Change into a medusa, huge dire tiger, or a mindflayer Several of these forms grant the shifter the ability to use the form's innate powers. For example, a shifter changing into a white wyrmling can breath a cone of cold as often as they want. These powers are located on the "spell" radial menu. Some of these powers can be used an infinite number of times per day, others are restricted. Shifter - Epic Levels (level 21+) The epic shifter is a true master of shapeshifting and is able to become virtually any creature imaginable by choosing epic bonus feats. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier every level Bonus Feats: 1 bonus feat every three levels Epic Shifter Bonus Feats List Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Construct Form, Dragon Form, Energy Resistance, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Improved Combat Casting, Great Wisdom, Outsider Shape, Undead Shape. [/quote:57021d157d] Totaal zullen er dus 6 nieuwe prestige classes zijn in HoU: [list:57021d157d][b:57021d157d]The Dwarven Defender Champion of Torm Weapon Master Red Dragon Disciple Shifter Pale Master[/b:57021d157d][/list:u:57021d157d] Bron: [url=]Chat log 24-09-2003[/url] Verder nog 2 nieuwe feats: [quote:57021d157d][b:57021d157d]Armor Skin[/b:57021d157d] Type of Feat: General Prerequisite: 21st level Specifics: The character gains a natural +2 bonus to armor class. Use: Automatic. [b:57021d157d]Epic Reputation[/b:57021d157d] Type of Feat: General Prerequisite: 21st level Specifics: The character gains a +4 to all Persuasion and Taunt checks. Use: Automatic.[/quote:57021d157d] Nu wil ik alleen graag nog de release datum weten :)
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[quote:c47dc0526b="Hu'uruun"]Interessante chatlogs van Bioware Chat: Nieuwe Familiar is een Eyeball (Beholder!!!??? O YEA :D)[/quote:c47dc0526b] Ik weet niet of je mijn posts ook leest maar die chatlog had ik een paar dagen terug ook al gepost. overigens wel een leuke Familiar :)
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Die had ik inderdaad nog niet gezien, dat is een "Mean MoFu" zo te zien. hier nog een plaatje van deze grote jongen: [img:dd478385ce][/img:dd478385ce] de specs zijn ook niet misselijk: [i:dd478385ce]Level: Construct 24 Hit Points: 172 Armour Class: 35[/i:dd478385ce] Maar die van de Mithral golem zijn nog erger: [i:dd478385ce]Level: Construct 36 Hit Points: 198 Armour Class: 39[/i:dd478385ce]
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The Demilich has arrived!!! *Verzinkt in nostalgie* Kangaxx the Demilich in Baldur's Gate 2, leuk gevecht :-)... *Zucht* Die tekst is er ook zo mooi bij :-D: Stats Level: Wizard 21 Hit Points: 184 ( :o ) Armour Class: 18 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 23, Wis 14, Cha 12 CR: 28 Alignment: Neutral Evil Special Abilities: Aura of Fear, Harm Self (Undead), Damage Resistances, Immunities Description I think we can all agree that no matter how powerful you are, how many magic items you have that can shoot death rays at your enemies, how many sheets of magically enhanced steel you wear, and how huge your holy sword is, when you see a floating skull with gems in its eyes, you know you're going to have to collect your spleen in tiny evidence bags at the end of the battle. [img:c29f8902bd][/img:c29f8902bd] En een preview erbij: Sorry voor het grote plaatje, maar dat moest gewoon even :-D. Impressive...
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Nieuw creature, niet zo sterk deze keer, maar de sfeertekst is weer grappig :-D: [url=]Azer[/url] [img:edc32ad2b6][/img:edc32ad2b6] Stats Level: Outsider 2 Hit Points: 11 Armour Class: 18 Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 CR: 2 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Special Abilities: Fire immunity Description A regular working day for the Azer involves getting up, brushing their teeth, fixing a pot of coffee and setting their head on fire. There is no denying the fact that, however mighty you think you are, the diminutive Azer walk around with their heads on fire. You can never be sure exactly what to expect from people who have managed to build a civilization and complex culture while their head is on fire. If my head was on fire I certainly would have trouble developing agriculture or inventing a flush toilet or other hallmarks of the civilized world. I would spend most of my day screaming 'holy cow my head is on fire' or 'I'm not going to discover penicillin today because, yet again, my head is on fire.' Or something like that.
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Tekst bij de Azur is inderdaad erg goed, :D Ik ben het meest onder de indruk van die "demi-lich" ik heb nu nog nachtmerries van Kangaxx the Demilich uit Baldur's Gate 2. Ik ben benieuwd of de DemiLich ook zo gevaarlijk is in NWN. Nog een nieuw monster las ik, de Harpy je kan hem zien via een van de fan site's: Check ook de feats lijst: die is ook weer uitgebreid zie ook deze 3 nieuwe feats:
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Jah, Kangaxx was inderdaad een geduchte tegenstander, totdat ToB kwam, helaas. 1x Dragon's Breath en hij was pijp uit (in z'n Demilich vorm). Ik heb het nog de 'hard way' gedaan met m'n solo Wild Mage: Spell Trap, Mordenkainen's Sword (5x) en ik weet niet meer hoe het heet, maar die vage discs die je kon gooien. Voor de rest de Staff of Magi en de Staff of Ram. Dat duurde wel even, zeker met zijn regeneration vermogen.
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Meer info over een van de nieuwe Prestige Classes: [img:df9a3d732d][/img:df9a3d732d] [url=]Champion of Torm[/url] Hier nog een nieuwe screenshots: [img:df9a3d732d][/img:df9a3d732d]
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