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No problem Mike, What is packet writing? There are three methods for writing data (or audio) to a CD using a CD recorder: Track-at-Once (TAO), Disc-at-Once (DAO) and Packet Writing. Track-at-Once is, by far, the most popular method today. Both Track-at-Once and Disc-at-Once use a table of contents mechanism to look up each chunk of data written to the disc. Use of a Table of Contents (TOC) requires that each session (or disc) must be closed at the end of a write, updating the table of contents which allows that session to be readable. Use of TAO and DAO methods also requires the creation of an ISO image before the disc may be written; converting the data from its form on your filesystem to a form that can be cleanly written to CD. Packet writing is a method quite different from TAO and DAO; it is designed for writing data to CD in small increments. Packet writing must be supported by hardware (not all CD writers support packet writing). The largest benefit in packet writing comes in its ease of use; packet writing enables the user to copy files to CD without mastering any images previously, allowing someone to copy files to CD without requiring significant technical knowledge. Combined with a CD-RW drive and CD-RW media, packet writing provides an extremely simple, versatile, and inexpensive method for performing regular backup of crucial data.
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