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-= Nieuwe generatie videokaarten topic deel 10 =-

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[quote:a092cd3fd9="DigitalWanderer"]I no longer believe the Inquirer's story that we're discussing in this thread, if that's what you're talking about. I got an interesting PM from someone who talked to some guy who spoke to a person from nVidia today who I don't want to mention and they said "no". [/quote:a092cd3fd9] De clown van b3d (oa), maar meestal wel redelijk goed geinformeerd.
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zelfde draad. [quote:3ec2b4f93c]All IMO and perhaps a bit speculative, but: A) The NV40 won't be capable of loopback (or at least, probably not, and if it's the case, only in very specific and rare cases) under 12x1 and 16x1 mode. That's similar to the NV31/NV34/NV36 "double-pumping" technology. B) Keep in mind the number of ROPs remain key. Under 8x MSAA, unless it has 128 ROPs, which is rather unlikely IMO , it won't be capable of 16x1 operation, and probably not even of 8x2 operation. More like 4x4. But that's also the case of the R3xx and R4xx: Dave's R300 MSAA thread revealed us a few months ago that under 4x MSAA, it was *practically* operating in 4x2 mode. C) Considering the two above points, if the R420 is 8x2, and the NV40 is 6x2/8x2/12x1/16x1, the NV40 would in fact currently have the least impressive spec, as it wouldn't have access to 16 texture lookup units non-stop, while the R420 does... Seriously, this pipeline crap is not only useless, it's also boring. Now, if we were talking about arithmetic performance and microarchitecture....... Uttar[/quote:3ec2b4f93c] Ach ja, word gewoon maar afwachten, word vanzelf allemaal bekend. Kunnen we beter niet een week of wat naar de Zon (zonder internet) ?
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[quote:06904e5c63="Red Dragon"]Precies, officiele specs en benchmarks, die speculatie's schieten niet op. Vrijdag over 3 weken zit ik in Hanover, CeBIT 2004, ik hoop dan wat plaatjes van de NV40 en R420 te kunnen schieten. Als ze info gaan leaken dan is het rond de CeBIT 2004 denk ik, dus nog een paar weken geduld[/quote:06904e5c63] ja waarschijnlijk wordt er al eea onthuld, happy hunting :)
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[quote:6522e3e952="DH"]IT'S NOW certain that if you want to see the R420 at CeBIT that you will have to sign a non disclosure agreement to enter an ATI secret and heavily guarded rooms. The INQUIRER won't see this, as we don't sign these baleful documents. And anyroadmap, what's the point of being a journalist but now being allowed to write about it? ATI told its partners that no one is going to get any R420/R423 cards because ATI wants to keep things very quiet before it's launched. Consider yourself lucky if you even see the RV380 PCI Express part at any ATI partner booth, but we guess that the Canadian firm will still have to give its partners something to show. The R420 card -- powered with GDDR 3 and not DDR 2 as we previously said, even though GDDR3 is the same memory just clocked higher than 1000MHz -- is going to be a rare bird at the upcoming trade show. ATI partners cannot be happy since they are spending serious money and still not getting any real stuff to show. The fastest that they will be able to show is still the R360, almost six months old and launched at the fag end of October 2003. If our own Paul Dutton is right that Nvidia has 16 real pipelines, ATI might well lose the crown and the market share it seized from Graphzilla. Let's wait and see how this riddle unfolds. Source : [url=]The Inquirer[/url] [/quote:6522e3e952]
Link naar reactie : Beyond3D over de PCI Express-bridge van nVidia Door Matthijs Abma - dinsdag 2 maart 2004 - 13:51 - Bron: Beyond3D - Submitter: T.T. - Views: 4.762 nVidia heeft nog geen GPU's die zelfstandig kunnen communiceren met een PCI Express-chipset. Om toch een serie PCI Express-kaarten op de markt te kunnen brengen heeft het bedrijf de HSI (High Speed Interconnect) PCI Express bridge chip geïntroduceerd. Deze chip zet het AGP-signaal dat van de GPU komt om naar een PCI Express-signaal. Het nadeel van deze chip is dat de PCI Express-bus niet optimaal gebruikt wordt. Bij PCI Express is het, in tegenstelling tot AGP, mogelijk om tegelijk data te versturen en te ontvangen. Om toch gebruik te maken van dit voordeel, communiceren de videochips van nVidia op AGP16x-snelheid met de HSI-chip. De heren van Beyond3D vragen zich echter af of dit genoeg is om alles uit de nieuwe standaard te halen. Om de mogelijkheden van PCI Express echt te kunnen benutten, zal nVidia binnenkort met GPU's komen die standaard met PCI Express werken, zodat de vertragende HSI-chip niet meer nodig is. Het ontwikkelen van zowel een PCI Express- als een AGP-videochip is echter te duur. Een signaal omzetten van PCI Express naar AGP is een stuk eenvoudiger dan andersom en nVidia's HSI-chip kan dit ook. Waarschijnlijk wordt de chip later dit jaar dus gebruikt om de PCI Express-videochips te implementeren op een AGP-kaart. ATi heeft op dit moment wel aparte AGP- en PCI Express-chips. Het bedrijf heeft echter al aangegeven dat in de toekomst ook alleen nog PCI Express-chips gemaakt gaan worden. Deze worden dan ook met behulp van een bridge chip op AGP-kaarten gebruikt.
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[b:52fe856405]Hercules stapt uit videokaarten markt na onenigheid met ATI[/b:52fe856405] [quote:52fe856405]Hot from Hercules: Hercules is no more in the videocard market. The official pressrelease is not out yet, but I just got of the phone and was allowed to publish this around 4 (16.00 GMT+1). They are also out of the LCD market. The word is that on the 3d market they got to little workspace to work with. ATI is not willing to let Hercules build products according to the Hercules way. [update 2] But on the LCD market, high level LCD panels manufacturers (such as Samsung with whom Hercules don't work anymore since last year and Hydis = Hyundai displays with whom we were working) are keeping there lcd panels for there own brand lcd monitors. Which is quite normal. So there isn't any restrictions from LCD manufacturers. The fact is that Hercules always targetted the high level consumer market with their monitors and as there are none high-level lcd panels anymore, Hercules could have bought mid- range or entry-level panels, but this wouldn't the answer the expectations of our core target. The Hercules videocards always differed from others, by special BIOS, clockspeed and/or ramspeed. As you may have noticed is that Hercules ATI based products were not really different from other brands. The reason behind it was ATI. [update 1] Hercules will still give full customer support as long as needed for their excisting customers. So if you have a Hercules board, no need to worry on warranty and other services.[/quote:52fe856405] Bron: [url=]Beyond3D[/url]
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[quote:0cc8471d1e="hjs"] 500/1000 snowboarding[/quote:0cc8471d1e] Lol, skateboard en snowboard, die gasten in canada hebben wel leuke codename's zeg, klinkt leuker dan "loki" die ze eerst hadden. Ik hoef geen skate of snowboard maar een board met PCI-Express ;)
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NVIDIA says it's the first graphics card maker out of the gate with Double Data Rate 3 memory. The new memory technology allows for lower power consumption and higher clock speeds. Add-in card partners working with memory manufacturer Samsung are preparing worldwide shipments of GeForce FX 5700 Ultra-based add-in cards with 128 MB of GDDR-3 graphics memory. The cards will be available worldwide in mid-March. More at Bron: Wordt een grafische kaart erg veel sneller van GDDR-3 geheugen of scheelt het maar een paar procentjes?
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