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Wanneer zakt nVidia door het ijs?

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[quote:376b93754b="Red Dragon"]GeForce FX 5950 Beter in Half-life 2? De benchmark is niet van anandtech zelf, hoe betrouwbaar het is weet ik dus niet, en over IQ word niet gesproken[/quote:376b93754b] wel dit [b:376b93754b]ATI was running in their DX9 codepath and the mixed mode codepath was used for NVIDIA[/b:376b93754b] dus ATI met alle DX9 goodies aan, en de FX in DX8 ;) Betrouwbare bron, zal wel iemand bij nVidia zelf zijn :roll:
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[quote:2d0bb47782="CorwinB"][b:2d0bb47782]For immediate release[/b:2d0bb47782] Nvidia Corporation is pleased to announce that his yet unannounced market-leading GPU, the GeForceFX5950 has won the coveted "Anand's Weblog top HL2 performer award" (well, it came as close second anyway). And to have an unannounced GPU running unannounced, uncertified and untested drivers win an unannounced benchmark done on an unpublished game by an unknown source and get said benchmarks published by an untesting guy with a weblog, it takes more than talent. It takes dollars. Our 145 786 544 654 657 105 154 116 573 877 564 657 464 216 546 151 232 446 458 customers can now rest assured that they will get with HL2 the same performance and image quality they have come to expect from our bleeding-edge, feature-full, industry-winning products. In fact, our performance in HL2 is so good that in a bold industry-first move, our new GeForceFX 5950 will ship with an URL pointing to HL2's source code so our customers will get a chance to look at the code of the nice shaders they could enjoy if our Detonator drivers didn't replace them. Nvidia is a global cheater in the communication age, and our goal is to deface every pixel on the planet.[/quote:2d0bb47782] :lol:
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[quote:c2bcc1bd25="hjs"][quote:c2bcc1bd25="CorwinB"][b:c2bcc1bd25]For immediate release[/b:c2bcc1bd25] Nvidia Corporation is pleased to announce that his yet unannounced market-leading GPU, the GeForceFX5950 has won the coveted "Anand's Weblog top HL2 performer award" (well, it came as close second anyway). And to have an unannounced GPU running unannounced, uncertified and untested drivers win an unannounced benchmark done on an unpublished game by an unknown source and get said benchmarks published by an untesting guy with a weblog, it takes more than talent. It takes dollars. Our 145 786 544 654 657 105 154 116 573 877 564 657 464 216 546 151 232 446 458 customers can now rest assured that they will get with HL2 the same performance and image quality they have come to expect from our bleeding-edge, feature-full, industry-winning products. In fact, our performance in HL2 is so good that in a bold industry-first move, our new GeForceFX 5950 will ship with an URL pointing to HL2's source code so our customers will get a chance to look at the code of the nice shaders they could enjoy if our Detonator drivers didn't replace them. Nvidia is a global cheater in the communication age, and our goal is to deface every pixel on the planet.[/quote:c2bcc1bd25] :lol:[/quote:c2bcc1bd25] :lol: :D Hahaha, het lijkt die Minister (Iraki??) wel weer ;)
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Kwam dit op GoT tegen, gaat lekker. :o [quote:48b60fd26f]Nvidia's NV38 (along with the rest of the FX series) has been dubbed as a substandard card by team dx. This means that DX will not include NV in it's developement range for directx10. Team DX made the decision "as a favor to the graphics industry". Team DX claims that NV violated their partnership agreement by changing the DX9 code with their latest set of drivers as caught by Xbit labs recently. This violates the licensing agreement and conpromises DX's quality in order to make it seem as if ATi and NV cards alike display the same image quality (which would be really bad in this case). This can only be fixed by reinstalling dx9b. So by all means, Do Not Download Detonator 50 Drivers!!! Along with this, NV has been caught cheating on benchmarks as they usually do over at Anandtech . Notice that all of the realworld benchmarks perform better on ATi, yet all synthetic benchmarks perform better by a large margin on NV hardware. "These violations are inexcusable" said a DX employee, and I'd have to agree. So without the inside drive on DX10, NV will not be able to even optimize their cards as ATi can and will probably fall into bankruptsy just as 3dfx did before them...[/quote:48b60fd26f] [url=]Link[/url]
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[quote:ce35d86f36="Slashhead"] Een interessant interview met David Kirk (nVidia)[/quote:ce35d86f36] Hoort deze draad bij ;) vanaf pagina 3 komt Brandon er ook bij (hij nam het interview af) [quote:ce35d86f36="CorwinB"][b:ce35d86f36]For immediate release [/b:ce35d86f36] It has come to our attention that some people are busy examinating the frank and honest answers provided by our chief scientist and worldclass 3D expert David Kirk. We frankly wish they would stop doing that, as here at Nvidia we strongly believe that what David Kirk says is exactly sounding like truth provided he says it fast enough. We also believe that the FiringSquad should not have released any written text from David Kirk's interview, as his speech is still currently in beta and should not be analysed by customers (but you can mention how fast he speaks, though). We don't know exactly what Brandon did with his questions, but it seems he did something to make our beloved chief scientist look bad. Our 456 654 651 654 132 746 874 654 657 613 216 546 540 customers all personally know and trust David Kirk, and all of them have offered him the hand of their first-born daughter as well as the key to their house, so that means something about how reliable and honest our bleeding-edge, worldwide known industry-leader and award-winning chief scientist is. In fact, Nvidia will soon release speaking pins of David Kirk saying "I personally think 24-bit is the wrong answer.". Due to some firmware problems, the pins are currently saying "I nally nk 2 it s e ong wer", but it's much faster this way, and future updates to the pins will restore the full sentence without affecting performance. We expect PeRformance enthusiasts all around the world to wear those pins as badges of honor. Nvidia is a global cheater in the communication age, and our goal is to "deface every pixel on the planet". [/quote:ce35d86f36] :lol:
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[quote:a39002eff3="Slashhead"]Heb je niks beters te doen dan draadjes quoten uit een ander forum :roll:[/quote:a39002eff3] Tja, kan er niks aan doen, ik heb beyond3d nu echt ontdekt :roll: Trouwens op nvnews gebeuren ook leuke dingen, zoals die draad waarin de review (deel 1) van Anand word aangevallen, en verdedigd door een medewerker\schrijver. (draad begint trouwens over Tom) Persoonlijk vind ik al dat commentaar op wat overal speelt erg intressant.
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  • 2 weken later... [quote:6d152da073] From a major news source, Microsoft is, with the assistance of nVidia, about to release a new version of the great and essencial DirectX 9. And it will be Direct X 9.1. What's so amazing about this? Well, this new DX will favour nVidia's CPU's, especially regarding the pixels shaders 2.0. When accompanied by a regular update, the expected performances would be with the height of the unconditionnal hopes of the californian company. The perfomances in DX9 (for example HL2) would then be similar to those of the competition in terms of quality and especially in terms of speed. And all in precision mode of 32 bit in the PS 2.0. Maybe a better management of the instructions of the PS 2.0 (improvement management of the streaming instructions ). To quantify, that could go to 60% of profit. A percentage that seems confusing and amazing but that we can't verify before it is released. All that we can say is if that is going to occur exactly as annouced, it will be an enormous relief for all the purchasers of GeForce FX. [/quote:6d152da073] Dat zou erg leuk zijn voor de FX eigenaren. Afwachten maar.
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Ik vind het maar vreemd hoor: Ik krijg meestal een maand later de PC Gamer (Uit Engeland) van een PC-Kennins. Ik kijk daar vaak in, leuke hardware tests maar nu las ik dit bij de revieuw van een R9600 Pro: "In al honestly, while we're hard pushed to give a clear winner for top-end card ( :wink: ), youre better off with a GeForce FX 5600 if ..." Zouden ze meschien gesponsord worden door nVidia? Na onthuts te zijn door dit bericht ging een verder bladeren kwam ik de reclame van de Alien Ware PC's tegen. (Voor de niet kenners van Alien Ware, ze maken hun PC's van de beste onderdelen en ook nog in de mafste kasten) Nu waren dit de stats van hun Area-51 EXTREME edition PC, De beste die ze hebben: - Pentium 4 3.2 - 320 GB RAID 0( 8) ) - [b:74c366a81b]nVidia GeForce FX 5900 Ultra[/b:74c366a81b] (!) - Audigy 2 - Nog wat rotzooi maar dan niet zo belangrijk Als zij die altijd een Radeon hebben gebruikt en nu een FX zal nVidia weer het omkoop pad hebben gekozen. Ik bedoel maar... als je alleen dit topic al leest! :roll: overigens waren al hun systeemen uitgerust met een FX behalve hun Laptop game systeem, die had nog wel een radeon.
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Ach ja, reviewers ;) [quote:91db397c2d] The panel then discussed Nvidia's comprehensive internal QA policy on optimizations, which states that the company refuses to optimize its drivers for specific benchmarks [/quote:91db397c2d] :lol: [quote:91db397c2d]Huang also made the interesting claim that although his company has recently experienced a loss of market share (Nvidia has traditionally sold the most graphics cards, from its entire product line, of any manufacturer), this loss was due not to competition from ATI, but rather, to competition from Intel's integrated graphics[/quote:91db397c2d] Nee, ATI zal heus niet meer verkocht worden ten koste van nVidia, waarom ook, de ATI is alleen maar sneller :lol: En nog wat over drivers ;)
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aan de ene kant vind ik nvidia echt zuigen maar aan de andere kant weer niet bijv: ik heb een geforce fx 5200 en ik kom thuis doe hem in me pc en wat blijkt?( kwam pas na 4 weken achter wat de probleem was per toeval dus de terug brengen kon niet meer) die kaart kan niet werken met mijn twinmoss 265 mb geheugen dus ik moest voor die video kaart mijn twinmoss eruit halen en een andere geheugen in doen in totaal kwijt €189,00 :( voor de zelfde geld kon ik een dik beter ati radeon 9600 pro kopen mja voor de rest is de nvidia kaart niet zo slecht.
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