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[img:dd834f9a60][/img:dd834f9a60] [quote:dd834f9a60]Xabre II SiS340 specs: * 80/85 millions transistors manufactured under the 0.13µ process * support for DirectX 9 and AGP8x (AGP 3.0) * 350MHz core clock speed and a 500MHz memory (DDR II) clock speed * 8 pipeline architecture and 16 texture units (2 per pipes); each of the pipelines will have a pixel shader unit. * 96 bits of precision in its pixel shaders (like the Radeon 9700!) (radeon 9800 Pro en GeForce FX 5800 hebben 128bits precision) * Frictionless Memory Control III technology bandwith usage optimizations : Hidden Surface Removal (HSR), color compression, Z Culling and other compression algorythms. [/quote:dd834f9a60] Meer info @ en [url=]Hier[/url] interesting: [i:dd834f9a60] Oh, and did we mention that one of SiS presentation slides showed that SiS goal for the Xabre II was to try to produce the most powerful graphic solution for the 1st semester of 2003 (besides NV35)?[/i:dd834f9a60]
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Offciele persrelease van S3 [url=]hier[/url] [i:3beeeb5dc0] The S3 Graphics DeltaChrome display core is the most efficient and sophisticated ever to be designed for the demanding PC market. The 8-pixel pipeline, each 128-bit, 3D engine boasts an amazing 2.4 Giga-pixels per second fill rate for a truly immersive 3D experience in 3D applications, while the programmable Pixel Shader 2.0+ and Vertex Shader 2.0+ implementation in hardware is above and beyond Microsoft DirectX 9.0 requirements. The ground-breaking Advanced Deferred Rendering™ technology dramatically increases the efficiency of the 3D engine for maximum performance beyond standard z-culling technology, and the programmable floating point render target and blending will set a new standard for accuracy and quality in 3D effects for a surreal gaming experience. Moreover, PicturePerfect™ full-screen anti-aliasing technology will reward the end user with an elegant realistic image for all connected displays. All DeltaChrome products include the industry's first integrated Hi-Def HDTV encoder for true high definition display devices up to an incredible 1080 progressive lines of resolution. Real computing and Internet content can be viewed in all its glory when an HDTV capable device is connected directly to the DeltaChrome family of products. Moreover, when combined with the new Chromotion programmable video engine, the result is picture perfect on your HDTV. The revolutionary Chromotion programmable video engine technology in DeltaChrome will allow flexibility and quality not previously achievable. Chromotion enables the processing of compressed and raw video streams as well as ingenious post processing for film-like video from any video source such as MPEG-2/4, webcasts and WMV8/9. Support for Microsoft VMR front-end processing for pixel adaptive de-interlacing, programmable video scaling and video compositing as well as traditional video overlay support ensures future-proof video for the end user. For the professional video graphic artist, Chromotion offers real time video filter effects for creative muscle. About the S3 Graphics DeltaChrome Desktop Series The S3 Graphics DeltaChrome desktop series can be summarized according to the three distinct market segments targeted: Performance, Mainstream and Value. DeltaChromeF1: Performance Series World's first 0.13 micron 8-pipeline GFX engine. Up to 256 MB of memory. DirectX 9.0 compatible. Native HDTV-out Chromotion Programmable Video Engine DeltaChromeS8: Mainstream Series A true 8-pipeline GFX engine. Up to 128 MB of memory. DirectX 9.0 compatible. Native HDTV-out Chromotion Programmable Video Engine DeltaChromeS4: Value Series The lowest cost DIRECTX 9.0 solution on the market. Up to 128 MB of memory. DirectX 9.0 compatible. Native HDTV-out Chromotion Programmable Video Engine [/i:3beeeb5dc0] Ziet er leuk uit. Als ik een beetje tussen de regels door lees van die persrelease mikt S3 toch meer op de mainstream markt in plaats van proberen de snelste videokaart neer te zetten.
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Wat ik van Slashhead begreep ook. Het word dus druk dit jaar op de mainstream DirectX 9 markt. dat is een goeie zaak.[i:e8eb90b58a] bring DirectX 9 to the people [/i:e8eb90b58a]:) na de zomer hebben we DirectX 9 onder de 150 Euro van: Sis Xabre II 341 S3 Delta Chrome S4 ATI Radeon 9600 GeForce FX 5200 goeie zaak :)
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Las net het CeBit 2003 verslag van Hilbert van Hijs was daar ook op visite bij nVidia en verteld het volgende over de nv35 [quote:b71ab682b2].....Last words I'm going to add regarding the NDA, the bigger part of my meeting was a demonstration of a future product (let's call it NV something). I can't talk about it, but I did see it running believe me when I say .. It's everything you expect, I was very impressed. Okay, have to shut up now. [/quote:b71ab682b2] Ben benieuwd of Slashhead dat ook gezien heeft @ Cebit 2003 :)
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[quote:5d572b3e29="micky.g"]weet niet of ie in deze topic past, maar ik wilde er geen aparte voor openen.... Erg leuk artikeltje en "boeiende" foto's op : zou nog wel eens een leuke werkplek zijn..... :wink:[/quote:5d572b3e29] Ohw.. maar dit kan prima in deze topic.. Leuke reportage. :) Ik had al eens een keer een filmpje gezien van nVidia. die kon je vorig jaar november downloaden van hun site. toen zag je ook hoe alles daar in zijn werk ging.
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Is dit het echte antwoord van nVidia, of is het een truuk om mensen van ATI af te houden?: Rumor: Bench mark of the super GeForce FX in the CeBIT Hinterzimmer Secret project NV35: In Nvidias Hinterzimmer on the CeBIT according to Insiderkreisen already an executable NV35-Grafikkarte one showed: It struck the present Top model GeForce FX 5800 Ultra around more than the double. Munich (daf/db) - as from informed circles became, already points Nvidia admits the successor of the GeForce FX 5800 Ultra (NV30) in action of the CeBIT to selected customer. The NV35-Chip runs already in the Hinterzimmer - however still in the prototype stage with reduced chip clock rate. Provisional specifications of the NV35: 130 million transistors (NV30: 125 millions.) Production process: 0.13 micrometers (like NV30) Memory interface: 256 bits (NV30: 128 bits) Chip clock: 500 MHz are planned (like NV30) Storing act: 500 MHz GDR i (effectively 1 GHz, NV30: 500 MHz GDR ii) First NV35-Benchmarks While running a quick benchmark in Quake3, 1600x1200, 4XAA and 8xAF it got 111 FPS, compared to a GeForce FX Ti5800 Ultra that got 48 FPS. However both chips were clocked at 250MHz because it was still a prototype, and they wanted to make an exact comparision to the NV30. So basically both were set to 250 in order to make a fair benchmark.. On both systems Windows XP pro SP1 and the Detonator version 42,74 (a classical "Performance" driver) ran. The NV35-Karte did not need extra cooling despite full storing act of 500 MHz for video RAM; the NV35 is to get along according to Nvidias specifications also in its later standard clocking without aufwaendiges refrigerator. CHIP on-line one means: The largest progress is naturally the duplication the memory bus width of 128 to 256 bits thereby alone a bench mark value in otherwise same clocking however hardly more than doubling itself there can, must into again which were added the 5 million transistors still further optimizations be. Or however: The NV30 had not activated all functions yet at all because of its heat problems. The fact that "secret" information penetrates like first performance data of the NV35 outward could be intended by Nvidia also - finally it does not harm at all, if on the world largest computer fair a few rumors circulates, the Nvidia again in the poles position in the 3D-Rennen sees...
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[quote:9c252f00b3="BA"]Volgens mij is dit echt een hoop geblabla... Je kanmij niet verkopen dat een NV35 die maar op 250 MHz Core draait dubbel zo snel is als een FX5800 ultra.... dan kan je wel en 256 bits membus hebben, maar dan red je dat nog steeds niet.[/quote:9c252f00b3] Ze draaiden beiden op 250 mhz, als de NV35 2 textureunits heeft kan het wel in Q3 (q3 heeft een multitexture layer) maar zolang het nog niet door onafhankelijke reviewers is getest neem ik het met een pak zout.
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Een pak zout is niet voldoende, doe mij maar een complete strooiwagen. never nooit dat de NV35 draait op 42,74 drivers. en als ze drivers hadden dan zouden ze die niet laten zien. Iedereen die op de CeBit 2003 de NV35 heeft gezien (waaronder Slashead volgens mij ook) hebben een NDA getekent. dit is gewoon bla bla bla. Ik wacht het af
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nog wat gossip van 3dchipset: [i:d4e9bff474]While running a quick benchmark in Quake3, 1600x1200, 4XAA and 8xAF it got 111 FPS, compared to a GeForce FX Ti5800 Ultra that got 48 FPS. However both chips were clocked at 250MHz because it was still a prototype, and they wanted to make an exact comparision to the NV30. So basically both were set to 250 in order to make a fair benchmark. There is mention that the NV35 WILL actually be a 500 MHz part. This would seem to clear up the GPU frequency question posed by Solomon. If this info is correct, the next issue of highend FX parts will definitely tear the 97/9800's a new one. Which will likely inspire ATI to release even faster solutions if they are able. All of this business is beginning to actually look like it will serve us well. Once both companies start leap frogging each other in the performance area we win by getting really fast toys to play with. This did not happen over the last 8 months or so due to (it would appear) ATI catching NVIDIA off guard with the 9700. Now that NV is getting back on top it things are definitely going to be more interesting.[/i:d4e9bff474] Verder heeft nVnews nog wat specs te melden: NV35: 256 Bit Memory Bus 500MHz DDR I (Effective 1000MHz) 500MHz GPU Low noise cooling solution (Different from NV30) Wat iedereen al dacht.... gewoon een turbocharged NV30 qua specs, hoewel er natuurlijk verbeteringen in de AA en AF algoritmen kunnen zitten, en over pipelines wordt niet gepraat. Maar ook dit is gossip natuurlijk :lol:
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