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-= Radeon topic deel 2 =-

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[quote:35c030085b] Op 13-02-2002 18:38, schreef GeForce Mike: [quote:35c030085b] Op 13-02-2002 13:51, schreef hjs: Daarom staat ie bij mij ook in de woonkamer (omdat we anders mijn zoon zo weinig zien) [/quote:35c030085b] ja ja.. volgens mij omdat ze anders jou zo weinig zien. geef je zoon maar weer de schuld :wink: [/quote:35c030085b] Nee joh :wink: We zitten er allemaal achter. Daarom. On-topic De Opengl high poly Bug schijnt ook opgelost te zijn in de volgende beta drivers. [url=]Link op Rage3d[/url]
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[url=]The RV 250 "almost official" numbers[/url]:[quote:6937beaca1]WE REPORTED a few weeks back ATI has some extra cards up its sleeves in the poker game it is playing with Nvidia which some have dubbed the Battle of the Titaniums. Now a few web sites have revelaed ATI will launch its new core code named RV250 at the German show SnoBIT in March, and according to people who saw the card it will Nvidia's Geforce 4 MX line a run for its money. Since cards are still being readied but nearly finished, we cannot be 100 per cent sure about the clocking details that we are about to disclose, but we learned that there are going to be two versions of RV250 cards. The first will be called the Radeon 8800 which may confuse many FireGL 8800 users. The Radeon 8800 will have 128MB high speed DDR memory that should work at 350 MHz or, so to say, 700 MHz in DDR. For this extreme memory speeds ATI needs 2.8 ns RAM used in the Geforce 4 4600 that is theoretically capable of running at 714 MHz. We have good reason to believe that ATI and its partners will use BGA memory packaging -- the same as it uses on the FireGL 8800 and Nvidia with its new old Geforce 4. The second card will be called the Radeon 8700 and will be the same as 8800 except it will have 64MB of memory and will be significantly cheaper. [Less expensive, Ed.] The core speed is likely to be 350 MHz on both cards. It is still unknown whether ATI if going to show R300 at CeBIT and we are still unsure when this card will make it to market.[/quote:6937beaca1]
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Ik erger mij eraan omdat er op het net ontzettend veel reviews staan zonder dat er een kaart bij gebruikt is. Toch denken ze dan te weten hoe het allemaal in elkaar zit. Men moet zich realiseren dat de GF4MX bedoeld is voor de mainstream market en niet voor de high-end gamer. In die zin voldoet de GF4MX net zo goed als de Radeon 7500 en biedt zelfs extra's, maar of alles nuttig is moet ik eerst nog onderzoeken. Wat de FSAA betreft moet ik nog nagaan of het wel bruikbaar is op het GF4MX ontwerp. En vind ik de term [b:9753d74af4]new old GF4 [/b:9753d74af4] getuigen van geen verstand van zaken hebben... Dus gewoon ordinair flamen. _________________ [url=]"[/url]No, no, I'm not playing, I'm testing... give me that controller back... muaaaaaaa....[url=]"[/url] [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: Slashhead op 2002-02-14 21:47 ]
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[quote:17b44acbeb] Op 15-02-2002 6:32, schreef hjs: Over drivers gesproken, ATi heeft er weer een paar gelanceerd. (zie Rage3d) [/quote:17b44acbeb] Helaas hebben die nog niet de nieuwe openGL ICD, deze zijn wel eens eerder via Winupdate verkrijgbaar geweest, alleen nu hebben ze de off status, na M$HWQL status. Ik moet echter zeggen dat ik helemaal geen last heb van die HighPolybug, alleen glexcess scene 6 draait dan wat langzaam, maar in de games is het allemaal toppie.
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[quote:0e4400168d] Op 15-02-2002 14:24, schreef SkinnerEd: [quote:0e4400168d] Op 15-02-2002 6:32, schreef hjs: Over drivers gesproken, ATi heeft er weer een paar gelanceerd. (zie Rage3d) [/quote:0e4400168d] Helaas hebben die nog niet de nieuwe openGL ICD, deze zijn wel eens eerder via Winupdate verkrijgbaar geweest, alleen nu hebben ze de off status, na M$HWQL status. Ik moet echter zeggen dat ik helemaal geen last heb van die HighPolybug, alleen glexcess scene 6 draait dan wat langzaam, maar in de games is het allemaal toppie. [/quote:0e4400168d] Mooi, ik had ook al begrepen dat het gewoon ouwe zooi was.
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[quote:7aad7da2d9] Op 14-02-2002 23:21, schreef Slashhead: [quote:7aad7da2d9] It is still unknown whether ATI if going to show R300 at CeBIT and we are still unsure when this card will make it to market.[/quote:7aad7da2d9] Ik hoop dat dit schatje dadelijk op de CeBit te bezichtigen (ontvreemden :grin: [/quote:7aad7da2d9] gelijk heb je. Ik heb al vast een boodscahppen lijst: * R300 * Radeon 8800 (RV250) * Radeon 8500XT 128mb * Asus GeForce 4 ti4600 * Leadtek GeForcve 4 ti 4600 * AMD "thoroughbred" 0,13 mircon AthlonXP * Intel "Norhtwood" Pentium 4 2,4 ghz met 533fsb * Via Kt333 mobo's * Pc2700 geheugen * DVD-brander beste tas vol dus iemand nog goede ideeen? :grin: :grin: :grin:
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leuk berichtje [quote:6e636add70]Today ATi is announcing that they are going to introduce two new Radeon 8500 products. The new Radeon flagship is going to be the Radeon 8500 with 128MB of memory! In addition, they are going to announce a "light" version of the Radeon 8500 known as Radeon 8500LE, which will also be 128MB. Benchmarks that ATi showed us were quite impressive and demonstrated that on games where adding an additional 64MB is important (Medal of Honor and Return to Castle Wolfenstein for example), made a very large difference in FPS. They are also moving fast on the driver front. They are incorporating 16X Anisotropic Filtering on their new drivers as well as new and improved SMOOTHVISION, which is ATi’s version of FSAA. As some of you may know, anisotropic filtering is an excellent way to improve texture quality. Many people use anisotropic filtering in conjunction with FSAA as a way to improve the "blurriness" that happens to textures when FSAA has "blended" them together to reduced the "jags". Some of V5 owners might be interested to know that the FSAA that you are using on the V5 was going to be replaced by 3dfx on Rampage or "Spectre" as we called it. The RGSS (Rotated Grid Super Sample) was to be replaced with a more detailed but lower quality AA and then would be buffered with anisotropic filtering to bring the quality back to up; with a reduced performance hit of course. It is good to see ATi moving toward anisotropic filtering. This is a very good way to increase image quality which is important to us since our sims typically have memory bandwidth and fillrate to burn. [b:6e636add70]The best news from ATi is that they are not increasing the prices for the new 128MB version of the Radeon 8500. These are the prices ATi told us would be in effect for the new Radeon’s:[/b:6e636add70] Radeon 8500 128MB Retail: $299 Radeon 8500LE 128MB Retail: $199 Radeon 7500 64MB Retail: $149 This is one very impressive lineup and one in which NVIDIA is going to have trouble keeping up with using the current Titanium line of cards. The fact that you can buy a 128MB Radeon 8500LE for under $200 is simply amazing . How this effects simulations is not certain. ATi promised to get samples out as soon as they could. When we can provide FPS scores on our simulations, I will get them to you as soon as possible. Perhaps the most soothing thought regarding this launch from ATi is that the driver issues that plagued the Radeon 8500/7500 at launch have been resolved. Newer drivers seem to be getting rave reviews around the net. Could this be the first time in many moons where we have a performance product from ATi "launching" ready to fight, with no handicaps and both barrels armed and firing? I guess it is time to let the numbers do the talking. If specs alone could "win the day", we might have a really good "out of the gate" dogfight on our hands! [b:6e636add70]Availability for the Radeon 8500 128MB line of cards is scheduled for the first week in March.[/b:6e636add70] [/quote:6e636add70] [url=]BRON[/url]
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