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Americas Army Anti-Cheating

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Eindelijk ... nadat er steeds meer geluiden kwamen m.b.t. cheaten ... nu goed nieuws: [quote:fad8831d0b] U.S. Army contracts PunkBuster developer April 04, 2003 07:12 AM - by Triston The U.S. Army announced today that it has contracted Even Balance, Inc. to integrate their PunkBuster Anti-Cheat software into the America's Army game. Even Balance, Inc. spearheads the effort to fight cheating in the online multiplayer gaming industry. The company's flagship product, PunkBuster, spawned the Anti-Cheat movement in online gaming several years ago and was the first system proven effective against cheating in online games. The Army is incorporating this technology into the game in order to make sure that all America's Army players are able to play on a fair, cheat-free playing field in order to have the best gaming experience possible. [/quote:fad8831d0b]
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[quote:20d21d6fa1="sdk"]PB zuigt, en zgn cheaters zijn gewoon goed[/quote:20d21d6fa1] Met clan wars dien je voordat je begint met beide teams tegenover elkaar te staan ... screenshot maken ... Deze wordt naar een admin v.d. server (ofzo) gestuurd... Het is nl. zo dat als je middels weet ik wat aan het cheaten bent, dat er een 'gloed' om je heen is ... en nee het is niet je aura ... ;)
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