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Galery in phpbb?

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[quote:cfb5b3dafe].5.1: Uploadable avatars If you wish to allow users to upload avatars (this is dependant on your hosting provider allowing it), you should ensure that the directories specified for storing avatars in General -> Configuration exist and have appropriate access rights (ie. for uploadable avatars the directory needs to be world writeable, a+w, 777, depending on your setup). Gallery based avatars are stored in subfolders off the directory specified in General -> Configuration. This allows you to group together common types of avatar. Do not store gallery avatars in the root directory listed in General -> Configuration; they won't appear! (for more information on avatar settings see section Avatar Settings) [/quote:cfb5b3dafe] ok zal het ff proberen(manual is wel erg onoverzichtelijk maar wel beter dan toen ik net phpbb had). Nu ik toch bezig ben over phpbb. Mijn cookie lijkt niet echt bewaard te blijven. Er staat iets over sll time maar heb sll niet aan staan.
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