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Sites tutorial of simpel script voor versturen mail? (flash)

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Ik heb zelf iets gevonden maar snap er echt niks van. In het begin kan je instellen waar je sendmail is. Na een kijke in de faq van de host is dat gewoon standaard. Vervolgens gaat het cgi script 10 jaar door. Maar nergens staat hoe ik het van buitenaf moet gebruiken. dit is hem in link [url][/url]
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[url=]Nieuw in Webprogrammeren & scripting? Lees dit eerst...[/url], punt 3. [edit] Vooruit dan, toch niet op slot. Neem voortaan eerst zelf de moeite om te gaan zoeken en plaats dan pas een nieuw topic. Niet andersom. [/edit] Bij dat script zit een ENORME [url=]readme[/url]. Lees die eens door zou ik zeggen.
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Ik heb net tutorial doorgelezen [url][/url] Ik snap nu beetje hoe het werkt maar zie geen mogelijkheid om iets op te slaan. Het enige wat voorkwam was een tekste invoeren die dan op de volgende pagina weer terug komt. maar dat kan met php ook. Ik wil het opslaan.
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Ik heb een goed en volgens site makkelijk script gevonden. [url][/url] Ik heb het geprobeerd aan te passen maar als ik start krijg ik een error. Ik heb alles geupload op: [url][/url] Dit is de code [code:1:2b6f596522] #!usr/local/bin/perl ## make sure the path to pearl is correct above. ## ########################################################################################## ## FILE: bizmail.cgi ## ## ## ## BizMailForm Version 1.5 ## ## © Copyright 2000-2003 Seth Michael Knorr ## ## ## ## ## ## Please contact me with any bugs found, or any bug fixes. ## ## ## ########################################################################################## ## ## ## There is no email support provided for this script, the only support can be ## ## found at our web site: ## ## ## ## ## ## ANY PERSON(S) MAY USE AND MODIFY THESE SCRIPT(S) FREE OF CHARGE FOR EITHER BUSINESS ## ## OR PERSONAL, HOWEVER AT ALL TIMES HEADERS AND COPYRIGHT MUST ALWAYS REMAIN IN TACT. ## ## ## ## REDISTRIBUTION FOR PROFIT IS PROHIBITED WITH OUT THE CONSENT OF SETH KNORR. ## ## ## ## By using this code you agree to indemnify Seth M. Knorr from any liability that ## ## might arise from its use. ## ## ## ## ## ## More business building system can be found at: ## ## ## ########################################################################################## ## ## ## PARTIAL NEW UPDATES to this script thanks to Pete Allington. ## ## Thanks to Pete you can now use SMTP to send the autoresponse and form data. ## ## As well as a couple of new security precautions. ## ## ## ########################################################################################## ## ## ## MIME copyright information below: ## ## ## ## Eryq (F<>).President, ZeeGee Software Inc. (F<>).## ## ## ########################################################################################## $delete_dups = "2"; # USHUALY, IT IS ONLY SET TO 1 FOR PEOPLE GENERATING LEADS ## ## NEW FUNCTION! For people generating leads! Using the $delete_dups variable you can ## ## specify if you want to delete all duplicate leads posted on the form and data sent ## ## to the data file. If $delete_dups is set to 1 all dups will be deleted. ## ## To leave duplicate posts set $delete_dups to 2. (DEFAULT - MOST COMMON CHOICE ## ## (A duplicate is determined by the email field.) ## $useLib = "sendmail"; ## $useLib defines the method of sending the email auto response and email form info. ## ## Set $useLib = "sendmail"; TO USE THE SENDMAIL METHOD ## Set $useLib = "smtp"; TO USE THE SMTP METHOD $mailprog = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; ## $mailprog Is the path to sendmail on your server ## $smtp = ""; ## Optional $smtp is your smtp server address ## ## example: ## ## You only configure this is not using sendmail ## ########################################################################################## ## ## ## Below you need to set the variables for the $sendto and $cc_to ## ## For privacy and security purposes BizMailForm, makes your form send to email ## ## address in the actual script. This prevents Spamers from using your script for ## ## illegal purposes. This also provides the script user with privacy, by preventing ## ## visitors to see your email address. ## ## ## ########################################################################################## ## The Below variable $cfg_email_onform if set to 1 alows you to specify the sendto and ## ## CC to email address's on your html form. If set to 2 you may only specify the sendto ## ## and CC To in bizmail.cgi, with the $sendto and $cc_to variables in the bizmail.cgi file ## $cfg_email_onform = "1"; $sendto = "the.dark.prince\"; ## $sendto is Where form submissions will be sent, (REMEMBER THE \ BEFORE THE @ SIGN) ## ## This is also the reply address used in the auto response to person filling out the ## ## form. $sendto is not used if you use the form field <input name="send_to" type=hidden> ## $cc_to = ""; ## $cc_to Is an optional field. If you want to carbon copy form information to a ## ## second email address, enter a value above. If you do not want to carbon copy the ## ## form submissions, leave the value blank. ## ## $cc_to is not used if you use the form field <input name="cc_to" type=hidden> ## $datafile="bizmail.dat"; ## $datafile is the file name of the data file that form data will get sent to. ## ## ONLY NESECARY TO CONFIGURE IF form name=datafile is not specified. ## $send_attachement = "2"; ## $send_attachement specifys if you want to send an attachment with the auto response. ## ## Set $send_attachement = "1"; to send attachment with autoresponse ## ## Set $send_attachement = "2"; to not send attachment with autoresponse ## ## IF USING A FILE ATTACHMENT YOU MUST CONFIGURE THE BELOW THREE VARIABLES ## $attachment_nm = "file.txt"; ## file name of attachement ## $att_path = "/path/to/$attachment_nm"; ## Path to file attachement## $att_format = ".txt"; ## File attachement extension, or file type (basicaly .exstension ) ## ########################################################################################## # # # THE BELOW VARIABLES ARE OPTIONAL AND BY DEFAULT ARE SET TO NOT USED # # # ########################################################################################## $setokurl = "0"; ## to use @okurls to verify the url the form is submited by set $setokurl to 1 and ## ## set $setokurl to 0 if you do not want to use @okurls to verfiy form submission URL ## @okurls = ("", "", "34.344.344.344"); ## THE FINAL TWO VARIABLES BELOW ARE ONLY USEFULL IF YOU USE ## ## <input name="send_to" type=text> and/or <input name="cc_to" type=text> ## ## fields in your submission form. ## $setokemails = "0"; ## to use @okemails to verify the emails the form is submited by set $setokemails to 1 ## ## and set $setokemails to 0 if you do not want to use @okemails. ## @okemails = ("mail\", "mail2\"); ---hieronder een stuk waar staat dat je niks meot veradneren-- [/code:1:2b6f596522]
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