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Windows 8.1 krijgt startknop terug.

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Windows 8.1 - de update voor Windows 8, welke over ca. één maand gereed zal zijn, brengt de startknop terug in Windows 8.... [quote:5da5ed45bf][b:5da5ed45bf][color=#0000FF:5da5ed45bf]We’ve improved the way you navigate to Start with the mouse by changing the Start “tip” to be the familiar Windows logo[/color:5da5ed45bf][/b:5da5ed45bf]. The new tip appears anytime you move the mouse to the bottom left corner of the screen, and is always visible on the taskbar when on the desktop. There are also options to change what the corners do, and options to boot into alternate screens. For example, if you prefer to see the Apps view versus all the tiles, you can choose to have the Start screen go directly to Apps view.[/quote:5da5ed45bf] Zie ook: [url][/url]
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