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-= Nieuwe generatie videokaarten topic deel 9 =-

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De [url=]Vorige topic[/url] is op slot, hierbij een nieuwe topic tbv de kaarten die we mogen gaan verwachten in de rest van 2003 cq begin 2004: [list:20b883b74c] [b:20b883b74c][*:20b883b74c]ATI - R400/R420 (Loki) , R500 [*:20b883b74c]Matrox - Parhelia 2 [*:20b883b74c]NVIDIA - NV36 (FX5700), NV38 (FX 5950), NV40, NV45 [*:20b883b74c]PowerVR - Series 5 ? ? [*:20b883b74c]XGI (Sis/Trident) - Volari V3, V5, V8, Duo V5 Ultra en Duo V8 Ultra [*:20b883b74c]S3 - Delta chrome S4, S4 Nitro, S8, S8 Nitro, F1, F1 Pole [/b:20b883b74c][/list:u:20b883b74c] LET OP: Deze topic is niet bedoeld voor de nieuwe Radeon 9600XT en Radeon 9800XT Deze 2 kaarten kunnen in het [url=]Radeon Topic[/url] besproken worden:
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[quote:aa877a7b1c="Uttar"][quote:aa877a7b1c="DaveBaumann"][quote:aa877a7b1c="Uttar"]and I know that ATI canned the R400 after looking at the NV40 specs ( to be more accurate, they realized the R400 was way ahead technology-wise, and that with all the risks of not being on time for the R400, it was more reasonable to can it ( and rename it R500 ), using a R3xx-based core, the R420, to compete with the NV40 ).[/quote:aa877a7b1c] Its more to do with the slated release of DX10 (which still wasn't clear in early '03) and the fact that by March ATI were already well entrenched in development of the XBox2 part.[/quote:aa877a7b1c] True. But my point is they cancelled it after knowing they could compete anyway with a R420-like product. If the NV40 would have been capable of real miracles, it's doubtful they'd have acted that way. Which way they would have acted, though, we'll never know :P Uttar[/quote:aa877a7b1c]
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Zo zie je maar wat concurrentie teweeg brengt ;) Roadmap van Asus. [img:8823f1ba1e][/img:8823f1ba1e] The Hungarian site HardwareOC published a roadmap ASUS resulting from a presentation of its new graphics boards Radeon. This roadmap relating to the VPU of ATI shows that ASUS will adopt the next generation of VPU of ATI. This document confirms that R420 will be launched in the current of the first quarter 2004, that does not have anything a scoop. On the other hand, it is discovered that R420 will have an interface AGP, and not PCI-Express train. It will be followed (or accompanied?) of a VPU R423 which will use the famous interface PCI-Express train 16X to him. In medium of range, the RV380 will succeed Radeon 9600 XT (RV360). It is a VPU PCI-Express train which one supposes that it will take again the architecture of Radeon 9600 XT. It is strong to bet that following the example the this last it will be engraved with technology 0.13u TSMC associated with dielectric Low-K. The launching of the RV380 is planned for the first quarter 2004, and it is also at that time which the day the RV370 intended will see to replace Radeon 9200 in entry of range. Like the RV380, the RV370 will support the PCI-Express train nativement. All the range of the VPU of ATI will be "DirectX 9". The RV370, if one follows the logic of the denominations of ATI, could be him also derived from architecture RV350, but, reduction of the production costs obliges, it would not be produced with a technology as advanced as that used for the RV380. (not of dielectric Low-K, nor of thermal sensor). Any door to believe that this RV370 will be produced by UMC with a smoothness of engraving of 0.13u, since it was recently learned that ATI will entrust a part of its production to this founder considered cheaper than TSMC (see this news)
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Er is trouwens een revieuw verschenen van de NV38 met de nieuwe detonator 52.14 (die wel goede kwaliteit zouden hebben) De R9800XT windt nog steeds maar dat is dan ook net aan. nVidia is volgens AnandTech wel op het goede pad door zijn aandacht te verleggen van het in-house ontwikkelde Cg naar het universele Microsoft HLSL. Dit is vooral voor de prestaties van nieuwe DirectX 9.0-titels belangrijk, omdat ontwikkelaars steeds minder bereid zijn om speciale shader code te schrijven voor nVidia-hardware. Toekomstige Detonators kunnen de programmeurs specifieke optimalisaties voor de NV3x-architectuur uit handen nemen, en als het nieuwe respect voor standaarden ook merkbaar is in toekomstige hardware (NV4x) dan maakt nVidia een goede kans om zijn verloren reputatie weer op te bouwen: Right now NVIDIA is at a disadvantage; ATI's hardware is much easier to code for and the performance on Microsoft's HLSL compiler clearly favors the R3x0 over the NV3x. NVIDIA has a long road ahead of them in order to improve their compilers to the point where game developers won't have to hand-code special NV3x codepaths, but for now ATI seems to have won the battle. Next year will be the year of DX9 titles, and it will be under the next generation of games that we will finally be able to crown a true DX9 winner. Until then, anyone's guess is fair game. ATI is still the recommendation, but NVIDIA is not a bad card to have by any stretch of the imagination. We still urge our readers not to buy a card until the game they want to play shows up on the street. For those of you who need a card now, we'll be doing a value card round up as part of this series as well
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Ik als op het nvnews forum dat [H] rustig de tijd neemt voor de review en niet een review de deur uit knalt omdat nVidia de NDA opheft. Eigenlijk wel een goede ontwikkeling. Liever een paar dagen later en rustig te tijd ervoor nemen dan als eerst op het net willen zijn met een review. [quote:980ddd8d81]d by Kyle 5:32 PM (CDT) NVIDIA Event: I have had more than a few of you email in and ask who is at NVIDIA this week seeing their dog and pony show about upcoming NVIDIA cards. I assume this was prompted by Anand's weblog post. Right now Derek is out visiting NVIDIA and a bunch of game developers. I don't have a list of who made the final cut yet but there were some big name developers that were supposed to be at the meeting (I saw it as a response to ATI's Valve/Shader Day). The fact of the matter is that no staff from HardOCP is at the NVIDIA offices for their event. I for one am growing a bit tired with some of the marketing techniques the video card companies employ and saw no reason for us to be there. After all the cheating scandals this year, drawing conclusions from what a timedemo tells us just is not good enough anymore, and it should not be for the consumer either. Besides we are busy with lots of GFFX 5950 and 5700Ulra work currently. When it comes right down to it, there is nothing that NVIDIA can do or say this week that will change the gaming experience that their cards deliver. We have the card, we have the driver, and we have the games. That is all we need.. If there is information that NVIDIA needs to share with us that is going to change the end users experience with their video cards or is going to directly impact the way we evaluate that experience, then they certainly know where to find us in order to let us know. We at HardOCP are all here working diligently, making sure we will have the best review we can write about the GFFX 5950 on Thursday morning. We are working diligently to remove the marketing from our reviews. We are working diligently to make sure our evaluations are reflective of real-world gameplay. This all takes a lot of time and we are hoping that our readers are truly benefited by the changes we are making and we hope that many others in our industry follow suit. Also, as a side note, our 5700Ultra review will not be published till Monday morning. We need more time to evaluate the gaming experience that it delivers and are not going to push out a review too quickly so that we simply make an NVIDIA assigned embargo date and have it “posted first” along with a myriad of others. Simply put, we would rather get it right, than have it first. And we are banking on our readers appreciating that and showing their support. [/quote:980ddd8d81] Goede ontwikkeling :D
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Ja goede ontwikkeling voor de Kwaliteit van de Reviews maar wij als consument willen wel zo snel mogelijk een review zien, ik heb dan liever 2 reviews, 1 op de release dag die oppervlakkig is en dan een week of wat later een wat uitgebreidere versie. We willen altijd allemaal zo snel mogelijk reviews en bechmarks zien tenslotte
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[quote:4e0e42fe88="CJ"] Digit Life was weer eens te vroeg met hun review. Na de Asus XT reviews, hadden ze vanmiddag ook de reviews van de FX5700 en de FX5950 online staan... ze zijn nu weer weg gehaald. Waar het op neer kwam is dat de FX5950 een goede kaart zou zijn als de prijs $100,- lager zou liggen dan de 9800XT. Verder lagen ze vrij dicht bij elkaar in de benchmarks behalve dan de games die zwaar op shaderperformance leunen. Over FX5700 waren ze beter spreken, veel beter zelfs. Het versloeg de 9600XT in bijna alle tests, en sommigen zelfs met een ruime marge, en dat voor $199,-. Overklokken lukte tot 500/1100 zonder problemen. Verder opvallend was dat de PCB layout identiek was aan de NV30, en daarmee lijkt het alsof de geruchten dat het gewoon een opgepoetste FX5800 zou zijn, maar dan gemaakt door IBM, dus de waarheid zou zijn. Al met al dus een hele interessante kaart. :) Op Nordic Hardware is de review inmiddels ook al verschenen. Eigenlijk was dit een review voor andere FX5900U kaarten en de CoolFX1800 (standaard overgeklokte FX5950U), maar aangezien ze geen NDA hadden getekend is de FX5950U er ook maar bij gegooid: Tests uitgevoerd op een XP 3200+ met Det 52.16 en Cat 3.8, en alleen met games. Quake 3, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 271.6 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- FX5950 Ultra: 249.5 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] - 9800XT: 196.4 ps Unreal Tournament 2003, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 62.6 fps - FX5950 Ultra: 54, 6 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- 9800XT: 76,3 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 64.7 fps - FX5950 Ultra: 61,2 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- 9800XT: 68,1 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] Mafia, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 38,4 fps - FX5950 Ultra: 35,9 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- 9800XT: 65,4 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] Comanche 4, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 50,6 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- FX5950 Ultra: 48,6 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] - 9800XT: 47,6 Counter-Strike, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 165,8 fps - FX5950 Ultra: 164,1 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- 9800XT: 164,8 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 64,7 fps - FX5950 Ultra: 58,4 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- 9800XT: 90,2 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] Tomb Raider, 1280x1024 - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 37,2 fps - FX5950 Ultra: 32,7 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- 9800XT: 54,2 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, 1280x1024, 4xAA/8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 54,5 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- FX5950 Ultra: 49,8 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] - 9800XT: 44,4 fps Halo: Combat Evolved, 1280x1024, 8xAF - FX5950 @ 550/1050: 31,9 fps - FX5950 Ultra: 29,4 fps [b:4e0e42fe88]- 9800XT: 31,9 fps[/b:4e0e42fe88] Op [u:4e0e42fe88]standaard kloksnelheden[/u:4e0e42fe88] is de uitslag als volgt: De FX5950 wint 3 tests. De 9800XT wint 7 tests.[/quote:4e0e42fe88]
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