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[quote:2ab88f8a3b="gerben"]DirectX 9.0b staat inmiddels ook bij microsoft online, ik zag hem in windows update staan. Zal dus toch wel een definitieve versie zijn, denk ik zo.[/quote:2ab88f8a3b] yeps. en als ik de link moet geloven al sinds 1-7-2003 [url=]DirectX 9.0b runtime (dxwebsetup.exe)[/url] [url=]DirectX 9.0b Redistributable - Multilingual[/url] nog geen nederlandse Webupdate (runtime) gevonden. ik zal een FAQ update doen van de week
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Belangrijke reden om DirectX 9.0b te instaleren: [quote:298f5527fe=" "]AMSTERDAM - Technologiereus Microsoft heeft opnieuw gewaarschuwd voor onvolkomenheden in z'n software. Eén van de lekken wordt door het bedrijf aangeduid als 'ernstig' en treft de meeste Windows-pc's.[/quote:298f5527fe] kijk ook op: [quote:298f5527fe="microsoft"][b:298f5527fe]Unchecked Buffer in DirectX Could Enable System Compromise (819696) Originally posted: July 23, 2003[/b:298f5527fe] Summary Who should read this bulletin: Customers using Microsoft® Windows® Impact of vulnerability: Allow an attacker to execute code on a user’s system [b:298f5527fe]Maximum Severity Rating: Critical [/b:298f5527fe] Recommendation: [color=red:298f5527fe]Customers should apply the security patch immediately [/color:298f5527fe] Affected Software: Microsoft DirectX® 5.2 on Windows 98 Microsoft DirectX 6.1 on Windows 98 SE Microsoft DirectX 7.0a on Windows Millennium Edition Microsoft DirectX 7.0 on Windows 2000 Microsoft DirectX 8.1 on Windows XP Microsoft DirectX 8.1 on Windows Server 2003 Microsoft DirectX 9.0a when installed on Windows Millennium Edition Microsoft DirectX 9.0a when installed on Windows 2000 Microsoft DirectX 9.0a when installed on Windows XP Microsoft DirectX 9.0a when installed on Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with either Windows Media Player 6.4 or Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 installed. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Terminal Server Edition with either Windows Media Player 6.4 or Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 installed. [/quote:298f5527fe] Er is [url=]een patch[/url] voor de oudere DirectX versie's maar DirectX 9.0b dekt het probleem ook: [quote:298f5527fe="Microsoft"]DirectX 9.0b has been released at the same time as this security bulletin and contains the security fix discussed in the security bulletin. DirectX 9.0b can be installed on all versions of Windows except Windows NT 4.0 and can be downloaded from the following location: [/quote:298f5527fe]
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