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-= Nieuwe generatie videokaarten topic deel 7 =-

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  • anoniem


[quote:bdc0f97f80="BA"]Als ze er verder niet veel aan doen als een 256 bits memcontroller op dat ding sleutelen.... dan kon het idd nog wel eens eerder zijn. Ik ben geen chipsetontwerpen, maar als ze de rest gewoon hetzelfde laten, dan lijkt het me niet zo'n probleem?[/quote:bdc0f97f80] Je moet ook de GPU wijzigen hoor als je van 128 naar een 256 bits breed datapad gaat, dus nog meer transistors en traces vanuit de GPU om het maar eens simpel te zeggen, er zal ongetwijfeld nog veel meer bij komen kijken ;)
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[quote:24e1999efc="Red Dragon"]Ach. die NV35 gossip geloof ik toch niet veel van. laat ze eerst die NV30 maar op de markt brengen. aan de andere kant kan die NV35 er nog wel eens eerder komen dan we verwachten[/quote:24e1999efc] Het is min of meer bevestigd door Anand:
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Ik zie het ja, echter hij zegt slechts: [quote:a9971eb821]Something you should take note of, look at the configuration in which the test was run (16x12, 4X AA, 8X AF); that should tell you a bit about NV35 already. You won't hear anything from NVIDIA until the chip is ready to go, they're keen on not making the same mistakes over again. I'm not too surprised this test info got leaked, I saw it a couple of months ago although I would expect tighter control from NVIDIA surrounding NV35 Take care, Anand [/quote:a9971eb821] Ik verwacht ook wel dat de NV35 een goeie kaart word. het blijft echter afwachten. Hier nog wat gossip: [quote:a9971eb821]Well, it's no surprise that the Inquirer is already gossiping about the next Nvidia card on the way. They are making 8 comments about it, do you want to guess which ones are wrong? [i:a9971eb821]0 It's already up and running in Nvidia's labs! 1 It wil use DDR - not DDR2 (!) memory because of the lower price of memory and PCB, more stability and availability in high volumes 2 It will have 256 bit 400 MHz (may be more for ultra) DDR1 memory interface. And there will be cards with 256 MB of memory, m'boys 3 It will have the same features set and probably near as damnit the same core clock. 4 It will be as twice, and and sometimes a bit more than that, faster in raw shader power for 1.4 and 2.0 pixel shaders whereas the NV30 was not such a strong performer as we wished - so this aspect is pretty tuned up, lads! 5 It shows from 1.5 up to 2.0 thimes performance of NV30 depending on the tasks and the final frequency specs. 6. It will be definitely faster than RADEON 9800 PRO 7. Other side specs like RAMDAC freq are the same as for NV30 [/i:a9971eb821] For myself, the ddr vs ddr2 struck me as odd, wait and see is the only thing we can do I guess. [/quote:a9971eb821] bron: word vast wat moois die kaart. maar ATI staat met de R400 ook niet stil. word een mooi jaar weer 2003 8)
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Inquirer geruchten 8) over de NV35, damn wat zijn videokaarten toch leuk ;) It's already up and running in Nvidia's labs! It wil use DDR - not DDR2 (!) memory because of the lower price of memory and PCB, more stability and availability in high volumes It will have 256 bit 400 MHz (may be more for ultra) DDR1 memory interface. And there will be cards with 256 MB of memory, m'boys It will have the same features set and probably near as damnit the same core clock. It will be as twice, and and sometimes a bit more than that, faster in raw shader power for 1.4 and 2.0 pixel shaders whereas the NV30 was not such a strong performer as we wished - so this aspect is pretty tuned up, lads! It shows from 1.5 up to 2.0 times performance of NV30 depending on the tasks and the final frequency specs. It will be definitely faster than RADEON 9800 PRO Other side specs like RAMDAC freq are the same as for NV30 NV35 is NV30 tuned to optimise performance of major NV30 limiting factors - now it will have 1.5 times more bandwith (256 bit memory bus) not so costly and more stable DDR memory and twice the raw shader power for floating point calculations. Vertex performance is almost the same, but isn't a limiting factor for this chip.
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Blijkbaar zijn er al NV35 kaarten in omloop bij "developers" lees dit maar over S.T.A.L.K.E.R: [quote:e51bf081b0]Here are the general things. As a programmer, I need to get access to the latest hardware and talk to it's manufacturers, otherwise we may get way behind the competition. I want to give credit to NVIDIA for agreeing to be our technical partner and render us this kind of assistance (we contacted NVIDIA and ATI for several months, but ATI did not respond). NVIDIA offers me early hardware and very good support. Prior to GeForceFX I worked with Radeon 9700 but I am currently developing the Stalker engine on NV35. Naturally, such close work with NVIDIA engineers allows me to come up with better optimizations and support the new technologies of NVIDIA boards. [/quote:e51bf081b0] Die NV35 is dus al voorbij ALpha status lijkt me.
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Nog meer NV35 rumors, volgens X-bit zou hij in mei aangekondigd moeten worden: [i:239ee48b1e]Taiwanese media-sources revealed that NVIDIA’s next-generation NV35 graphics processor will be formally announced next-month with actual graphics cards appearing shortly afterwards. We told you in the past that NVIDIA’s NV35 graphics chip had been taped out by CeBIT Hannover 2003 and was even demonstrated behind the closed doors during the show. Even if it was not the final revision of the chip, I remember NVIDIA claiming that it usually takes the Santa Clara-based fabless semiconductor company about 100 days to start the mass production after the first tape-out (100 Days Tape Out To Production, as NVIDIA calls it), so, if we presuppose that the NV35 was taped out in late February of early March, we can expect the company to start the production in mid to late May. As a result, actual graphics cards can reach the shelves of the stores in early June or even late May in the best case. Remember that NVIDIA and IBM said that the latter will produce GeForce FX-series of graphics processors starting this Summer. Hence, if IBM actually makes the NV35 GPU, we will see appropriate graphics cards sometime later than in early June. Though, these are only assumptions. NV35 GPU is going to be a considerably improved GeForce FX 5800 (NV30) graphics processor with several modifications made in order to boost performance, yield and other obstacles that presently do not let NVIDIA to start selling its GeForce FX 5800 solutions in mass quantities. The graphics cards based on the new graphics processor will utilise DDR SDRAM memory and feature 256-bit bus, providing more bandwidth than the current DDR-II memory with 128-bit bus on the GeForce FX 5800 Ultra. [/i:239ee48b1e]
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Ik zag wat specs van de ATI R400 op [quote:febbc6b614] R400 * 0.13 micron process * Programmable Shader 3.0 (Pixel & Vertex) * PCI Express x16 (8GB/s bi-directional) * DirectX 9/10 * Availability in End of 2003-Q1'04[/quote:febbc6b614] Ik denk echter dat het een berg BS is. ten eerste word PCI express x16 (opvolger van AGP) nog lang niet breed gebruikt in 2004. ik verwacht dat pas eind 2004 begin 2005. ten tweede.. PS 3.0.. beetje vroeg... zelfde geld voor DirecX 10 functies.
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Tja. de Xabre II. daar verwacht ik van dat hij leuk kan concureren tegen de Radeon 9600 en GeForce FX 5600 e.d. maar niet tegen de NV30/NV35 en R350/400 wat betreft de Delta Chrome. Ik hoop dat het een mooie kaart word. maar het blijft afwachten. ATI en nVidia hebben zich al bewezen en hun plaatsje verdiend in de 3D wereld. s3 en sis moeten daar nog tussen komen.
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