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-= Nieuwe ATI Catalyst driver topic deel 1 =-

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  • anoniem


  • 2 weken later...
Van anand: [quote:8d91219cdc] My jaw dropped when I saw this news...but after reading the info, it's not at as bad as I had initially thought. It looks like ATI isn't going to bother with a 3.3 Catalyst release and instead is going straight to 3.4 for a mid-May release: [color=darkblue:8d91219cdc] CATALYST 3.3 has been cancelled and will not be posted. We will jump over to CATALYST 3.4 this time and the time frame we are looking at right now is May 12th-15th (now do NOT hold me to that) Its not a promise just that is what the schedules are looking like at the current time. These drivers are currently in the hands of our beta testers and going through the final run through. If all goes well you guys will get them in the time frame I mentioned above and you will be very happy with them. They will have performance boosts across the boards, some bug fixes, some new features, and of course the best image quality in the business! [/color:8d91219cdc] [/quote:8d91219cdc]
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Uit een "live" [url=]vragenuurtje[/url] tussen Rage3d posters en Terry Makedon aka CATALYST maker. T-Spoon: Oh and I was wondering if the possible releasedate of 12-15 May was chosen on purpose ** cough * NV35 launch * cough **? CATALYST maker: Nope I know nothing of the release date of our competitors products. May 12th is the current date we are expecting this back from Microsoft and it takes us between 1 and 3 days to get it ready for web posting Blijft leuk dergelijke "toevalligheden" 8) Overigens nog veel meer leuks te lezen in bovenstaande link o.a. dit over nieuwe features van Cat3.4: Heres one and just one... A new color control tab, ok one more DIVX player application fullstream acceleration for R300 class cards. Oh ok one more, there will also be a multimedia center update Aangezien de fullstream demo bij mij veelbelovende dingen laat zien kijk ik erg uit naar het moment dat ik die optie kan aanvinken in DivX player 2.1... 8)
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Ik heb die DivX player 2.1 ook (die met ATI support) maar ik gebruik nu gewoon WMP 9.0 voor mijn DIVX movies (met codec 5.04). Vraag me af wat die R300 fullstream feature nu voor extra's geeft. Wat ik belangrijker vind van Cat 3.4 is dat hij Bug fixes heeft en beeld verbetering en performance wist. :)
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  • 2 weken later...
[quote:4e97b26fc1]Everyone knows that the hotly anticipated CATALYST 3.4 is coming out any day now. I contacted Terry Makedon (CATALYST MAKER on our forums) who is ATI's software product manager, and the guy who makes these driver updates possible. The question I asked him was simple, when the ATI community will get the new CATALYST package, and can you tell us anything about it? His reply was this: "Hi GI BRO, CATALYST 3.4 will go live some time tomorrow and will include updates to three of the four CATALYST components. First and foremost we will update the driver to version 7.88 (with some cool performance boosts, and other new features), we will update multimedia center to version 8.5 (with a brand new user interface option), and we will update the Remote Wonder software (used in conjunction with the remote control we sell). Make sure all the Rage3D community checks out our web page tomorrow throughout the day and as usual I will post in the threads here the second the link is live" [/quote:4e97b26fc1] Ik ben benieuwd... Ze zullen vandaag of morgen dus online komen.
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De Catalyst 3.4 werd geleverd bij de Radeon 9800 PRO 256mb DDRII, het extra geheugen van deze kaart kan alleen met de catalyst 3.4 worden aangesproken vandaar. In de sommige reviews werden voor deze kaart zowel de 3.2 als 3.4 drivers gebruikt. veel snelheids winst boden ze niet. Splinter Cell loopt zelfs slechter met de 3.4 drivers en de speciale Doom III beta benchmark wil helemaal niet lopen. die Doom III beta benchmark is dan ook niet echt itteresant voor ons maar dat Splinter Cell niet goed loopt is wel vervelend. Ik hoop dat de " final " catalyst 3.4 drivers dan ook verbeterd zijn.
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Yeb, nieuwe Catalyst drivers: [url=]3.4[/url] Fixes: [quote:9119296372]Fixed in this driver: The display corruption noticed around the wheels in the game FI Racing Championship is now resolved The health meter not being drawn in the game Bounty Hunter is now resolved Texture corruption in the game Combat Flight Simulator 3 is now resolved The binocular view not displaying properly in the game Project IGI2 is now resolved Objects flickering in and out of view when playing Deadly Demo is now resolved The display corruption noticed in Battlecruiser Millennium when placing the mouse cursor over the menu buttons is now resolved The ground color not displaying correctly when playing the Jurassic Park demo is now resolved The display corruption noticed when playing Heli Heroes is now resolved The texture disappearing in the game AirStrike3D is now resolved The General Protection Fault error appearing when playing Unreal 2; The Awakening is now resolved The system not responding with playing the game SimCity 4 is now resolved The system not responding when task switching between an OpenGL game and the desktop is now resolved Full Screen Anti-Aliasing not being available when playing Anarchy Online is now resolved The system failing to respond after pressing the ESC key when playing Half-life Counter Strike is now resolved The display corruption noticed when running the CodeCreatures benchmark in a system contining a RADEON™ 9200 is now resolved The display corruption issue when using the send to DV camera feature found in MovieMaker2 is now resolved Playing *.rm files using the RealPlayer with Overlay Theater Mode enabled no longer results in screen corruption being displayed on a secondary CRT TV performance being slow and choppy when running an application in the background is now resolved The display corruption noticed when playing a DVD in TV Theater mode on a secondary display is now resolved The ATI D3D/OpenGL tab not retaining the correct format when a secondary CRT is connected is now resolved The display panel's icons disappearing when using an FPD and TV is now resolved The system not responding after previewing the 3D Liquid Desktop screensaver is now resolved The overlay pixel duplication noticed when the display resolution is set above 1600x1200 is now resolved The resolution changing to 640x480 32bpp when checking the optimized format for 480i in the YpbPR settings page is now resolved The display corruption noticed when a system returns from hibernate mode is now resolved The blue box border noticed around cached URL addresses is now resolved The system not responding when hot plugging a DFP monitor is now resolved A TV connection being falsely detected when booting the system is now resolved Only half of the image being displayed on an HDTV when outputting from the VGA connector is now resolved An error message being displayed when attempting to install the display driver from the ATI web site is now resolved[/quote:9119296372]
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Zo dat zijn een hoop Bugfixes!! :) :) Ik zal vanavond ze toevoegen aan de FAQ. Ik hoop dat Splinter Cell goed werkt met deze drivers, in de reviews van de radeon 9800 pro 256mb DDRII liepen deze drivers slecht met dat spel. ik laat het julie weten. Nu is het wachten op de nieuwe Omega drivers gebaseert op de Cat. 3.4 :D
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[b:edcfbe2937][color=red:edcfbe2937]Ik heb de FAQ upgedate. Drivers + Release Notes staan nu in de FAQ 3dmark 03 resultaten graag in de daarvoor bestemde topic posten! ![/color:edcfbe2937][/b:edcfbe2937] //Skinnered Ik zit nu nog op me werk maar als ik thuis ben zal ik eens kijken of ik scherper beeld heb met de Cat 3.4, echter gebruik ik nu de Omega drivers en die zijn al behroolijk scherp natuurlijk.
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