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-= Nieuwe ATI Catalyst driver topic deel 1 =-

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Ik las net het volgende op : [quote:4f9ad70f05]SofR9800 for ATi Catalyst 3. - 5:06 pm EST - MrB Saw this over at Warp2Search. Mod your Radeon 9500 into a Radeon 9500 Pro or your 9700 into a 9800 with this patch. To excecute the script you'll need the latest RivaTuner 2.0 You must start it at least once, then simple extract and open attached file with Windows explorer, RivaTuner will do the rest. This script works with Catalyst 3.2 I planned to release RivaTuner 2.0 RC12.3 next Tuesday, but due to a _lot_ of received emails Catalyst 3.2 compatible SoftR9x00 scripts will be launched now. Fully featured RivaTuner 2.0 RC12.3 containing these scripts, updated SoftFireGL scipts for 1028 - 1030 drivers and other new features for ATI and nVidia boards will be launched on Tuesday as supposed. Besides Catalyst 3.2 support, the scipts allow you to force RADEON 9800PRO PCI DeviceID and force the driver to detect any R9500(PRO)/9700(PRO) as R9800PRO. I added this mode special to check R300->R350 info posted by I must note that after this mod the driver uses R9800 specific code for sure and the control panel displays Smoothvision v2.1, but I didn't managed any boost comparing to R9700 mode. Don't spam me with question about that, address your questions to I'm afraid that their "R350 = R300 + optimized drivers" formula is incorrect. [url=]Download it here[/url][/quote:4f9ad70f05]
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[quote:1506b0636d="Red Dragon"][quote:1506b0636d="SkinnerEd"]Ik zou voor de zekerheid even die van Tommy downen en de procedure exact volgen zoals daar staat vermeld.[/quote:1506b0636d] Welke gebruik jij nu dan? Die jij gebruikt is toch goed? dan kan je hem mooi naar me mailen :)[/quote:1506b0636d] Die van Tommy, volgens mij heeft hij er nog wat aan veranderd. Ik wil hem wel mailen, maar op deze site staat hij ook:
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Nog even over de Cat.'s 3.2 en 3.3. De Cat. 3.2 voor de R9700 hebben die performance verbetering niet, ATI heeft de verantwoordelijke code nog uit deze drivers gelaten, die komt pas met Cat3.3 ook voor de R9700 uit. De 3.2. Cat voor de R9800 heeft wel deze code en is daarom met een gewijzigde ati2mtag ook op de R9700 te draaien incl. deze performance verbeteringen. Op het forum van rage3d zijn nu al complete driverpacks te downen, waarmee je zelf niet meer hoeft te "hacken" en gewoon de setup kan draaien voor je R9700/9500.
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De Catalyst drivers 3.1 en 3.2 is uitvoerig getest: Hier de conclussie: [quote:e23b7ef005] [color=red:e23b7ef005]DirectX 8 card owners[/color:e23b7ef005] While we did see the performance improvements ATI has claimed in 3DMark 03, we’ve got to wonder if this is worth the risk of updating your display driver. If your games and other applications are running fine with the driver you’re using now, is it really worth the risk of upgrading to CATALYST 3.2 for the performance increase in a synthetic benchmark? As you saw in our real world game testing, the CATALYST 3.2 driver offers nothing substantial over 3.1. Just as 3.1 offered nothing over 3.0 in our CATALYST 3.1 driver report, and 3.0 nothing over 2.5 (in the CATALYST 3.0 article). We hate to sound like a broken record, but little has changed from a performance standpoint for RADEON 8500/9000/9100 owners in CATALYST 3.2. Upgrade to these drivers if you’re running into issues with your existing display driver, not because you’re expecting a performance increase. The CATALYST team has probably wrought all the performance they’re going to get out of your hardware. [color=red:e23b7ef005]DirectX 9 card owners[/color:e23b7ef005] For RADEON 9500/9700 users, it looks like the CATALYST 3.2 driver has been released solely for compatibility reasons. ATI has addressed the stuttering issues with Freelancer and Rallisport Challenge, and with 2D applications running in the background in general, but performance enhancements won’t be found here. If you’re looking for more performance, you’ll have to wait for CATALYST 3.3, whose release schedule has been accelerated to bring it to our PCs sooner. Perhaps even as an open beta! Like the DX8 owners, we only recommend you upgrade if you’re running into compatibility issues with your existing driver, otherwise you should probably stick with what you’re using now. Counter-Strike fans in particular should consider staying away from this driver as well. While CATALYST 3.2 does introduce a new bug, it’s great to see the CATALYST team address compatibility issues so quickly – CATALYST 3.2 comes less than a month after CATALYST 3.1! With such an impressive response time, we have little doubt that these guys are working hard on additional fixes, lets keep our fingers crossed that CATALYST 3.3 also brings enhanced performance![/quote:e23b7ef005] Voor de hele test moet je hier zijn:
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[size=18:1f061ec34c][color=red:1f061ec34c]ATI Catalyst [b:1f061ec34c]3.3[/b:1f061ec34c] Windows XP - Unofficial[/color:1f061ec34c][/size:1f061ec34c] [quote:1f061ec34c] New drivers released by DELL for ATi R3xx series cards. WHQL certified. These drivers where spotted by Warp2Search. Catalyst 3.3 driver suite has been released earlier by a large OEM partner of ATI, which leaves the conclusion that the official generic drivers will see the light of day this week. The high anticipation results from ATI's unofficial announcement that the driver will include the R350 rendering path for R300 hardware, which should result in an overall performance increase of ~5%. Here is the low down on the release. Version:; Control Panel included Supports: 9700TX/9700Pro/9800Pro WHQL Certificate: Yes Date stamp: 03/23/2003 [/quote:1f061ec34c] Yeah :D Ik ben ze aan het downloaden. ik ben benieuwd of het wat is. Download @
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Maar goed dat ik de drivers nog niet getest heb: [quote:645d1667ad] Looks like Dell has released some new unofficial drivers. Meaning that [b:645d1667ad]these are NOT the Catalyst Version 3.3! [/b:645d1667ad]Also, this driver is only for the 9xxx series cards, and along with XP. I know some of you are getting some what inpatient about the next release, so I was able to get a quick little update on whats goin down from ATi. [i:645d1667ad] "We have encountered some minor difficulties in obtaining WHQL certification for drivers based on the 7.86 build version. At this time it seems that a fully unified CATALYST release may be postponed for a few weeks"[/i:645d1667ad][/quote:645d1667ad] Bron: Nog even wachten op de 3.3 drivers dus. en dan nog weer even wachten op de Omega versie.
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