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Ik zat eens te lezen in blaadjes over pc's over gasten die hun voorspelling doen voor de toekomst op computer gebied natuurlijk! Nou stond erbij dat na de AGPx8 een seriële verbinding de norm wordt! Dus na AGPx8 volgt "serieel AGP" ... wat moet ik me hierbij voorstellen als het waar is ?? :-?
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Ik weet niet wat jij aan het lezen bent en ik weet nog niet zoveel van 3GIO wat overigens[b:f248118bb6] PCI-Express [/b:f248118bb6]heet Ik heb dit kunnen vinden: [quote:f248118bb6]PCI-SIG Introduces "PCI Express™" (Formerly 3GIO) High-Speed Serial Interconnect Specification Arapahoe Work Group Completes Draft 1.0 Specification, Now Under Review by PCI-SIG Board of Directors WinHEC, Seattle, Wash., April 17, 2002 - The PCI-SIG and the Arapahoe Work Group, consisting of promoter companies Compaq, Dell, Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM, Intel and Microsoft, today announced that the code-named 3GIO draft 1.0 specification has been successfully completed and is being transferred on schedule to the PCI-SIG, where it will be renamed "PCI Express™". The delivery of the open, high-performance serial I/O specification is the result of a highly successful working relationship combining the technical expertise of the Arapahoe Work Group with the proven ability of the PCI-SIG to promote open-standard architectures across multiple industry segments. The name "PCI Express" reflects the high-speed, point-to-point qualities of the new local bus architecture, and emphasizes that software compatibility is maintained between PCI and PCI Express. As planned, the PCI Express draft specification is currently under review by the PCI-SIG Board of Directors. Upon approval by the board, the specification will be sent to the PCI-SIG membership for a 60-day review, with final PCI Express 1.0 specification public release anticipated in the second quarter of 2002. "Thanks to the thorough efforts of the Arapahoe Work Group, this new serial interconnect draft specification, formerly code-named '3GIO,' is being delivered to the PCI-SIG in a comprehensive and mature form, with scalable performance that fully lives up to its new name, 'PCI Express' ," said Roger Tipley, president and chairman of the PCI-SIG. "The PCI-SIG's PCI Express Work Group will begin working immediately to fine-tune and rapidly prepare to release the draft PCI Express 1.0 specification for PCI-SIG member review." During the past decade, the PCI local bus has been a hugely successful, general purpose I/O interconnect standard. PCI Express takes PCI to the next level, [b:f248118bb6]with a fast serial architecture [/b:f248118bb6]that overcomes the limits inherent in parallel bus implementations. This gives PCI Express the bandwidth and scalability to accommodate CPU speeds in excess of 10 GHz, faster memory speeds, higher-speed graphics, 1 Gigabit and 10 Gigabit LAN, 1394b, InfiniBand® fabrics and other technology advances. "The PCI-SIG's diverse membership has a proven track record of successfully promoting, maintaining and enhancing interconnect standards across the industry," said Bob Gregory, Arapahoe Work Group Spokesperson. "Today's transfer of the draft specification to the PCI-SIG Board of Directors marks a major milestone for the PCI Express architecture. PCI Express will provide the required performance and scalability for the computing and communications segments." [/quote:f248118bb6] [url=]Bron[/url] Het mooie is dat er erg veel bedrijven aan meewerken waaronder AMD en Intel en VIA dus het zal zeker wel de volgende standaard worden en het is idd Serieel.. zie het dik gedrukte gedeelte
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  • 2 weken later...
Ik las [url=]HIER[/url] weer een nieuwtje over AGPx8 [quote:3561216c77]VIA Technologies and ATI Technologies are said to be planning to work together to push the AGP 8x standard into mainstream in the second half of this year, hoping to lead Intel by six months with the new strategy. According to Intel’s roadmap, the chip giant will not introduce related solutions until 2003. Motherboard makers said that they welcome the efforts of VIA and ATI, but they think AGP 8x-based products are not likely to contribute much to sales, as the AGP 4x platform is still maturing. The AGP 8x-supporting products will still have to target power users first this year. At Computex Taipei, the AGP 8x-supporting specification is one of the spotlighted product features among both motherboard makers and chipset designers. At present, VIA has made the fastest progress in developing AGP 8x-based chipsets, several of which have been launched. The advantage in progress that VIA enjoys is probably why the company is eager to push the AGP 8x standard to the mainstream, industry sources said. According to VIA’s projection, the AGP 8x interface should be able to assume a leading position in the third quarter In the graphics chip sector, Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) gained the lead in AGP 8x support with its latest Xabre400 chip, which has entered volume production in June. As for the launch schedules of other international players, ATI plans to introduce its RV250 chip in July or August, followed by the R300 in August or September. Nvidia will unveil its NV18 chip in August and is expected to start mass-producing it at the end of the third quarter. Board makers said that to fully support the AGP 8x standard, graphics chips need to score more than 12,000 on the 3DMARK2001 benchmark test.[/quote:3561216c77] de laatste opmerking vind ik raar. net alsof AGPx8 je 3dmark2001se score over de 12.000 gaat brengen.
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