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[url=]Headline[/url] In what has to be one of the rarest 3dfx card collections in history, the seller is selling a Voodoo4 4000, Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5000, Voodoo5 5500 and a Voodoo5 6000! Never heard of some of them? That's because they never made it to retail! Click the headline to bid on the eBay auction. (Van [i:f73c65b8d8] 1. 3dfx Voodoo 4 4000 AGP 16mb SDRAM Never heard of it? well, not more than 20 were made. Meant to be an OEM card in the early development days and finally dumped, this baby was hard to find! Condition: Non-functional; it powers up, but either has a bad RAMDAC or bad BIOS. It wont post. 2. 3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 PCI 32mb SDRAM This is not your normal run-of-the-mill voodoo 4 4500, it is in fact one of the FIRST engineering boards EVER made by 3dfx. It is Engineering board #9! And is... Condition: %100 functional. 2D and 3D perfect 3. 3dfx Voodoo 5 5000 PCI 32mb SGRAM Here is the FIRST voodoo 5 model that 3dfx ever made and was planning to release, but eventually abandoned it for their 5500 model. Only a few hundred of these cards were made and all went to the OEM channel where they disapeared! It sports 32mb of SGRAM! Condition: 2D ok, 3D locks up randomly 4. 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 AGP 64mb SDRAM This is your standard voodoo 5 5500. Not the same as pictured, I swapped my good working one out of my system and into the collection. %100 working order. Condition: Fully functional 5. 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 AGP 128mb SDRAM Here is the legendary, monstrous, power hungry voodoo 5 6000! This beast is one among the few hundred engineering boards in existance. This was to be 3dfx's flagship video card, but disapeared when the company went under a year ago. Condition: WAS functional; use to work. I accidently bumped a few resistors off the card near the power adapter port. It will not boot now. Anyone with some soldering skills should be able to get it up and running though. Comes with external power supply. picture was taken before I applied arctic silver thermal paste to the chips and put the heatsink/fans back on. I originaly did not plan on selling this collection. I have recently fallen upon financial trouble, and have been forced to sell all articles of value. I'm going to hate to see this collection go! (To be sold as one complete set ONLY) I also have all the removed heatsink/fans from all the cards with the collection too. Payment by Money order, personal or cachiers check, or Billpoint. Please email with questions. [/i:f73c65b8d8] Yummie :grin: [img:f73c65b8d8][/img:f73c65b8d8] [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: hjs op 2002-03-25 09:51 ]
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[quote:734538c9c4] Op 25-03-2002 16:01, schreef BA: Hm, wat is het hier dood vandaag zeg, moeten jullie voor de verandering werken of zo :wink: [/quote:734538c9c4] [url=]Hier[/url], ga dit maar even uitzoeken dan voor me als je je verveeld :wink:
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Dat is wel vaker zo, ik heb hier een philips CD roms speler, die wil ook maar 8x lezen in DAE mode. Een andere, een Afreey 50x, die leest hier 17x DAE. Die 40-50x die de fabrikant opgeeft is bijna altijd de leessnelheid voor mode1 (data) terwijl de snelheid van mode2/CD-XA (DAE) vrijwel altijd lager ligt. Daarom brand ik al mijn cd's als mode1 :smile:
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