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-= GeForce 4 Topic - Deel 8 =-

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[quote:44399eff5a] Op 05-03-2002 11:29, schreef hjs: [b:44399eff5a]EDWARD[/b:44399eff5a] wedden dat die al bij is te vinden :wink: Hastec krijgt hem toch niet :razz: [/quote:44399eff5a]Wedden dat je hem toch nog niet krijgt wanneer je hem via besteld (voorlopig niet anyway) :smile: Maar ik ben inderdaad wel benieuwd hoe lang ik er nog op moet wachten. _________________ Go Through Your Heart Shakra Into Your Cave, And Find Your [url=]Power[/url] Animal [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: VTec op 2002-03-05 12:06 ]
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Ze lopen nu ook al te bekvechten wie er nu eerder was met de GF4Ti4600: [quote:b3727868f9]Who's on first? On February 28th, PNY announced that they were first to retail with their GeForce4 Ti 4600. Today Visiontek states that were first to retail by having delivered the Xtasy GeForce4 Ti 4600 on February 26th. We did report that EBGames started shipping pre-orders of Visiontek's card on the 26th. "Every day matters when it comes to delivering next-generation graphics products to the shelves of retailers and into the hands of consumers," said John Malley, director of marketing at VisionTek. "We appreciate that hard-core gamers want the latest NVIDIA-based 3D graphics accelerators as soon as possible, and we're pleased to see that our efforts in this regard are have paid off again."[/quote:b3727868f9]Got it from [url=]nVnews[/url]
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Leuke kaartje die Gainward. alleen 750mhz core lijkt me "out the box" wel heel erg snel. datzal wel wat minder zijn. Tomsharware kon overigens de Leadtek GeForce 4 ti 4600 dmv een 3e cooler op de achterzijde overklokken tot 335/775. dat is niet misselijk. HJS/BA/Slashhead ik heb hier 4 kaarjes van CeBit 2002 voor me neus liggen. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: Kunnen we die GeForce kaartjes over een paar dagen irl zien. :razz:
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Tsja die Leadtek lijkt toch wel de kaart to have worden, afgaande op die 1e reviews. De Asus loopt waarschijnlijk gewoon op 300/650, dus de Leadtek of Gainward wordt de optie :smile: EVGA is ook wel leuk, maar weer niet in NL te krijgen helaas. Kijk ze op de Cebit :smile: [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: SkinnerEd op 2002-03-05 19:51 ]
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Als ik nu een GeForce 4 zou moeten kiezen dan zou ik voor de Leadtek gaan. ik las dat die coolers die op Evga en Creative en MSI zitten het geluid van een "Hair blower" hadden en dat die 2 coolers die Leadtek had nog minder lawaai maakten. das ook wel goed nieuws d8 ik. Edward we nemen wel een Leadtek voor je me van de Cebit :grin: Slashhead jij zorgt voor de Digitale plaatjes he?
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[url=]t-break[/url] heeft nu de Gainward review online:[quote:4e36b06f2d]We managed to take the Ultra 750/XP from it's default core and memory speed of 300/650 to 320/750- and this is at stock voltage and cooling. We're sure that hardcore overclockers will be able to take it much higher. What this means is that Gainward's model number of "750" sort of makes sense now- you should easily be able to overclock the memory to 750MHz.[/quote:4e36b06f2d]Dus geen 330core, maar de memory wel op 750. [img:4e36b06f2d][/img:4e36b06f2d] _________________ Go Through Your Heart Shakra Into Your Cave, And Find Your [url=]Power[/url] Animal [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: VTec op 2002-03-06 07:22 ]
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En zo te lezen moet de 750 ook nog hoger kunnen: [quote:d3197684cc]As we said, overclocking and tweaking is Gainward's turf and you can see how much damage this card can do in the right hands. These numbers are done with casual overclocking and if we didn't have to return the card to the distributor in working conditions, we would've given to our extreme overclockers and we're sure they would've take the core and memory much higher.[/quote:d3197684cc]
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Er is nu ook een heel gedoe aan de hand over de clocksnelheid van de Asus GeForce4 Ti 4600: [quote:273ff7c0c4][url=]ASUS GF4 Speeds[/url] x-bit reports of some horrible marketing moves on ASUS's part about their GeForce4 Ti 4600. As you may recall, ASUS's launch PR stated that their V8460Ultra would be shipping clocked at 330MHz core/ 660MHz memory. Yet a quick look at a short preview on Tom's Hardware proves otherwise... But that's not all. ASUS went ahead and modified their PR to reflect the downgraded specs. [i:273ff7c0c4] This implies that ASUS is not going to launch the faster GeForce4 Ti4600. Moreover, the company didn’t care to tell anyone that it had changed the values in its own press-release. As a result, V8460Ultra cards will be just an ordinary GeForce4 Ti4600 based product advertised with dishonest methods. At first, the cards were advertised to have better characteristics, but the ultimately selling products won’t have any advantageous features. It’s no good, you know. Especially for such big company as ASUS. Now let’s wait for what the officials will say...[/i:273ff7c0c4] I don't agree with this practice at all, but if ASUS is downgrading their clockspeeds, will Gainward, eVGA and Abit be able to supply higher clocked cards?[/quote:273ff7c0c4] [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: VTec op 2002-03-06 10:12 ]
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