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-= GeForce 4 Topic - Deel 8 =-

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Ik wou ff terugkomen op het aantal posts van BA. Hoe komt het in veredsnaam dat jij zo veel posts heb? doe jij nog wel is wat anders dan op dit forum rondhangen? :wink: en slashhead mooie kleur hoor die naam. Rood is me lievelings kleur :razz: Mijn leverancier verwacht deze week een Asus GeForce 4 Ti 4400 binnen te krijgen. ik ben benieuwd.
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Ik kwam nog wat grappigs tegen op Rage3D: [quote:0ea4bfde42] THE 10 VIDEO CARDMANDMENTS 1.) You shall have only one Card before you. It is your god. Thou shalt not have any other cards but me. 2.) Thou shalt not defect to the opposing card, for the opposing card is evil and with it shall you bring evil intent into your lives. 3.) Thou shalt always whine about drivers. For with cards, drivers are the next best thing. Thou shalt always receive drivers in a daily dose of at least 2 installs a day. If thou has't not received this dosage, thou shalt be angered at the video card god. 4.) Remember the driver leak dates, and to keep them holy. 5.) Thou shalt not return/RMA/replace a card that you have purchased, for it is your god, and you shall follow its bidding no matter what condition it happens to be in. 6.) Thou shalt not play games. the card is meant for benches and drivers. Any other function of the card that you use is against the will of the video card god. 7.) Thou shalt not covet your allie's card. For if their's is functional and yours is not, you shalt remain within the grasp of the card you hold as yours. it is your god. you shall do what it wants. 8.) Thou shalt be trolls. for trolling is the best thing, and for hardware junkies, the trolling of boards is to relieve stress and anger that thou has achieved due to lack of support from the card god they chose as their own. 9.) Thou shalt always praise the card that is used by the user. for it is the best in the world and nothing is better than it. Its benchmarks reach a certain extremity that goes beyond anything else that has been benched. other functions of the card need not apply. 10.) Thou shalt always blame the video card. If thou has't problems with their games, its the video card. If thou has't problems with their monitor/refresh, blame the video card. If thou has't problems with their sound, blame the video card. If thou has't problems washing their car, blame the video card. If thou has't problems paying bills, blame the video card. If thou has't problems turning on a light, blame the video card. [/quote:0ea4bfde42] Vond ze wel grappig :grin: _________________ [url=]PC 1[/url] [url=]PC 2[/url] [url=]BA's overclocking guide v0.5[/url] [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: BA op 2002-03-05 00:01 ]
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Hier een leuke naakt foto van mijn toekomstige kaart: [img:ebf67cab2b][/img:ebf67cab2b] De site [url=]T-break[/url] heeft als het goed is binnenkort (morgen?) de review klaar van deze kaart. Meer naakt foto's (van de kaart :wink:) vind je [url=]HIER[/url] _________________ Go Through Your Heart Shakra Into Your Cave, And Find Your [url=]Power[/url] Animal [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: VTec op 2002-03-05 09:09 ]
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[quote:c2b18f5d98] Op 05-03-2002 9:14, schreef Slashhead: 2x DVI ? [/quote:c2b18f5d98]Yeps. [quote:c2b18f5d98]Gainward has released info on their GeForce4 PowerPack Ultra/750 XP "Golden Sample". This appears to be the most feature rich GeForce4 announced. The Gainward GeForce4 PowerPack! Ultra/750 XP "Golden Sample"TM graphics card offers a complete and advanced feature-set of today's most powerful 3D technology. Featuring Gainward's High-Performance/Wide-BandwidthTM hardware design specially developed to take utmost advantage of 128 MB of Ultra-DDR display memory, the Gainward GeForce4 PowerPack! Ultra/750 XP "Golden Sample"TM is potentially the highest performing 3D graphics board ever built in mass production. Gainward's genuine "Golden Sample" product even guarantees outstanding stability and performance at significantly enhanced clock settings by using a hand selected GeForce4 Ti-4600 graphics processor, carefully qualified Ultra-DDR memory chips, and advanced, proprietary hardware tuning techniques to offer advanced, leading-edge performance for the 3D enthusiast. Along with out-of-the-box overclocking, the card incudes two VGA connectors and two DVI connectors for nView support for all configurations. The card even includes VIVO with a Firewire daughter card. Gainward's award-winning XP feature, also known as "VIVO", (Video-In/Video-Out) provides two video-in connectors and two video-out connectors (both composite video and s-video for PAL and NTSC) for smooth video recording and video editing including accelerated DVD playback with enhanced motion compensation in hardware. A software DVD player and a powerful package of Video-Editing-Software are also included. Further more, the Gainward GeForce4 PowerPack! Ultra/750 XP "Golden Sample"TM is bundled with a IEEE 1394 daughter card to even offer a digital video-in connector for today's most advanced video camera equipment.[/quote:c2b18f5d98]
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