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-= Radeon topic deel 2 =-

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Gygabyte gaat ook zijn Ati kaartjes uitbrengen: [img:c0706b1074][/img:c0706b1074] [quote:c0706b1074]Gigabyte is about to release their ATI Radeon 8500 Pro model videocard and hey, it differs from the reference design from ATI :wink: the board will be equipped with 64 MB of 3.6 ns DDR and clocked at 275/275 MHz core/memory, VGA, DVI and TV-Out connectors are maintained onboard. Check out that cooling unit, I think we can see some overclocking oppertunities here.[/quote:c0706b1074] [url=]Bron[/url]
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Zag een nieuwtje bij tweakers: [url=]hierzo[/url] [quote:8e39a254d7] ATI will announce a new RADEON 8500XT graphics card and a new RV250 chip in March, at the CeBIT show. The official name, which will be assigned to RV250 is said to be RADEON 8800. Although this name of RV250 implies that this chip will have some architectural differences distinguishing it from RADEON 8500, we still know nothing about it. Maybe these differences will lie with the improved T&L unit, however, we don’t have any evidence proving this information. The cards built on RADEON 8500XT and RADEON 8800 will be equipped with 128MB high-speed DDR SDRAM, and the chips will be made with 0.15micron manufacturing technology. The chip and memory frequency of RADEON 8500XT cards will equal 300MHz, and of RADEON 8800 cards – 350MHz. As for the next generation R300 chip, ATI is going to showcase its first samples only in May. The announcement of this GPU supposedly getting the name RADEON 9x00 will take place only in early autumn. There is a great lot of info about R300 features and specs, however, I would doubt its credibility, especially since there is a good lot of time left before the launching, and many things may change. Nevertheless, R300 will evidently be a DirectX 9.0 compatible solution supporting Vertex Shader 2.0 and Pixel Shader 2.0. R300 chips will be manufactured with 0.13micron technology and will work at 350-400Mhz frequency. ATI is most likely to disclose some details about its upcoming R300 to the developers during the CeBIT show. So, we are all waiting impatiently for the more detailed and reliable info in the nearest future. [/quote:8e39a254d7]
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Knopper, BA, Slashhead, HJS bedankt voor jullie reactie :smile: Gelukkig is er nog zoiets van PC-prive project 2x per 3 jaar. (mijn werk en me vriendins werk). en ik verdien hier en daar wel wat bij :wink: dus die upgrades blijven wel komen alleen minder frequent. HJS er is ruimte voor een gezinds uitbreiding.. maar daar zit ik nu nog ff niet op te wachten :grin: _________________ [url=]Mijn PC[/url]---[url=]Score: 3Dmark2000[/url]--- [url=]Score: 3Dmark2001[/url] [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: GeForce Mike op 2002-02-12 17:02 ]
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Eindelijk: [quote:a38f6aaaa0] Wij zullen een gloednieuwe vandaag aan u toezenden ,dan heeft u de nieuwe Radeon, als het goed gaat bij de ptt, morgen binnen. De verzending wordt gedaan onder collinummer: 3SPSCL05621966 Met Vriendelijke Groet, Christiaan Blok, Completer. [/quote:a38f6aaaa0] Nu die moeten die lui van CompTechWorld mijn mobo nog leveren, en nem ik er klaar voor :grin:
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