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Foutmelding bij opstarten Mafia

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In dien je XP hebt het volgende eens proberen: [quote:644268080a]We have traced this problem to be a Windows XP problem. Technically this problem is solved by the use of a newer version of d3d8.dll than is shipped on CD with Windows XP. (The version on the Windows XP CD that has problems is 5.1.26000.0 – versions tested without error include 5.1.2600.15 and 5.1.2600.29) Currently the only way we know to update this dll file is to install the Windows XP Patch: “The Computer Cannot Enter Standby or Hibernate If a Direct3D-Based Screen Saver Is Running (Q306676)” downloadable from the following Web Site: [url] US/Q306676_WXP_SP1_x86_ENU.exe[/url]. This update may in the future be available as part of an official Windows XP Service Pack, a Windows XP Compatibility Update, or possibly a DirectX 8.1 update. Never mind about the website, it's not there. To get the file, simply type Q306676 at the search textbar. [/quote:644268080a] Bron: [url][/url]
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