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[UT2003] nieuwe patch info ...

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Bron : Weer een waslijst met kleine bugs & een paar interessante features : [quote:dc679e557b] GamePlay: - now [b:dc679e557b]support left handed weapons[/b:dc679e557b] - fixed hidden weapons appearing occasionally on respawn - spectators don't show up on DM scoreboard at end of match - FPH doesn't change after match ends - shock combos now work after going through static meshes, and at all angles. - [b:dc679e557b][i:dc679e557b]fixed rocketlauncher can lock onto invasion monsters (bonuspack) [/i:dc679e557b](*)[/b:dc679e557b] ... Mod support: ... - added [b:dc679e557b]support for pushing skins and meshes down from the server[/b:dc679e557b], with the PlayerRecordClass Use PlayerRecordClass to push down player skins and meshes from the server. For example, if the Reaper clan was running a server, and had their own clan skin in ReaperSkin.utx, here's what they'd need to do: Create a new ReaperMod.u file, with the class Reaper in it. The package name must be the class name with "mod" appended. Reaper is a subclass of PlayerRecordClass, with all the default properties set appropriately to setup up the character. Clan members will need to have a .upl file with the same character definition. The server will need to have both ReaperSkin and ReaperMod in its serverpackages. ... Menus/Interface: - LowSoundQuality option is saved properly. - maps listed alphabetically - Added Map name to loading screen ... [/quote:dc679e557b] (*) betekent dus dat patch in ieder geval voor het (Epic) bonuspack moet verschijnen ...
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tuurlijk : "When it's done!(tm)" of "soon" // -- <= als je het aandurft dan staat hier de beta van de patch. Let wel ! het is een *BETA*, zorg dus voor backups e.d. Bovendien schijnt er al een flinke bug in het shockcombo te zitten ... Dus ga niet klagen als het niet werkt ! Het is een BETA !
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