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Final Fantasy 11 benchmark demo is te verkrijgen!!!!!!!

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[quote:7daf11a943]Final Fantasy XI may be someway off release in Europe, but an American outing is slated for sometime next year. Those with broadband will be looking to play on US servers in 2003. A European version isn't expected until 2004. The program shows whether or not your PC is up to the task of running the game, while giving you a brief glimpse of the beautiful world of Vana'Diel. Watch the score in the bottom right corner of the screen as you run the file. If it's over 1,500, you've got no problem. Over 4,000 and you're peachy keen. Less than 1,500 and you're looking at an upgrade: get your wallet out. [/quote:7daf11a943] [url=]dowload hier[/url] damn, als iemand een snellere mirror weet... plz.. dit is niet echt super iig...
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