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C&C Renegade Problemen

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Na een tijdje zoeken op Internet vond ik zelf al een antwoord: [quote:cb1e90696f]Getting kicked while playing C&C: Renegade? Well, Westwood knows all about this problem and will present a fix to solve it soon. For now you may try the following: As mentioned earlier, we're working through the night to improve game performance and expect to address this issue in the next 24 hours. We'll keep you updated at GameSpy, as well as the Westwood site on further improvements and news as soon as they happen. It is very important that your game is setup to use the correct connection speed for your Internet connection. If the connection speed is not setup properly, it will drastically affect your game performance. This setting communicates to the server how frequently your game should update. If it is set too low, the server does not update your client as often as it could. If this value is set too high, the server may flood your game with too much information.[/quote:cb1e90696f]
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Brak spul, dat is het Er is trouwens wel een patch, [quote:2371b95bef] 1. The Renegade Demo will automatically detect and set your bandwidth 2. Contraints have been created to ensure appropriate server bandwidth 3. Added a command to report important performance values 4. Found and removed some memory leaks that were affecting server performance 5. Miscellaneous bug fixes and improved server stability Additionally this readme contains more information regarding the server settings and what they do. (see Server Options below) [/quote:2371b95bef]
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gewoon je pc resetten en dan opnieuw proberen ? Ik had hetzelfde probleem ... na een keer spelen kon ik bij geen enkele server meer binnen, ondanks het feit dat er genoeg ruimte zou zijn op de servers (2 / 32 => en dan nog steeds 'is vol' terug krijgen ... ). :sad: Overigens : WinRoute gaf aan dat mijn pc op dat moment 600+ verbindingen naar het internet open had staan ... Dus ik vermoed dat GS zelf de verbindingspoging ver***** na verloop van tijd :mad:
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