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PHP File Uploads


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Ik probeer al een tijdje een php-uploadscript aan de praat te krijgen, maar krijg steeds de volgende error; Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 2083 is not allowed to access / owned by uid 0 in /opt/guide/ on line 254 Uit ervaring weet ik dat ik bij WIDEXS move_uploaded_file() ipv copy() moet gebruiken en dat de betreffende map de juiste rechten moet hebben (chmod 777). Vreemd genoeg schijnt ook dit niet te werken. Zouden iemand mij misschien hiermee kunnen helpen? Class-file source: [code:1:b1a9d299e6] <?php # =================================================================== # # # iMarc PHP Library # # @version: 2.31 # @last_update: 2003-02-11 # @description: PHP file upload class # # @changes: v2.31 - Bugfix for upload $path in $this->save_file() # @changes: v2.3 - Initialized all variables (compatibale with PHP error notices) # @changes: v2.2 - Changed ereg() to stristr() whenever possible # # =================================================================== # # # USAGE and SETUP instructions at the bottom of this page (README) # # =================================================================== # /* METHODS: max_filesize() - set a max filesize in bytes max_image_size() - set max pixel dimenstions for image uploads upload() - checks if file is acceptable, uploads file to server's temp directory save_file() - moves the uploaded file and renames it depending on the save_file($overwrite_mode) cleanup_text_file() - (PRIVATE class function) convert Mac and/or PC line breaks to UNIX Error codes: $errors[0] - "No file was uploaded" $errors[1] - "Maximum file size exceeded" $errors[2] - "Maximum image size exceeded" $errors[3] - "Only specified file type may be uploaded" $errors[4] - "File already exists" (save only) */ # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # UPLOADER CLASS # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # class uploader { var $file; var $errors; var $accepted; var $max_filesize; var $max_image_width; var $max_image_height; # ----------------------------------- # # FUNCTION: max_filesize # DESCRIPTION: Set the maximum file size in bytes ($size), allowable by the object. # # ARGS: $size (int) file size in bytes # # NOTE: PHP's configuration file also can control the maximum upload size, which is set to 2 or 4 # megs by default. To upload larger files, you'll have to change the php.ini file first. # ----------------------------------- # function max_filesize($size){ $this->max_filesize = $size; } # ----------------------------------- # # FUNCTION: max_image_size # DESCRIPTION: Sets the maximum pixel dimensions for image uploads # # ARGS: $width (int) maximum pixel width of image uploads # $height (int) maximum pixel height of image uploads # ----------------------------------- # function max_image_size($width, $height){ $this->max_image_width = $width; $this->max_image_height = $height; } # ----------------------------------- # # FUNCTION: upload # DESCRIPTION: Checks if the file is acceptable and copies it to # # ARGS: $filename (string) form field name of uploaded file # $accept_type (string) acceptable mime-types # $extension (string) default filename extenstion # ----------------------------------- # function upload($filename='', $accept_type='', $extention='') { if (!is_array($_FILES[$filename]) || !$_FILES[$filename]['name']) { $this->errors[0] = "No file was uploaded"; $this->accepted = FALSE; return FALSE; } // Copy PHP's global $_FILES array to a local array $this->file = $_FILES[$filename]; $this->file['file'] = $filename; // Initialize empty array elements if (!isset($this->file['extention'])) $this->file['extention'] = ""; if (!isset($this->file['type'])) $this->file['type'] = ""; if (!isset($this->file['size'])) $this->file['size'] = ""; if (!isset($this->file['width'])) $this->file['width'] = ""; if (!isset($this->file['height'])) $this->file['height'] = ""; if (!isset($this->file['tmp_name'])) $this->file['tmp_name'] = ""; if (!isset($this->file['raw_name'])) $this->file['raw_name'] = ""; // test max size if($this->max_filesize && ($this->file["size"] > $this->max_filesize)) { $this->errors[1] = "Maximum file size exceeded. File may be no larger than " . $this->max_filesize/1000 . "KB (" . $this->max_filesize . " bytes)."; $this->accepted = FALSE; // GM Modification // EOF -> Redir! $RedirectInsertSuccess = "../pgs_popup/gallery_upload.php?msg=maxsize"; //header ("Location: $RedirectInsertSuccess"); //exit; // End GM Modification return FALSE; } if(stristr($this->file["type"], "image")) { /* IMAGES */ $image = getimagesize($this->file["tmp_name"]); $this->file["width"] = $image[0]; $this->file["height"] = $image[1]; // test max image size if(($this->max_image_width || $this->max_image_height) && (($this->file["width"] > $this->max_image_width) || ($this->file["height"] > $this->max_image_height))) { $this->errors[2] = "Maximum image size exceeded. Image may be no more than " . $this->max_image_width . " x " . $this->max_image_height . " pixels"; $this->accepted = FALSE; // GM Modification // EOF -> Redir! $RedirectInsertSuccess = "../pgs_popup/gallery_upload.php?msg=imgsize"; //header ("Location: $RedirectInsertSuccess"); exit; // End GM Modification return FALSE; } // Image Type is returned from getimagesize() function switch($image[2]) { case 1: $this->file["extention"] = ".gif"; break; case 2: $this->file["extention"] = ".jpg"; break; case 3: $this->file["extention"] = ".png"; break; case 4: $this->file["extention"] = ".swf"; break; case 5: $this->file["extention"] = ".psd"; break; case 6: $this->file["extention"] = ".bmp"; break; case 7: $this->file["extention"] = ".tif"; break; case 8: $this->file["extention"] = ".tif"; break; default: $this->file["extention"] = $extention; break; } } elseif(!ereg("(\.)([a-z0-9]{3,5})$", $this->file["name"]) && !$extention) { // Try and autmatically figure out the file type // For more on mime-types: switch($this->file["type"]) { case "text/plain": $this->file["extention"] = ".txt"; break; case "text/richtext": $this->file["extention"] = ".txt"; break; default: break; } } else { $this->file["extention"] = $extention; } // check to see if the file is of type specified if($accept_type) { if(stristr($accept_type, $this->file["type"])) { $this->accepted = TRUE; } else { $this->accepted = FALSE; $this->errors[3] = "Only " . str_replace("|", " or ", $accept_type) . " files may be uploaded"; // GM Modification // EOF -> Redir! $RedirectInsertSuccess = "../pgs_popup/gallery_upload.php?msg=filetype"; //header ("Location: $RedirectInsertSuccess"); //exit; // End GM Modification } } else { $this->accepted = TRUE; } return $this->accepted; } # ----------------------------------- # # FUNCTION: save_file # DESCRIPTION: Cleans up the filename, copies the file from PHP's temp location to $path, # and checks the overwrite_mode # # ARGS: $path (string) File path to your upload directory # $overwrite_mode (int) 1 = overwrite existing file # 2 = rename if filename already exists (file.txt becomes file_copy0.txt) # 3 = do nothing if a file exists # ----------------------------------- # function save_file($path, $overwrite_mode="3"){ if ($path[strlen($path)-1] != "/") { $path = $path . "/"; } $this->path = $path; $copy = ""; $n = 1; $aok = false; if($this->accepted) { // Clean up file name (only lowercase letters, numbers and underscores) $this->file["name"] = ereg_replace("[^a-z0-9._]", "", str_replace(" ", "_", str_replace("%20", "_", strtolower($this->file["name"])))); // Clean up text file breaks if(stristr($this->file["type"], "text")) { $this->cleanup_text_file($this->file["tmp_name"]); } // get the raw name of the file (without it's extenstion) if(ereg("(\.)([a-z0-9]{2,5})$", $this->file["name"])) { $pos = strrpos($this->file["name"], "."); if(!$this->file["extention"]) { $this->file["extention"] = substr($this->file["name"], $pos, strlen($this->file["name"])); } $this->file['raw_name'] = substr($this->file["name"], 0, $pos); } else { $this->file['raw_name'] = $this->file["name"]; if ($this->file["extention"]) { $this->file["name"] = $this->file["name"] . $this->file["extention"]; } } switch($overwrite_mode) { case 1: // overwrite mode // PHP Safe Mode $aok = move_uploaded_file($this->file["tmp_name"], $this->path . $this->file["name"]); //chmod($this->path . $this->file["name"], 0777); // Normal //$aok = copy($this->file["tmp_name"], $this->path . $this->file["name"]); break; case 2: // create new with incremental extention while(file_exists($this->path . $this->file['raw_name'] . $copy . $this->file["extention"])) { $copy = "_copy" . $n; $n++; } $this->file["name"] = $this->file['raw_name'] . $copy . $this->file["extention"]; // PHP Safe Mode $aok = move_uploaded_file($this->file["tmp_name"], $this->path . $this->file["name"]); //chmod($this->path . $this->file["name"], 0777); // Normal //$aok = copy($this->file["tmp_name"], $this->path . $this->file["name"]); break; case 3: // do nothing if exists, highest protection if(file_exists($this->path . $this->file["name"])){ $this->errors[4] = "File &quot" . $this->path . $this->file["name"] . "&quot already exists"; // GM Modification // EOF -> Redir! $RedirectInsertSuccess = "../pgs_popup/gallery_upload.php?msg=exists"; //header ("Location: $RedirectInsertSuccess"); //exit; // End GM Modification $aok = null; } else { // PHP Safe Mode $aok = move_uploaded_file($this->file["tmp_name"], $this->path . $this->file["name"]); // Normal $aok = copy($this->file["tmp_name"], $this->path . $this->file["name"]); } break; default: break; } if(!$aok) { unset($this->file['tmp_name']); } return $aok; } else { $this->errors[3] = "Only " . str_replace("|", " or ", $accept_type) . " files may be uploaded"; return FALSE; } } # ----------------------------------- # # FUNCTION: cleanup_text_file # DESCRIPTION: Convert Mac and/or PC line breaks to UNIX # # ARGS: $file (string) Path and name of text file # ----------------------------------- # function cleanup_text_file($file){ // chr(13) = CR (carridge return) = Macintosh // chr(10) = LF (line feed) = Unix // Win line break = CRLF $new_file = ''; $old_file = ''; $fcontents = file($file); while (list ($line_num, $line) = each($fcontents)) { $old_file .= $line; $new_file .= str_replace(chr(13), chr(10), $line); } if ($old_file != $new_file) { // Open the uploaded file, and re-write it with the new changes $fp = fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($fp, $new_file); fclose($fp); } } } /* <readme> gm_uploadclass.php can be used to upload files of any type to a web server using a web browser. The uploaded file's name will get cleaned up - special characters will be deleted, and spaces get replaced with underscores, and moved to a specified directory (on your server). gm_uploadclass.php also does its best to determine the file's type (text, GIF, JPEG, etc). If the user has named the file with the correct extension (.txt, .gif, etc), then the class will use that, but if the user tries to upload an extensionless file, PHP does can identify text, gif, jpeg, and png files for you. As a last resort, if there is no specified extension, and PHP can not determine the type, you can set a default extension to be added. SETUP: Make sure that the directory that you plan on uploading files to has enough permissions for your web server to write/upload to it. (usually, this means making it world writable) - cd /your/web/dir - chmod 777 <fileupload_dir> The HTML FORM used to upload the file should look like this: <form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="userfile"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> USAGE: // Create a new instance of the class $my_uploader = new uploader; // OPTIONAL: set the max filesize of uploadable files in bytes $my_uploader->max_filesize(90000); // OPTIONAL: if you're uploading images, you can set the max pixel dimensions $my_uploader->max_image_size(150, 300); // max_image_size($width, $height) // UPLOAD the file // $my_uploader->upload($upload_file_name, $acceptable_file_types, $default_extension) $success = $my_uploader->upload("userfile", "", ".jpg"); if ($success) { // MOVE THE FILE to it's final destination // $overwrite_mode = 1 :: overwrite existing file // $overwrite_mode = 2 :: rename new file if a file // with the same name already // exists: file.txt becomes file_copy0.txt // $overwrite_mode = 3 :: do nothing if a file with the // same name already exists $success = $my_uploader->save_file("/your/web/dir/fileupload_dir", int $overwrite_mode); } if ($success) { // Successful upload! $file_name = $my_uploader->file['name']; print($file_name . " was successfully uploaded!"); } else { // ERROR uploading... if($my_uploader->errors) { while(list($key, $var) = each($my_uploader->errors)){ echo $var . "<br>"; } } </readme> <license> ///// gm_uploadclass.php ///// Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. </license> */ ?> [/code:1:b1a9d299e6] Bedankt :)
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