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[CSS] Text uitlijnen in tabel

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[quote:618f07f78e="W3C - CSS level 2"]The "vertical-align" property of each table cell determines its alignment within the row. Each cell?s content has a baseline, a top, a middle, and a bottom, as does the row itself. In the context of tables, values for ?vertical-align? have the following meanings: [b:618f07f78e]baseline[/b:618f07f78e] The baseline of the cell is put at the same height as the baseline of the first of the rows it spans (see below for the definition of baselines of cells and rows). [b:618f07f78e]top[/b:618f07f78e] The top of the cell box is aligned with the top of the first row it spans. bottom The bottom of the cell box is aligned with the bottom of the last row it spans. [b:618f07f78e]middle[/b:618f07f78e] The center of the cell is aligned with the center of the rows it spans. [b:618f07f78e]sub, super, text-top, text-bottom [/b:618f07f78e] These values do not apply to cells; the cell is aligned at the baseline instead.[/quote:618f07f78e]
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