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Logitech Cordless Optical......vreemd probleem

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Okee, op de HCC heeft m'n echtgenoot dus een Logitech Cordless Optical desktop gekocht. Hij had al een oudere Logitech Cordless Desktop, maar deze is mooier, uitgebreider en nieuwer :) Na het aansluiten van het setje op zijn systeem (met een Asus TUSL2-C moederbord) werkt het toetsenbord wel, maar de muis niet. Win98SE geeft gelijk de melding dat er geen muis aangesloten zit. Andere harddisk erin met WinXP pro.....deze laat wel de muiscursor zien, maar bewegen doet hij niet. Toetsenbord werkt hier ook goed. Het setje aangesloten op mijn computer (Asus P4S8X) werkt het zonder enig probleem. Het oude Logitech setje werkt gewoon goed op dat zijn systeem. Sterker nog, als we de Receiver van het oude setje aansluiten doet de nieuwe muis het wel goed. Het enige verschil is dat de nieuwe receiver de USB connector op de keyboardkabel zit en PS/2 op de muis, en bij de oude receiver precies andersom. Maar met of zonder converter naar ps/2 vertikt die nieuwe het op het eerste systeem. Kunnen jullie het nog volgen? Mijn vraag: Waar kan dit in hemelsnaam aan liggen? Het nieuwe setje doet het prima op mijn systeem, dus het is niet kapot. Maar waarom doet de muis het dan niet op zijn computer? De USB en PS/2 poorten zijn goed, want met het oude Logitech setje is er geen enkel probleem. Vrij vertaald: HELLUP!!!!
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Is een goeie tip....maaar......(...pieker peins...) maar dat zou toch verholpen zijn met het reconnecten? Je weet wel, het aanmelden van de muis op de receiver d.m.v. die kleine knopjes op beide. En als de muis op een ander kanaal zou staan dan de receiver, dan zou hij op mijn computer ook niet werken denk ik....toch? Ik ga het toch effe checken :) Bedankt voor je tip.
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Kanaal...kanaal....Ik kan hem niet vinden! Moet dat in de software zitten of in de hardware? Hardware: Kan niks vinden. Software: Ehm....die is niet geinstalleerd. Moet ik dan met kunst en vliegwerk (zonder muis) eerst de software installeren om m'n muisprobleem te kunnen verhelpen? Oh, wacht effe....daar hebben we natuurlijk voor :)
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Ik heb ook ff gekeken pfff succes ermee. Verify the receiver is properly connected and that the batteries are installed. Also, make sure that the mouse and the receiver are on the same channel so they can operate together. Please note that the receivers for the Cordless Three technology devices are all compatible with each other. However they will NOT work with the earlier Cordless Technology devices. Move the Mono/Dual switch on the side of the receiver to the Dual mode, (the 2 mouse icon position) for a few seconds, then move it back to the Mono mode (single mouse icon position). This resets the receiver so you may synchronize it with the cordless device. Pick up the mouse and turn it over so you can see the bottom. To synchronize the Cordless MouseMan (M/N: RC33, RE33), press and hold the channel button (green button). The light next to the channel button on the bottom of the mouse should flash. Continue to hold the channel button until the green light on the receiver starts to flash. Once the green receiver light starts to flash, release the channel button and place the mouse back on a flat surface. Move the Cordless MouseMan III and verify the cursor moves on the monitor screen. Note that the green light on the receiver should flash any time the mouse is moved or a button is pressed. To check what channel the Cordless MouseMan III is set to, quickly press and release the channel button on the bottom of the mouse and count the number of flashes. Note: (If you press the button too long, you will change the channel). To synchronize the Cordless MouseMan Pro (M/N: RC44), using a pen or pencil, press and hold the small channel button (green button), the light next to the channel button on the bottom of the mouse should flash. Continue to hold the channel button until the green light on the receiver starts to flash. Once the green receiver light starts to flash, release the channel button and place the mouse back on a flat surface. Move the Cordless MouseMan Pro and verify the cursor moves on the monitor screen. Note that the green light on the receiver should flash any time the mouse is moved or a button is pressed. To check what channel the Cordless MouseMan Pro is set to, briefly press and release the channel button on the bottom of the mouse and count the number of flashes. Note: (If you press the butt on too long, you will change the channel). To synchronize the SurfMan/TrackMan Live! (M/N: RD37, RE37), open the battery compartment as described above. Slide the range switch from OFF to LO or HI. Press and hold the channel button (black button), the light next to the channel button on the mouse should flash. Continue to hold the channel button until the green light on the receiver starts to flash. Once the green receiver light starts to flash, release the channel button and replace the battery compartment as described above. Move the trackball on the SurfMan/TrackMan Live and verify the cursor moves on the monitor screen. Note that the green light on the receiver should flash any time the trackball is moved or a button is pressed. To check what channel the SurfMan/TrackMan Live is set to, briefly press and release the channel button on the bottom of the SurfMan/TrackMan Live and count the number of flashes. Note: (If you press the button too long, you will change the channel). To change the channel of your Cordless device, press and hold the channel button as described above for 3 to 4 seconds. To verify what channel your Cordless device is now using, briefly press and release the channel button on the bottom of the Cordless device and count the number of flashes. Note: (If you press the button too long, you will change the channel). Synchronizing a Second Cordless on the same Receiver If you wish to use a second cordless device with your receiver, be sure you have successfully synchronized your first device as described above. The second cordless device must use the Cordless Three technology. Move the Dual/Mono switch on the receiver to the Dual position. Press and hold the channel button of your second cordless device as described above until the green receiver light flashes. Once the green receiver light starts to flash, release the channel button and test your second cordless device to see if it move the cursor on the monitor screen. Cordless Two Technology Verify the receiver is properly connected and that the battery is installed. Also, make sure that the mouse and the receiver are on the same channel so they can operate together. The default channel is four. Check your receiver to make certain the channel switch hasn't been moved from channel 4, and the mouse and receiver are ready to go on channel 4. You should only change the channel from this default setting if another Cordless MouseMan is operating within one meter (39 inches) of your MouseMan receiver. Each channel setting has two positions, a short distance apart. Try both positions. One may work better than the other. Your receiver must lie horizontally, with the light on top, to work properly. You have 4 channels to choose from; we recommend channel 4. Choose the channel on the receiver. Turn the channel selector on the receiver to channel 4. This switch is on the right side of the receiver when the cord points away from you. Pick up the mouse, press and hold down the mouse channel button until the light on the receiver light starts blinking. When the receiver light starts to blink, release the mouse channel button. The mouse and receiver are now synchronized to the same channel. To change the channel, turn the channel selector on the receiver to the channel of choice, then repeat step 2. When the Cordless MouseMan is operating normally, the receiver light flashes every time the mouse sends a message to your computer. As long as the mouse and receiver are on the same channel and you move the mouse and click the keys, the receiver light flashes continuously. Cordless One Technology Verify the receiver is properly connected and that the battery is installed. Also, make sure that the mouse and the receiver are on the same channel so they can operate together. The receiver must lie horizontally, with the light on top, to work properly. There are 8 channels to choose from, although channel 4 is recommended. Check your receiver to make certain the channel switch hasn't been moved from channel 4, and the mouse and receiver are ready to go on channel 4. You should only change the channel from this default setting if another Cordless MouseMan is operating within one meter (39 inches) of your MouseMan receiver. Each channel setting has two positions, a short distance apart. Try both positions. One may work better than the other. Choose the channel on the receiver. Turn the channel selector on the receiver to channel 4. This switch is on the right side of the receiver when the cord points away from you. To put the mouse in Programming Mode, pick up the mouse and turn it over with the battery installed and belly door on. Slide the belly door part way open. Stop when the line on the belly door is at the 'P' (for "Programming Mode") on the bottom of the mouse. With the belly door in this position, the rectangular hole is just over the mouse light inside the mouse. When the light flashes, the mouse is operating and ready for the channel to be set. Set the channel of your mouse. Click any mouse button while you watch the receiver light, pausing after each click. When the receiver light starts flashing, the mouse and receiver are working on the same channel. Each time you click a mouse button in Programming Mode, the mouse light flashes the same number of times as the number or the new channel it is on. It then pauses briefly, then repeats the channel number over and over. When the receiver light flashes, it is an indication that the mouse and receiver are communicating on the same channel. Close the belly door. When the Cordless MouseMan is operating normally, the receiver light flashes every time the mouse sends a message to the computer. As long as the mouse and receiver are on the same channel and you move the mouse and click the buttons, the receiver light flashes continuously. Nu zal het wel lukken :-? :roll: :wink:
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Probleem is opgelost :):):) Op de logitech website staat ook dit: [size=9:fe7ccec17b] [b:fe7ccec17b]Keyboard and Mouse Will Not Sync Together If you can synchronize the mouse to the receiver but not the keyboard, or vice versa, please use the following steps to synchronize all the devices together. Remove the batteries from the keyboard. Make sure you have the mouse synchronized. To do this, press the connect button on the receiver, then press the connect button on the mouse. Open the iTouch Configuration Panel by double clicking the iTouch icon in the Systray. Click the Cordless tab. Click the Connect button in the Control Panel. A dialog box will appear instructing you to press the connect button. Before you do, you should re-insert the batteries. After inserting the batteries, press the connect button on the keyboard. Verify both devices function correctly. If this does not work, please try the steps below: Remove the batteries from the keyboard and press keys on the keyboard for approximately one minute. This will clear out the capacitors. Press the Connect button on the receiver. Press the Connect button on the mouse. NOTE: You may need a pencil tip or other small tip to press the connect button. Press the Connect button on the receiver. Insert the batteries back into the keyboard. Press the Connect button on the keyboard.[/size:fe7ccec17b][/b:fe7ccec17b] De 2e manier was voor ons de oplossing. Nu werkt het als een trein. Ook na de computer uitgezet en weer aangezet te hebben. Toch allemaal bedankt voor het meedenken. :)
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