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HDD trouble

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I recently bought a 80GB MAxtor IDE Harrdive (D540x, model number: 4K080H4) After I set the jumpers and physically installed the thing as slave, my computer hangs during startup..I can see it detects fine in the bootup screen, but shortyl thereafter it just stalls... I flashed the BIOS to the latest version and tried about every damn thing i could think of..To no avail.. Im using a Jetway660s mainboard with PIII-667, on 256MB of RAM, with a TNT2-32MB vidcard.. BIOS is dated: 02/22/00 BIOS version: 02/22/2000-i440BX-ITE867-2A69KH2BC-00 BIOS Type: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PGM Chipset: Intel 440BX/ZX rev 3 Anyone up in here that can be of some assistance? Thanks in advance,
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