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byte kilobyte megabyte gigabyte terabyte petabyte exabyte zetabyte yottabyte Is dit genoeg zo? het is steeds 1024 x zoveel. even nog een aanvulling: Ok. So where did they come from? Kilo comes from the Greek khiloi and means, curiously enough, 1000. It is interesting enough, the only prefix with a direct numerical meaning. Mega comes from the Greek mega meaning "great", as in Alexandros Megos (Alexander the Great). Giga comes from Latin gigas meaning "giant". Tera comes from Greek teras meaning "monster". Peta comes from the Greek pente meaning five. This is the fifth prefix (for 10005). This term, and the next one, were both added in 1975 by the General Conference of Weights and Measures (abbreviated CGMP because it is in France) Exa comes from Greek hex meaning six. This is the sixth prefix (for 10006). Taking "Hexa" and making the "H" silent (as it is in France, home of the CGMP) gives "Exa". Zetta, often mistaken for the Green Zeta, is the last letter of the Latin alphabet. This prefix and the next one were added in 1990 by CGMP. Yotta is the penultimate (next to last) letter of the Latin alphabet.
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