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Iemand belde mij met de volgende vraag: Sinds hij een andere geluids- en videokaart heeft gemonteerd (resp. Soundblaster Live! Platinum en Diamond Viper V770 Ultra) krijgt hij bij het afsluiten van de computer (Win98SE) telkens een schermpje met de tekst: "Kan geen servicevectors installeren". Je kunt dan op OK drukken en het afsluiten verloopt verder normaal. Ik heb nog nooit zo'n vreemde melding gezien. Weet iemand van jullie misschien wat er hier aan de hand is?? :-?
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The error is a result of the error with EMM386 you are receiving. Follow one of the three possible solution below: Disable DOS audio Support: 1.Go to Device Manager 2.Expand the Creative Miscellaneous Devices 3.Select Creative SB16 Emulation 4.Click the Properties button 5.In the Creative SB16 Emulation Properties window, place a check mark in Disable in this hardware profile and click OK. NOTE: It is necessary to disable the SB16 Emulations in Windows, if not, the DOS audio driver (SBEINIT.COM) will load when the system is started. 6.A red "x" will now be next to Creative SB16 Emulation...this is NORMAL. 7.Close Device Manager. 8.Add REM in front of the C:\PROGRA~1\CREATIVE\SBLIVE\DOSDRV\SBEINIT.COM line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 9.Add REM in front of the C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE line in the CONFIG.SYS file. The CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT file can be modified with either MSCONFIG, NOTEPAD, SYSEDIT or EDIT. NOTE: Placing the REM at the beginning of the DOS audio driver line will NOT affect sound support for Windows-based applications and games. Add an exclusion to the EMM386 Line: In the event DOS audio support is required, modify the EMM386 command in the CONFIG.SYS file and add M6 I=E000-E3FF to the existing EMM386 line. The line would appear like this once the modification have been made: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE M6 I=E000-E3FF Prevent EMS from loading: In the event the above solution still gives the EMM386 error message, add NOEMS to the EMM386 line. The line would appear like the following example: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS NOTE: Previous versions of EMM386.EXE required a "/" (forward slash) before NOEMS. It is no longer required.
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