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Zoals je uit de press release kan opmaken is deze kaart niet echt een game kaart: [quote:15223d86da]For the first time ever, Creative introduces a visual processing solution for consumers. Hot on the heels of a "digital camera holiday," Creative pioneers a new product category with the Graphics Blaster® Picture Perfect visual processor. Featuring 3Dlabs®' revolutionary new Visual Processing technology, this graphics accelerator breaks new ground as the first one designed to enhance the experience of working with digital images. By offloading portions of the image processing from the CPU to the VPU (Visual Processing Unit), complex imaging tasks take less time. [b:15223d86da]For the amateur digital photographer or the general PC user, the Graphics Blaster Picture Perfect enhances the visual processing experience on the PC[/b:15223d86da].[/quote:15223d86da] zoals al zegt: [quote:15223d86da]Well, I don't exactly speak press release, but it sounds like this is certainly not a chipset geared towards gamers. Still, it's intriguing[/quote:15223d86da] Maar als je naar de Spec, kijkt zoals Slashhead al aangeeft, zou hij krachtig genoeg moeten wezen om er een potje UT2003 mee te kunnen spelen lijkt me.
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Ati R500 @ 0,09 micron? [quote:635ebacf15]ATI announced today that they have reached a "Broad Reaching Partnership" with Cadence for their silicon design tools. Predictably The deal looks towards the next design challenges on the 90nm process. [i:635ebacf15]"We have tremendous respect for ATI and look forward to helping them solve their toughest design challenges at 90 nanometers and below," said Penny Herscher, executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Cadence. "Complex graphics and digital media chip designs demand the best technology solutions, and it's rewarding that ATI chose Cadence as its partner, for our technology leadership across the board and, in particular, the industry-leading Encounter platform. The goal of this expanded agreement is a Cadence-centric flow that meets the majority of ATI's design needs today, and that we collaborate to meet their needs in the future."[/i:635ebacf15] While ATI are known to be working on the 130nm process for the upcoming RV350 chip, they will not utilise the 130nm process in a high end part until R400, which is scheduled for the latter half of 2003. This being the case its likely that R500, which is probably being developed by the same team that produced R300 (Radeon 9500/9700), will be targetted at the 90nm process being discussed here and is likely due for release within 18 to 24 months.[/quote:635ebacf15] [url=]Bron[/url] Jammer dat ik niets lees over de R350, als ik het bovenstaande moet geloven dan is dat weer eem 0,18 micron model.
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[quote:70c4e61b7d="Red Dragon"] Jammer dat ik niets lees over de R350, als ik het bovenstaande moet geloven dan is dat weer eem 0,18 micron model.[/quote:70c4e61b7d] There you go: The R350 rumours have started and Reactor Critical has started it. Here's a blurb: As you probably guess, I am speaking about the already famous R350 and RV350 chips. It was noted that at the end of last year ATI managed to tape-out the latter, while the former is also in development, though, there are very few details about the process. It is not clear at the moment when the higher-end VPU will be available, but it would be logical for ATI to announce the processor just when Nvidia finally rolls-out its notorious GeForce FX VPU. According to rumours, the R350 VPU incorporates 8 rendering pipelines with two texture units per pipeline. Given that ATI already demonstrated DDR-II support in Fall 2002, it may appear that the company can also utilise this type of memory, not forgetting about their superior 256-bit memory bus. RV350 is another low-cost DirectX 9.0 graphics core to be offered as substitution for certain RADEON 9500 models, for integration and for using in mobile devices. Due to thinner, 0.13 micron manufacturing process ATI’s RV350 should be cheaper compared to the RADEON 9500.
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[quote:a8bf457ce4="Red Dragon"]ziet er lekker uit: DDR-II 256bits bus 2 textures per pipline ---> 8 pipelines als hij echt 0,13 micron is dan word dit een GeForce FX killen (gok ik) Als hij snel na de GeForce FX uit komt dan wacht ik nog wel wat langer :) (als ik het zo lang maar volhou met me GeForce 4 ti 4400 :wink: )[/quote:a8bf457ce4] Ja hoe zal ATI de overgang naar 0,13 micron vergaan? Mogelijk heeft nVidia gewoon toch vertraging door de overgang naar 0,13 micron en DDRII, als dit eenmaal loopt zal nV misschien ook weer de druk opvoeren, laten die 2 elkaar maar bevechten zonder elkaar kapot te concurreren uiteraard ;) Wat moet dit toch een ontzettende zware en linke buisness zijn, zulke enorme R&D kosten, de tijdsdruk...
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Nog een rumortje van de Inquirer over S3's Delta chrome wat er niet om liegt: Chuck Maray forwarded this gem from The Inquirer about a prospective new player in the high-end consumer videocard market. According to the story, Via (known primarily in the US for motherboard chipsets) is using the S3 name to market a new breed of graphics processors (a suspect move in our book after the original S3 bought and subsequently destroyed the esteemed Diamond brand of products). However, this is a new S3 and this is a new part. The chip will be clocked at 300MHz+ for the graphics processor and 300MHz+ for memory, and will use plain DDR. The second version of the card will work on 240MHz+ for the graphics engine and 300MHz+ for memory. Cards using the chip would be unique for offering better 3DMark2001SE scores than 9700 Pro ("in the 20K+ range") at a budget price, debuting sometime in the second Quarter with a pricetag under $100. The cards will feature "an Advanced Deferred Rendering feature (that) will improve efficiency of the card. Advanced Deferred Rendering can do many things as well as front to back and back to front Z-culling". The cards will not use any kind of tile based rendering but will be optimised for "far more than hierarchical z". Stay tuned.
Link naar reactie [size=18:646c6e4501][b:646c6e4501]ATI R350: early details emerge [/b:646c6e4501][/size:646c6e4501] Still not finalised, but here are the aims By Fuad Abazovic: vrijdag 24 januari 2003, 07:50 EVEN THOUGH hasn't completely finished R350 as they are waiting for production silicone as we speak, we believe we have some solid information about what to expect from the cards. ATI's magic goal is to achieve 400MHz/800 MHz for the card and memory while we know that it can easily clock it to 375 MHz, which can be considered as the lowest frequency of R350. The final silicon should be back from TSMC any day now, as product is almost ready and when it does we will try to confirm the information about the final clock. 400 to 425 MHz is a dream target. R350 is likely to stay with the Radeon 9x00 branding name, where x will be replaced with 8 or 9, so it may well be named the Radeon 9800 or 9900. We heard that ATI's R350 will beat Geforce FX in eight out of 10 benchmarks, and we learned that one of benchmarks they will lose will be Quake 3. This could be true since the R350 will have 6Gb/Sec memory bandwidth more than the 9700 Pro. The card will be equipped with 128 MB memory while it will support 256MB configurations and 128MB variations will be priced around the €400 mark. [b:646c6e4501][color=blue:646c6e4501]It will, we think, be introduced in the first week of March and we reckon that's intended to throw dust into Nvidia's eyes.[/color:646c6e4501][/b:646c6e4501] But will the R350 be faster than the GeForce FX? That remains to be seen..
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gelezen op [quote:c0d15a0b8a]With GeForce FX coming just around the corner ATI is of course getting anxious to 'snow' the GeForce FX release a little. Therefor all out of the blue we notice gossip about the R350. Two big websites report about it, one of course the Inquirer which is right in about 50% of their stories I'd guess, the other a far more reliable source is [url=]Voodoo Extreme.[/url] [i:c0d15a0b8a]a top dog at ATI has told us that the R350 will debut in march, and as told before will be 10% faster than the FX, but the kicker will be that it's also $150 cheaper. The massive price difference is due to the fact the R350 will be a 10 layer PCB, while Nvidia's fastest will require 12 layers. Graphics wars are gonna be interesting in the coming months to say the least... [/i:c0d15a0b8a][/quote:c0d15a0b8a] Sneller en goedkoper he... mmm. klinkt te mooi om waar te zijn :)
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[quote:de2863ab59]Despite various market rumors, Nvidia said it has not changed its plans to ship its GeForce FX products in early February. [b:de2863ab59]Faced with this upcoming competition, ATI Technologies recently revealed that it would release its long-planned R350 chips in the next few weeks to keep its leading position in product specifications.[/b:de2863ab59] Responding to the rising threat from Nvidia, ATI is planning to introduce its R350 chips as well as the more simplified RV350 shortly to brace itself. To ensure a better yield rate and cheaper sales price, [b:de2863ab59]ATI said that the R350 chips will be manufactured on the more mature 0.15-micron process and use lower-cost, 10-layer PCBs for the supporting graphics cards.[/b:de2863ab59] According to some benchmarks, the GeForce FX 5800 Ultra performs 10% better than the Radeon 9700 PRO, ATI said, but it is also true that Nvidia’s new chip requires greater power consumption. Its new R350, however, will feature low power consumption, with which ATI hopes to target both the desktop and notebook markets at the same time. ATI gave no more details about the R350 and RV350, but stressed that the products will be designed with leading-edge specifications. Meanwhile, in addition to the high-end chips, ATI said that its new-generation, mainstream-level RV280 would make its debut at the CeBIT Hannover trade show in March and hit the market shortly afterwards. An updated version of its Radeon 9000 (RV250) chip with AGP 8x graphics support, ATI’s RV280 will be manufactured by United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) using 0.15-micron processing.[/quote:de2863ab59] [url=]Bron[/url] Ik verbaas me er helemaal niet over als ATI al snel met een R350 kan komen, ze hebben zat tijd gehad om hem voor te bereiden. echter zolang de GeForce FX geen invloed heeft op de verkoop cijfers kunnen ze rustig aan doen.
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