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-= Radeon Topic deel 12 =-

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Volgens mij door Slashhead al gemeld (of had je me dat telefonisch verteld :wink: ) De Radeon 8500 word de Radeon 9100: [quote:1304814ac3][url=]Sapphire Technology[/url], the well-known ATI partner, announced the new family of ATI RADEON 9100-based graphics cards. Inexpensive Sapphire RADEON 9100 ATLANTIS is the Direct X 8.1 mainstream solution on the 4-pipeline RADEON 9100 with two geometry engines. Sapphire RADEON 9100 ATLANTIS cards feature analog, DVI-I and S-video/composite outputs. Basically the Radeon 8500. [img:1304814ac3][/img:1304814ac3][/quote:1304814ac3] Omdat alles nog niet verwarrend genoeg was :D [url=]BRON[/url]
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Interessant weetje om een Radeon 9700 pro stabiel op AGP8x te laten draaien op een KT400 chipset mobo (werkt met andere moederborden misschien ook wel) [quote:e30307b2e1]Regarding the KT400 issue mentioned in the article. Three days after posting this review we received a Revision 3 Radeon 9700 Pro only to find out that we still had abnormalities and crashes. I've had a lot of emails from our readers with exactly the similar problem. After revising and reorganizing the BIOS completely step by step we finally got Radeon 9700 Pro stable on KT400 mainboards. Go into you BIOS and make sure you set the following, this is a Phoenix BIOS btw: [i:e30307b2e1]* DBI Output for AGP Transfers Enabled[/i:e30307b2e1] AGP3.0 adopts a scheme called Dynamic Bus Inversion (DBI) to limit the maximum number of simultaneous transitions on source synchronous data transfers. This specific setting made the Radeon 9700 Pro 100% stable at two KT400 platforms in our lab. If you similar problems as described in the article you at least might want to try this out.[/quote:e30307b2e1] [url=]Bron[/url] Slashhead, kijk anders eens of deze optie ook in de bios zit van de andere AGP8x moerderborden. of heb je geen AGP8x moederbord meer?
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Heb die rommel allang niet meer :roll: Niet alleen R9700pro kaarten werken slecht op die mobo's ook GF4Ti4600 kaarten crashen om de haverklap. Die chipset deugt niet. Ook de NV18 en NV28 wilden niet eens opstarten in dat moederbord evenzo enkele Radeon 9700pro kaarten weigerden op te starten. Voor mij geen AGP 8x rommel meer. Ik gebruik nu een [url=]Aopen AX4PE-max[/url].
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Heb wel een tube :lol: (AX4B-533tube) maar daar test ik niet mee. Dat is mijn backup geweest tijdens mijn traumatische ervaringen met AGP 8x. Gebruik'm nu nog steeds als back-up voor het geval ik een hardware probleem heb op de test PC. Ik werk soms erg dicht (wil actueel blijven) tegen deadlines aan en dan kan ik niet altijd wachten tot defecte onderdelen vervangen zijn. Ik moet ineens van systeem kunnen switchen.
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Ik heb weer wat nieuws gekocht :o :lol: :P ORLANDO, FLORIDA, December 2, 2002—Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation (E&S®) (NASDAQ: ESCC) will demonstrate its newest PC-based image generator, simFUSION® 6000, at I/ITSEC 2002. Based on the award-winning ATI RadeonTM 9700 GPU, simFUSION 6000 delivers best-in-class performance as well as simulation features available for the first time at this price point. Using the second-generation E&S simENGINETM graphics board, simFUSION 6000 is the first PC-IG to combine multiple ATI Radeon 9700 graphics chips on a single card. Key features include: Exceptional fill rates enabled by a 256-bit wide unified memory interface and integrated multi-chip supertiling Outstanding image quality as a result of best-in-class multisample antialiasing combined with 16x anisotropic texturing, floating-point graphics pipelines, and gamma-in/gamma-out Full-speed, 16-bit monochrome mode for accurate sensor simulation Three DVI-I outputs per chassis in the quad-chip configuration for cost-effective three-channel, low-end image generator applications Multiple chassis solutions via dual-link DVI inputs and outputs for ultra-high-end applications "With the introduction of simFUSION 6000, E&S offers the best PC-IG graphics acceleration technology backed by the most extensive visual simulation expertise in the industry," said Nick Gibbs, E&S Simulation Systems vice president and general manager. "Our close working relationship with ATI allows us to take advantage of all the advanced features of the Radeon 9700, while we add significant key discriminators for advanced simulation applications. Our first customer deliveries will occur in the first quarter of 2003." About simFUSION 6000 simFUSION 6000 offers unbeatable PC-IG performance and image quality, with 2-to-24-sample full-scene antialiasing at screen resolutions up to 2048x1536 and fill rates up to 9.6Gpix/sec. OGL 1.3, D3D 9.0, and Linux compatible, simFUSION configurations include two or four ATI RADEON 9700 graphics chips, one or three DVI-I outputs, a DVI input, and Chanlock® channel synchronization. Genlock to internal or external video and 256MB of unified memory are standard in all configurations. The DVI input allows multiple chassis to be cascaded for higher performance or additional AA samples. Optional sensor postprocessor and distortion correction/edge blending cards are available. About Evans & Sutherland Evans & Sutherland produces professional hardware and software to create highly realistic visual images for simulation, training, engineering, and other applications throughout the world. E&S visual systems are used in both military and commercial systems, as well as planetariums and interactive theaters. Visit the E&S Web site Na de Prett&Withney modificatie van m'n Corsa GSI wilde ik ook 4 R9700 kaartjes ;)
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[quote:a0a05980a2] [size=18:a0a05980a2]ATI chooses UMC to manufacture RV280 chip Charles Chou, Taipei; Christy Lee, [Friday 13 December 2002] [/size:a0a05980a2] After cooperating with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) for its R300 chip line this year, graphics chip designer ATI Technologies has decided to place all of its RV280 orders with United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) in 2003, given that the wafer production costs at UMC will be an estimated 20% cheaper. The price factor is especially important since the new RV280 chips are intended to target the low-end to medium-range market. Set to be manufactured on UMC’s 0.15-micron process, the RV280 is an updated version of ATI’s Radeon 9000 (RV250) chip with AGP 8x graphics support. Due to its market positioning, the RV280 is very likely to be ATI’s feature product for the OEM sector and the low-price clone market, which means that the total amount of the chip orders may be considerable. With mass production scheduled to start by the end of this year, the new chip is expected to hit the market in the first quarter of 2003 at the earliest. ATI’s latest decision is also regarded as an adjustment back to its usual policy of maintaining equal orders to TSMC and UMC. In 2002, the ratio has moved towards 7: 3 favoring TSMC, as the chip designer has been manufacturing its Radeon 9700 and Radeon 9500 series chips on TSMC’s 0.15-micron process and will start production of its newer R350, RV350 and R400 chips at the world’s largest foundry by the end of this year. Currently, UMC is producing ATI’s entry-level products, such as its Radeon 7000 chips.[/quote:a0a05980a2] [url=]Bron[/url] Ik ben benieuwd wat de RV280 gaat worden. de Radeon 9100? dus een Radeon 8500 met AGP8x?
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Visiontek gaat voor Ati voorheen maakte Visiontek alleen nvidia kaarten. (correct me if I'm wrong) en nu gaan ze over op ati. [quote:3f0f2e4654]Thanks to Solomon from 3dchipset for sending this (at the least to say) interesting newsbit, I'll post a shameless rip. VisionTek used to be the biggest supplier of Nvidia related video cards in the states. Now that the management screwed up terribly to send VisionTek into a downward spiral, Hartford Computer Group has picked up the VisionTek pieces and put them back together and is now signed on with ATi to be the "Premium Retail Partner" for North America. Seems ATi is just expanding and expanding. [/quote:3f0f2e4654] in [url=]Dit flash filmpje[/url] word een elfje neer geschoten. ik neem aan dat dat elfje op [url=]"dawn"[/url] slaat van de GeForce FX 8) meer info @ en
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De meesten wisten het al maar het is nu officeel: [b:572170aa69][size=18:572170aa69]ATI introduces new Radeon 9100 chip for value market[/size:572170aa69][/b:572170aa69] [quote:572170aa69] After a series of product launches for the medium-range and high-end sectors, ATI Technologies recently added a new graphics chip, the Radeon 9100, to its low-end product line, targeting the sub-US$100 value market. [b:572170aa69]Based on the R200 core, the same as used by ATI’s previous-generation, top-end Radeon 8500 chip, the Radeon 9100 features similar performance and specifications, including a clock speed of 250MHz, AGP 4x graphics technology and DirectX 8.1 support.[/b:572170aa69] Supporting cards for the chip are priced at US$90-100. Currently, ATI’s major card-production clients like Gigabyte Technology, CP Technology and Sapphire Technology have all received the chips and started card shipments. However, with the price/performance ratio, the Radeon 9100 is positioned rather close to ATI’s existing Radeon 9000 PRO (RV250)-based products. To avoid marketing confusion, graphics card makers have added more high-end specifications, such as DVI (digital video interface) and video-in function, to their Radeon 9100 cards and at the same time moved the Radeon 9000 PRO towards a lower-end segment. The adjustment is expected to not only stimulate buying sentiment and upgrade product specifications in the US$90-100 market, but also push the Radeon 9000 PRO to compete directly against Nvidia’s GeForce4 MX440 in the US$70-80 sector. While expanding its product lines in the low-end, ATI may continue to face the problem of overlapping product segments.[/quote:572170aa69] [url=]BRON[/url] Om een lang verhaal kort te maken Radeon 8500 = Radeon 9100 Radeon 9100 = Radeon 8500 duidelijk toch?
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[quote:3bd08e6d06]Blurb from The patch that is 'almost out' for nearly two months now, is now out in beta form. We have made available a beta version of the patch, so, if you feel brave enough, you can enjoy the benefits of: *full hardware 3D sound (with EAX) with support for dolby surround 5.1 *optimized rendering (5-20% faster) *support for occlusion culling *major improvements to skeletal animations (seen in updated tech-test level) *support for hardware vertex & pixel shaders (seen in updated tech-test level) *Parhelia triple-head support (support for three monitors) *detection of newer graphic cards (ATI Radeon 9700/pro, ATI Radeon 9500/pro, ATI Radeon 9000/pro, NV GeForceFX, Matorx Parhelia, SiS Xabre 600/400/200) *no more syncbads in multiplay *recoded demo rec/playback (no sync problems) and more... The delay was mainly caused by problems in Internet multiplay, and that is the reason for this version still carying the 'Beta' mark. Single play is all green, better than ever, and lan multiplay is doing fine too. [/quote:3bd08e6d06] Waarschijnlijk al langs gekomen, maar ik had het nog niet gelezen, en support voor de Radeon dus ik zet hem maar hier ;)
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