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-= Nieuwe Generatie Videokaarten Topic Deel 4 =-

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[b:ac124880ae][size=18:ac124880ae][color=red:ac124880ae]NV 30 movie teaser/trailer[/color:ac124880ae][/size:ac124880ae][/b:ac124880ae] [quote:ac124880ae] nVidia is teasing you ... they have released a video trailer with a rather hot topic these days .. the NV30, click [url=]here.[/url] On a similar note, the 'Are you ready' website has been updated again also. [url=]Click Here[/url] When you visit the website, scroll your mouse near to the bottom right corner,you should see a little play cursor, you will be taken to a trailer of whats yet to come this fall. 8)[/quote:ac124880ae] Thnx to
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rechts onder op die site staat een [b:fc8c3c99f9][i:fc8c3c99f9]"n"[/i:fc8c3c99f9][/b:fc8c3c99f9] van nVidia. als je daar op drukt word je naar een nVidia Windows XP bureablad gebracht. hier kan je inloggen. gebruikersnaam is: Guest Pasword is het antwoord op de vraag die je krijgt als je op Help drukt :) je kan dan een NV30 screensaver downloaden
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Wederom NV30 nieuws @ [quote:53893e2465] just noticed something interesting from our buds over at nvnews. nVidia has posted an audio and 34 pages counting PDF slide presentation that were furnished at yesterday's Prudential Securities Technology Conference. [i:53893e2465]There's a screenshot from Doom 3, which is followed by material on the NV30 and Cg mentioned under the slide titled "The Beginning of a New Era." According to the presentation, the NV30 represents the combined work of over 300 engineers and an investment of 100 million dollars. While nVidia may not be the "top dog" at this time in offering the fastest 3D graphics performance, they know how to make money as a result of sound business decisions and product diversification, which have kept them operating in the black (as opposed to operating in the red). [/i:53893e2465] [img:53893e2465][/img:53893e2465][/quote:53893e2465] PDF en Audo is hier te vinden: Echte PR BS maar wel leuk om te lezen :) ps. Vergeet niet de wederom geupdate "Are you ready?" site te checken : [url=]Klik hier[/url]
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Dat zal wel meevallen hoor, ik heb mezelf redelijk onder controle :) Overigens kan je nu ook je Windows opleuken met nVidia Icons. te downloaden via de [url=]Are you ready site[/url] [Update] Er is ook een filmpje van 20MB te dowloaden via het Log-in gedeelte van de site, het filmpje heet "Nvidia Engine room"[/Update]
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Mijn volgende kaart: 400+ mhz core clockspeed 0.13 micron 8 pipelines 2 texture blocks per pipe 500mhz DDR2 memory 128 bit memory bus Physical Bandwidth: 16gb/s Effective Bandwidth taking into account the various bandwidth saving techniques, according to some rumours, is more than twice higher. DX9 compatibility on the level of PS/VS3 (note: we all know that nv30 doesn't fully comply to ps/vs3 specifications, but it's somewhere on the same level). 128 & 64bit (calculated twice faster) color over the whole pipeline Aniso implementation faster than earlier, but the same old alghoritm(?) FSAA implementation faster than earlier, but the same old alghoritm e.g. MSAA(?) Family of cards based on the NV30 chipset (>~$400, NV30-high), mid perfomance (~$200, NV31-low), differ only in speed, not in features(?), everything is still foggy here... Cards based on the NV30 & NV31 chipsets on sale till the end of the year, everywhere else (beginning of next year). Sommigen vinden het tegen vallen op beyond3d, nou ik ben heel tevreden als bovenstaand gehaald wordt en het lijkt reëel. Btw, hebben degene met een GeForce al het tabje interferentie op quality gezet, je krijgt dan een soort aniso wat er super uitziet en weinig performanceverlies, ik zag het bij een maat van mij en het zag er erg goed uit.
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