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[quote:6e81020a49="VTec"]Er is ook al een update uit voor Vupline GLMark en de NV30. Grapppig om te zien dat ze al voordat de kaart uit is, al een update/patch hebben :) Grab it [url=]HERE[/url] Iemand de mogelijkheid om hem te testen ? :P[/quote:6e81020a49] Pff, duidelijk een nVbenchmark dus, net zoals Dronez, Vulpine gebruikt de ATI openGL extensties dus maar half. ATI moet eens leren devs te motiveren, desnoods met $, rekening te houden met Radeonkaarten, marketingtechnisch kunnen ze nog veel leren van NV.
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[quote:00b0587e3c]ATI moet eens leren devs te motiveren, desnoods met $, rekening te houden met Radeonkaarten, marketingtechnisch kunnen ze nog veel leren van NV.[/quote:00b0587e3c]Zeker weten, maar wanneer ze iets krijgen om te testen verpesten ze het ook weer ;): [url=]Doom III leak sparks witch hunt for mole[/url] [quote:00b0587e3c]ON FRIDAY, WE POINTED at a bundle of screenshots collected from the leaked demo of much awaited gore-fest Doom III that had wibbled their way onto the wobbly web. There are a number of places your can get hold of the demo, it seems, eDonkey having been recommended to us. (It's 380Mb big). The alpha demo was shown at games expo E3 and includes three levels and the intro movie. And you'll have noticed from the screenshots that this Doom is graphicaly a step or two on from the previous incarnations. And graphics card makers will pleased to note that it requires the very latest hardware to be viewed in its full glory. Indeed tweak guides have already wibbled their way webwards too. Here. The leaking of the demo has caused much wailing and gnashing of teeth we hear, with the Doomfather John Carmack himself entering the fray. He says the leaker will find himself (itself?) in id Software's bad books. And it appears from a thread at Slashdot that the clever chaps at id watermark their software when they send it out, so they know exactly who leaked it. Here. Anyhow, a reader writes: "Since we lack more info on the watermark, our imaginations are free to dream up schemes, plots and conspiracies. The hot gossip is that ATI leaked the alpha - the only support for this accusation seems to be an IRC chat log published on a French hardware site (but since removed). The abridged log goes like this and appears to have been written by one Xian of id - Xian is the handle of Christian Antkow - but his alias is well known and so this doesn't mean he wrote this: Xian> ATI leaked it Xian> John sent them a flame mail yesterday basically saying "This has hurt our relationship" Xian> yeah, well, ATI has clearly violated our NDA Xian> ATI is on our shitlist right now Xian> we are not dealing with them until further notice Xian> We know ATI leaked it. We watermark all releases Xian> Squiggle: ATI has a relaxed policy about pre-release software. Remember, they gave us a laptop that had Unreal Warfare loaded on it 3 months ago Xian> They don't seem to care about strict enforcement of NDA's Xian> on a positive note, people seem to *REALLY LIKE* the leaked shit Anonymous Slashdot message posters offer more juicy theories from here. Here's a nice example: ''s my conspiracy theory: ATI's next gen cards are out now but doom 3 isn't out yet. They leak the doom3 alpha to get high end consumers thinking about doom3 cards at a time when they still have the lead against NVidia. Throw in some 9700 ads all over the web to make sure people know where to get their high end cards.' Of course, a certain other video card company has a product coming out soon that you may of heard of. The RADEON 9700 series at 60fps in 640*480 hardly seems like 'the card' for Doom III - this alpha proves it and not even the most ardent ATI fan-boy is likely to disagree. I can't see how this helps ATI, in fact it very clearly hurts them, who wants to pay $350 to play games at low resolution? If they did leak this it must have been unintentional. The reasoning goes, 'if I can't play Doom III with a super fast CPU and RADEON 9700 Pro, perhaps I should wait a few months before upgrading.' We wonder what interesting video card products will appear on store shelves in the next few months..." Looks like Doomgate could be quite a runner.[/quote:00b0587e3c]
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Kom net een leuke [url=]uitspraak[/url] tegen van nVidia: [quote:a216898668]...but he mentioned that NV30 will have the power enough to render 'final fantasy' at realtime.[/quote:a216898668]Nu moet ik wel zeggen dat ik dat volgens mij al eerder had gehoord over de NV30 (in het begin al), maar het blijft leuk (en een zoethoudertje).
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Als Doom3 van ATI afkomstig is, dan is dat een éénmans actie, ik denk niet dat het bedrijf gebaat is bij zo'n crappy half af demo, bovendien loopt nu de verhouding met ID zware schade op. Overigens schijnt de bewuste persoon aan te geven dat het niet zo gegaan is. Hij loopt trouwens op veel momenten als een speer op de R9700, met maxIQ (via exec highquality) en met 1280 en 4x aniso al 30-60 fps. De framerate drop komen hoofdzakelijk door een AI die nog lang niet af is.
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Bij [url=]nVidia[/url] geven ze nu op de site iets meer info over de NV30: [b:0b31143c72]NVIDIA's "Are You Ready?" web site has been updated with a new "F" button, which reveals some facts about the number of transistors (125 million) in the upcoming NV30:[/b:0b31143c72] - 3 times the size of a Pentium 4 microprocessor! - 35 times the size of NVIDIA's RIVA 128 GPU, released just five years ago! - 3.9 years, if you took one second to count every transistor. - 4.5 times the population of Tokyo, Japan! - If converted to US Dollar bills and placed end-to-end, would stretch from New York to Hong Kong. - More than the number of people in the entire world who speak French or German. - 125 Million transistors- 35 times bigger than Riva128 So it looks like the Nvidia Mania information is correct. Expect more updates on that page as Comdex gets closer.
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IK ben nog niet zo onder de indruk van Doom3, de belichting is erg mooi, maar het texturedetail is nog erg laag, 256x256 en 512x512 textures. De animaties zijn wel super en de sfeer is zeer goed. De monster modellen zijn de beste in z'n soort, wapens de gedetaileerdste en met bumpmapping. De R9700 heeft absoluut geen moeite met de GFX, het enige wat de game nu vertraagd zijn niet GPU zaken, (level loading ect) Ik ben momenteel meer onder de indruk van NOLF2 met z'n schitterende watereffecten en veel hoge texturedetail, maar daar haalt de belichting het weer niet bij D3....
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NV30 has 125 million transistors - 15 million more than Radeon 9700 Pro and 2X that of the GeForce4 Ti 4600 Capable of 51 Gigaflops in the pixel shader alone Capable of rendering more than 100 Jurassic Park dinosaurs at 100fps 2X the performance of the GeForce4 Launch at Comdex, available in December
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