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[quote:1e4e63b9f6="Red Dragon"]LOL.. Ik ben wel vreemd maar niet zo vreemd hoor. Overigens vraag ik elke dag aan Mark of ie de NV30 al binnen heeft. Als jij dat bij Noud doet dan komt het vast wel goed met me.[/quote:1e4e63b9f6] Ja ik zou vadt nu al elke dag mailen :D Ik vrees dat het nog wel ff gaat duren denk je niet :P Ik wacht BTW rustig af op de opvolgers van de R9700 en de NV30 kunnen we daar een mooie keus uitmaken. Nu voldoet mijn GF4 nog prima.
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zoals je heb kunnen lezen word de eerste info over de NV30 op 18-11-2002 pas losgelaten. voordat je ze kan kopen zal het wel 2003 zijn. helaas. Mijn GeForce 4 volstaat niet. ik ben verwend met de Radeon 9700 pro vandaar dat ik nu de NV30 wil de opvolger van de NV30 komt er natuurlijk ook hier zoals gewoonlijk :P
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Gelezen op [quote:3fced964a0]Trying to take the lead in defining next-generation memory technology, graphics chip vendor ATI Technologies Inc. said it has worked with DRAM vendors to define GDDR-3, an alternative to DDR-2 that should hit the market next year with speeds starting at 500-MHz. [i:3fced964a0]GDDR-3 in many ways is similar to the DDR-2 specification that has already been defined and is expected to succeed the current DDR, but there are some key differences tailored for the needs of high-bandwidth graphics controllers. There are two distinct differences that set GDDR-3 apart from DDR-2. One is the use of a single-ended, unidirectional strobe that separates the reads and writes. DDR-2, by contrast, uses differential bi-directional strobes. The second change made in GDDR-3 is the use of a "pseudo-open drain" interface technique that is based on voltage rather than current. This was done so that graphics chips can be compatible with DDR, DDR-2 and GDDR-3. Like DDR-2, GDDR-3 interface uses 1.8-Volt SSTL. [/i:3fced964a0] ATI's competitors, such as Nvidia, have also taken part in the process, and participants made sure that it will be open and royalty-free. DRAM makers should start producing 128- and 256-Mbit versions of GDDR-3 next year, Litt said, though he would give a more specific timeframe. [/quote:3fced964a0] Dat is goed nieuws. vooral ook dat ATi en nVidia beiden dit gaan ondersteunen op stond er ook wat over
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Ik las vandaag het volgende opmerkelijke bericht op [quote:64bbb100d4]Back in March I was talking about this very topic with David from VideoLogic, and indeed he confirmed that they are working on the Series-5 architecture of PowerVR (Kyro-III). Series-5 architecture-based implementations will include additional features such as pixel shading and full programmability, according to John Metcalfe, vice president of business development at Imagination. [i:64bbb100d4]Imagination's current PowerVR MBX graphics and video core, the subject of a licensing deal with Intel Corp. (see July 24 story), is based on the Series-3 version of the architecture. Imagination also has a strategic co-operation agreement with ARM Holdings plc, the pioneer of the cores-for-license business model, concerning the use of PowerVR technology within wireless equipment. Metcalfe said that Series-5 architecture would be based on a primary processing pipeline and a series of hardware accelerators that can be optionally switched in and out to render graphics. “As well as class-leading functionality, there will be some unique features enabled by tile-based rendering,” said Metcalfe. Tile-based rendering is the approach Imagination has taken since 1996, when as VideoLogic, the company introduced its first series graphics chips. Tile-based rendering has advantages in terms of reducing image-processing complexity, according to Imagination.[/i:64bbb100d4] At that time some technologies were pulled forward into the MBX cores, such as vertex geometry processing, and Series-5 architecture development was accelerated, he said. Metcalfe added that the Series-5 architecture would debut in 2003 in a 0.13-micron process technology. He said that it was not yet decided whether Imagination would get first silicon implementations or test chips made at a licensee's wafer fab or at a foundry wafer fab in Taiwan - [url=]silicon strategies[/url] [/quote:64bbb100d4] Komt er dan toch een Kyro III? het zal mij benieuwen. ik dacht dat PowerVR al gestorven was.
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Nieuwe rumor, UT2003 zal pas op maximaal detail draaien met de NV30 via een patch, dus de meeste textures staan voorlopig van JanL op onze schijf :evil: :x :x :evil: : The UberGeeks over at the Rage3D boards are up in arms over NVIDIA getting chummy with EPIC and their newly released Unreal Tournament 2003. It appears that the *nvidia the way its ment to be played* splash screen in UT 2003 is not just an advertizing gig. Apparently there is an *ultra high mode* that is not enabled in the current release. Mark Rein claims it will slow all current cards to a crawl (below 10 fps). The argument goes on to surmise that the game will only be able produce this mode when utilized with an NVIDIA NV30 based VidCard. The information traces back to the Beyond3D forums and then to a German "PCGames" online publication. Hellbinder, resident hothead and ATi fanatic goes on to say: Just so you guys understand why i am so pissed, epic claiming that under any stretch of *standard* or *next gen* graphics technology implimentation that the 9700 would *crawl*.. is just flipping ABSURD!!! the 9700 playes frikking Doom 3 for pete's sake. I am really upset at this moment that I bought UT2k3 and have come accross pretty hard.. I appologize to some extent.. and will get over it soon..(grrrr). Whether or not any proprietary technology will be used by the NV30 so that this supposed mode it playable is yet to be seen. Honestly, I don't see any egg on NVIDIA's face this time round, but certainly taints EPIC if it pans out to have any truth to it. This should also serve as a lesson for all of you to spell check your posts, especially when you rant, as you never know where it will show up.
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[quote:6b627f1b71="SkinnerEd"]Nieuwe rumor, UT2003 zal pas op maximaal detail draaien met de NV30 via een patch, dus de meeste textures staan voorlopig van JanL op onze schijf :evil: :x :x :evil: : [/quote:6b627f1b71] Ach dan heb jij weer een goed excuus om de NV30 te kopen ;) :) Ik kan echter haast niet geloven dat als deze extra modus de R9700 pro onder de 10fps krijgt dat de NV30 dan wel ineens met deze modus over de 30fps komt (lijkt me wel het minstes nodig om speelbaar te zijn)
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Hmm, te vroeg geschreeuwd, het blijkt iets anders te liggen ;) ; Your sources are wrong I can assure you that we did NOT lock out anything from customers that is on the CD. We pick (conservative) default settings based on detected HW and the code currently in place will only pick the highest texture detail on 256 MByte cards by default though you can easily change this either via the menu or by modifying the ini file. At highest texture detail some levels might use up to 180 MByte of data (textures + geometry) and if you have a lot of players this number might be even higher Here's how the detail settings work: FWIW, we didn't ship with any textures that require a detail setting above High to be shown at full detail. The texture detail is basically a bias against the LOD level defined in the texture package. So e.g. large textures might have a "NormalLOD" of 2 which means at normal texture LOD ("Normal") the engine will skip the first two mip levels. At "Lower" it will skip 3 and at "Higher" it will skip only 1. To the best of my knowledge the highest NormalLOD used in UT2k3 is 2 which means that by setting your texture detail to "High" (ini and menus use a different notation as texture detail ended up being to fine grained and I'm refering to ini options) you'll end up with the full quality textures. We also do some clamping so small textures won't loose mipmaps at low texture detail settings. Below are the ini options and their bias level. +4 UltraHigh +3 VeryHigh +2 High +1 Higher +0 Normal -1 Lower -2 Low -3 VeryLow -4 UltraLow As this is too fine- grained for the regular user we mapped the words differently so XYZ in the menus doesn't necessarily map to XYZ in the ini so this might have caused some confusion. -- Daniel, Epic Games Inc. IK ga eens een paar test uitvoeren met de levels "Egypt" en "Magma", daar moeten grotere textures inzitten??
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Maar er moet nog wel het e.e.a ingesteld worden, ik heb hier een ultra high configvoorbeeld van een duits forum, eens kijken of dit alles is, voor geinterreseerden: SET WindowsClient MinDesiredFrameRate 0.000000 SET WindowsClient Decals True SET WindowsClient Coronas True SET WindowsClient DecoLayers True SET WindowsClient Projectors True SET WindowsClient NoDynamicLights False SET WindowsClient ReportDynamicUploads False SET WindowsClient TextureDetailInterface UltraHigh SET WindowsClient TextureDetailTerrain UltraHigh SET WindowsClient TextureDetailWeaponSkin UltraHigh SET WindowsClient TextureDetailPlayerSkin UltraHigh SET WindowsClient TextureDetailWorld UltraHigh SET WindowsClient TextureDetailRenderMap UltraHigh SET WindowsClient TextureDetailLightmap UltraHigh set input PageDown exec veryhighdetail.ini set input PageUp exec ultrahighdetail.ini say ultrahigh
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guru3d heeft er vandaag ook iets over [color=darkred:3fde146fe6]Gossip on the Internet is that Epics latest moneymaker Unreal Tournament 2003 is going to take special advantage of NVIDIA's upcoming GPU graphics card series currently known under codename NV30. The exact phrase that's being tossed around the Internet is "Ultra High Detail" and that this ultra high detail will be exposed with the NV30. This would make sense, considering the logo/nVidia advertising at the beginning of Unreal Tournament 2003. Hopefully more info will come out as the announcement of the NV30 gets closer. The NV30 is set to be officially announced at Comdex November 16th - 22nd.[/color:3fde146fe6]
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leuke geruchten weer.. maar als ik zeg als er een extra hoge detail mode in zat en die laat een 9700 al kruipen waarom zou je er dan wel Doom 3 mee kunnen spelen.. en als je kijkt naar de screens van D3 dan moet dat toch zo vet zijn en als het uit komt dan zou de 9700 Pro minimaal/budget ofzow moeten zijn.. Misschien word er gewoon een stukje code aangezet dat heel intensief is voor je video kaart... zoiets..
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Dar ze doom 3 hebben lopen showen met de Radeon 9700 pro wil nog niet zeggen dat doom 3 met alles op Max en een hoge resolutie ook speelbaar is op een Radeon 9700 pro of een NV30. het blijft afwachten. bijna alles zijn nu geruchten. totdat de NV30 er is blijft het gissen. als die uit is dan kunnen we zien wie de sterkste is. en wie weet heet Ati dan nog een aas achter de hand.
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Nieuwe Gerucht van the Inquirer [quote:db072593cb]Now is supposed to keep any NV30 info under wraps but we can quote gossip posted by other news sites so with out any more delay here it is: [i:db072593cb] SOURCES IN THE KNOW tell us that 400MHz is what Nvidia is aiming for their NV30 card. I need to clarify things and say we did once hear from a Senior Nvidia executive that, "there is no such thing as this frequency. It's all in the yield," suggesting that chip frequency is being determined after companies have pre-production samples often called A11 silicon. So what Nvidia expects from NV30 is that it'll run at around 400MHz or even higher depending on the yield of chip. We also confirmed that card will have 8 pipelines. Of course, as many reported before, the Nvidia chip will sport 120 million transistors built on 0.13 microns. Many readers suggested we made a mistake with Anand’s pictures of Ikos simulator and our frequency assumption, but our latest infomation confirms our suggestions from back then. Readers proved that the Ikos simulators run at very low frequencies and the one that we read from the pictures actually illustrated Kilo hertz. Yes there were right! Memory will, for sure, be only 128Mbit - half the speed of the 256-Bit used on the 9700 and 9700 PROs but NVidia has an explanation of how they can manage to make it faster. Stay tuned![/i:db072593cb] [b:db072593cb]Now remember this gossip is from and has nothing to do with Guru3D.[/b:db072593cb] [/quote:db072593cb] we wachten wel weer af
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Kreeg een mailtje van VTec [color=darkred:635af559cb][b:635af559cb][size=18:635af559cb]Nvidia's NV 30 will use DDRII memory, clocked at 1GHz [/size:635af559cb] Radeon buster in time for Christmas[/b:635af559cb] By Fuad Abazovic: Friday 18 October 2002, 09:37 IN THE GRAPHICS CARD BUSINESS, a good chip alone is not enough to make a good card. Of course, you need memory on the card that runs as fast as it possiblly can. But even that's still not enough. The third key element is finding the most effective way to use the memory on the card, which leads us into marchitecture territory, since the memory implementation is often hidden behind many marketing names, such is LMA [Light speed memory architecture, as used on the Geforce 4 aka NV25 and 28]. Since many of you still have doubts about the NV30, we are about to disclose the final part of the NV 30 puzzle -- its own, unique memory secrets. As we previously said, the NV 30 will have only 128-Bit interface which is half the speed of the one used on the fastest gaming card around, ATi's Radeon 9700 PRO. What we haven't yet mentioned is what kind of memory it sports and what is the actual clock speed of it. That's where the surprise comes in. Assuming that the NV 30 would use standard DDR memory was a big mistake. The NV 30 will use DDR II memory, the (r)evolutionary memory marchitecture. But there's even more. Many thought that Nvidia will use 700 MHz to 800 MHz memory which is not true, at least for the fastest implementation of chip, as we expect several cards based on same core. The fastest NV 30 will work on the nice round number of 1000MHz, bringing graphics memory to a 1GHz speed for the first time in history. One of the key questions is, who has this kind of memory? And if you search the net for a while you will find that Samsung promised volume production of this DDR II memory capable of up to 1GHz speeds in Q1 2003. This means that some volumes will exist for December, when this card should appear on the shelves. Nvidia's CEO, Jen Hsun, never said that there will be loads of cards but there will be some cards shipping and on the shelves for that time. DDR II memory at 1000MHz -- almost 400 MHz faster than the memory used on the Radeon 9700 PRO -- are key elements of the NV30's architecture that Nvidia expects will help it blow ATi's offering out of the water. So, I guess we've told it all now, except for the name of this product. And it's very unlikely be called Geforce 5. [/color:635af559cb] kweet niet waar hij het vandaan heeft
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