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-= Radeon Topic deel 11 =-

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[b:dc2c33283d]MARKHAM, Ontario/ Munich, Germany, October 24, 2002 [/b:dc2c33283d]- ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX:ATY, NASDAQ:ATYT) today announced the launch of the RADEON(tm) 9500 PRO, the world's first DirectX® 9.0 visual processing unit (VPU) for the performance mainstream market. In addition, ATI launched the RADEON(tm) 9500 and RADEON(tm) 9700 VPUs - all three products are derivatives of ATI's wildly successful and highly acclaimed RADEON(tm) 9700 PRO product, launched less than three months ago. These latest products complete ATI's family of VPUs, firmly establishing the company's lead in every market segment from value to enthusiast. "We have accomplished a tremendous feat - one never seen before in the industry - by driving our high-end product features into the mainstream market while maintaining the lead in the enthusiast market," said Peter Edinger, Vice President and Managing Director, ATI Technologies (Europe) GmbH. "We are strongly positioned as 'the king of graphics.' Once again, we are leading the industry by being the first to drive DirectX 9.0 support into the mainstream, and offering high-end features to that market." Microsoft's DirectX 9.0 is the platform for which many game developers are creating their new titles, and ATI's RADEON 9500 PRO is the only product on the market that allows performance mainstream users to access high-end DirectX 9.0 features - giving them a high-end gaming experience at a more affordable price-point. Driving DirectX 9.0 support into the performance mainstream means a larger market will have the ability to enable features programmed specifically for the DirectX 9.0 platform. "We applaud ATI's continued support of Microsoft DirectX," said Dean Lester, General Manager of Graphics and Gaming Technologies, Microsoft Corporation. "ATI's new RADEON 9500 PRO hardware combined with the capabilities of the latest Microsoft DirectX 9.0 will provide gamers the most robust and immersive gaming experience available to date." ATI's RADEON 9500 PRO sets a new standard for the performance mainstream with the introduction of DirectX 9.0 support, eight rendering pipelines, 275/550 clock speed, AGP 4X/8X compatibility and 128-bit memory architecture combined with 128MB fast DDR memory. The RADEON 9500, available exclusively through add-in-board partners, offers many of the same features with four rendering pipelines and 64MB fast DDR memory. The third new product, RADEON 9700, will also be available through add-in-board partners. It features DirectX 9.0 support, eight rendering pipelines, AGP 4X/8X compatibility, 256-bit memory architecture, 128MB fast DDR memory, and clock speeds of 275/550. Game developers around the world are thrilled by the RADEON 9500 PRO and the incredible features it offers to the mainstream. More importantly, users with a RADEON 9500 PRO, RADEON 9500 or RADEON 9700 card will benefit from the long-term use of DirectX 9.0, as the greatly anticipated platform will remain the most advanced on the market for a minimum of two years. "This is awesome news, to see progress into the mainstream so quickly," said John Talley, Director of Technology, Ion Storm. "We're really excited to see next generation DirectX 9.0 graphics hardware brought into the mainstream, because it means that more people will be able to experience the full visual impact of our games as we push the envelope of current hardware capabilities." "The RADEON 9500 series enables game developers to write advanced procedural shaders that will be commonplace in games in the future," said Ryan Prescott, Software Engineer, Core Technology, NCSoft Austin. "The RADEON 9500 series are serious gaming boards that give the best bang for buck available today. A real contender!" "The RADEON 9500 and RADEON 9700 are bringing ATI back into the fore of the computer graphics industry," said Duncan Hopkins, Lead PC Programmer, Core Design. "Their power and features allow users to run present games to the MAX. The next generation of games, like Core Design's Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, that use Microsoft's new DirectX 9.0 allow the RADEON 9700 to show its real abilities." "ATI is firing on all cylinders, delivering high-end features and architecture to the mainstream in record time," said Rick Bergman, Senior Vice President, Marketing and General Manager, Desktop, ATI Technologies Inc. "With the RADEON 9500 PRO, we have taken the lead in the high-end mainstream market. Our continued domination with the RADEON 9700 PRO and now with these derivatives confirms that we are taking over in all markets. The industry wanted something more powerful than ever, and we delivered - the design wins we continue to accumulate are strong proof of that." In keeping with its aggressive strategy to blanket the mainstream, high end and value markets with industry-leading product, ATI is partnering with add-in-board manufacturers on its second simultaneous worldwide launch - featuring the new RADEON 9500 and / or the RADEON 9700. Add-in-board manufacturers include: Connect 3D CP Technologies FIC Gigabyte Hercules Hightech Sapphire Wistron Yuan "ATI's latest introductions target lower, more affordable price points," said Dean McCarron, President, Mercury Research. "The RADEON 9500 PRO has made the latest in DirectX 9.0 technology accessible to the high-volume mainstream of the graphics market. ATI is now supplying products for every segment of the industry." The RADEON 9500 PRO has a suggested retail price (SRP) of $199, after manufacturer's rebate, and will begin shipping within 30 days. RADEON 9500 has an SRP of $179 and RADEON 9700 has an SRP of $299 - both are shipping now to add-in-board partners and should be available immediately. For more information on these and other ATI products, please visit <> or our partners' web sites.
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Tja, ziet er smakelijk uit. Wat is nou het grootste verschil: tussen de 9700 en 9500 de databus 256 vs 128 tussen de pro en niet pro, de pipeline's ? 4 vs 8 ? [quote:f1287cac8d][b:f1287cac8d] 20724 3D Marks with the Radeon 9700 - 5:40 pm EST - Andrew275 [/b:f1287cac8d] Skenegroup has a writeup of how they used a Radeon 9700 Pro to gain a 3D Mark 2001 SE score of 20724. If you're into overclocking, be sure to [url=]check this one out[/url]. [/quote:f1287cac8d]
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[quote:b3c7f0e88e="hjs"]Tja, ziet er smakelijk uit. Wat is nou het grootste verschil: tussen de 9700 en 9500 de databus 256 vs 128 tussen de pro en niet pro, de pipeline's ? 4 vs 8 ? [/quote:b3c7f0e88e] AL je vragen worden door Anandtech en THG beantwoord. die heeft de nieuwe Radeon 9500 en 9500 pro en 9700 even voor ons onder handen genomen: [quote:b3c7f0e88e][b:b3c7f0e88e]The Radeon 9500 Pro has two 64-bit DDR memory controllers instead of the four in the Radeon 9700 Pro.[/b:b3c7f0e88e] This cuts the 9500 Pro's memory bandwidth to half of the 9700 Pro at identical clock speeds, and puts it in line with the GeForce4's 128-bit DDR memory subsystem. [b:b3c7f0e88e]Then there's the Radeon 9500 (non-Pro) which also has the reduction in memory bandwidth, but along with that it also loses half of its rendering pipelines.[/b:b3c7f0e88e] This makes the regular Radeon 9500 a significantly worse performer as it still only has one texture unit per pipeline, giving it a disadvantage when compared to the GeForce4. ATI implemented a new (for ATI at least) design and manufacturing procedure when they introduced the R300 to make transitions to scaled down cores much easier. If you remember back to the days of the first Coppermine128 based Celerons, they shipped with half of the L2 cache of the Pentium III. In actuality, the same 256KB L2 cache from the Pentium III was present on die but only half of it was enabled; the remaining 128KB was either bad or not tested. The same is not true for the Radeon 9500 Pro and Radeon 9500 GPUs; in both cases the added memory controllers (and in the case of the regular 9500 the 4 additional rendering pipes) are not physically present on the die. This results in an obvious decrease in transistor count, although not so much for the Radeon 9500 Pro. In the case of the regular Radeon 9500, going down to only 4 rendering pipelines should reduce the transistor count by over 50M transistors. As you can guess, along with the scaled down GPUs the 9500 series also runs at lower clock speeds than the Radeon 9700 Pro. [b:b3c7f0e88e] The Radeon 9500 Pro runs at a 275MHz core clock with 270MHz DDR memory (effectively 540MHz) for 8.64GB/s of memory bandwidth. [/b:b3c7f0e88e]This is just slightly lower than the 8.8GB/s of bandwidth of the GeForce4 Ti 4400 which should be the performance target for the Radeon 9500 Pro (they also share the same core clock speed and theoretical fill rates). [b:b3c7f0e88e]The Radeon 9500 runs at the same clock speeds as the Radeon 9500 Pro, [/b:b3c7f0e88e]but again only comes with half of the rendering pipelines of the 9500 Pro. Radeon 9500 Pro boards will ship with 128MB of DDR SDRAM on board while regular Radeon 9500s will have 64MB. The decrease in transistor count, lower clock speeds and subsequent increase in yields allows ATI to manufacture the 9500 series at a lower cost and thus offer them at a much cheaper price point than the Radeon 9700 Pro. The Radeon 9500 Pro has a suggested retail price of $199 and the Radeon 9500 has a SRP of $179. Both cards will be found for much less online but those are the price ceilings. The rest of the features of the Radeon 9500 line are identical to the Radeon 9700, so for more information revisit our original Radeon 9700 piece. [b:b3c7f0e88e]The Radeon 9700 only differs from the Radeon 9700 Pro in clock speed; it runs at a 275MHz core clock with 270MHz DDR SDRAM (effectively 540MHz)[/b:b3c7f0e88e].[/quote:b3c7f0e88e] Kortom: [b:b3c7f0e88e]Radeon 9700 pro [/b:b3c7f0e88e] 325/620 256bit 8-pipelines [b:b3c7f0e88e]Radeon 9700 [/b:b3c7f0e88e] 275/540 256bit 8-pipelines [b:b3c7f0e88e]Radeon 9500 Pro [/b:b3c7f0e88e] 275/540 128bit 8-pipelines [b:b3c7f0e88e]Radeon 9500 [/b:b3c7f0e88e] 275/540 128bit 4-pipelines de 9500 Pro is dan dus het itteressantst qua prijs/kwaliteit schat ik zo
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[quote:badf51dac6]de 9500 Pro is dan dus het itteressantst qua prijs/kwaliteit schat ik zo[/quote:badf51dac6] Dat lijkt me niet...ik denk dat voor de wat serieuzere gamer de Radeon 9700 non-pro als die iets in prijs gedaald is (als de "nieuwheid" er af is en als (als... 8) ) Nvidea met concurrentie komt) tot, zeg, 250 Euro dat die de beste prijs/kwaliteitverhouding zal hebben imho 8) Helemaal als er nog een leuke overklok mogelijk is... 8)
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de prijzen zijn natuurlijk nog niet bekend. maar ervanuit gaande dat 256bit in een core maken veel duurder is dan 128-bit verwacht ik dat de prijs van de Radeon 9500 pro een stuk onder de 9700 pro zit en de 9700 maar iets onder de 9700pro. vandaar mijn conclusie. de radeon 9700 lijkt idd itteressant om over te klokken. net als de ti 4200 maar het is nog afwachten hoe ver deze komt. dus als je het OCen buiten beschouwing laat en de Radeon 9500 pro gunstiger geprijst is dan word dat een hele itteressante kaart.
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Als je kijkt naar de adviesprijs van ATI voor de radeon 9700 PRO, nl 399 USD, en dan naar voor hoeveel die in Nederland te koop is nl ongeveer 400 Euro ( dan kun je toch wel redelijk de conclusie trekken dat de radeon 9700 non-pro met een adviesprijs van 299 Euro in Nederland voor ongeveer 300 Euro te koop zal zijn. (In Amerika is trouwens die advies-prijs van 399 Euro belachelijk, daar zijn de Radeon 9700 PRO's met gemak 50 tot 100 dollars goedkoper te krijgen) Als je dan de argumenten van mij neemt (nieuwheid eraf, concurrentie van nvidia, "X-mas season" etc.) is die prijs van 250 euro toch een aardige schatting dunkt me. De belangrijkste reden dat de non-pro's goedkoper kunnen worden geproduceerd is dat ze langzamere geheugenmodules gebruiken. Ook lijkt het me aantrekkelijk voor ATI om de "mindere" 9700 core's die niet geschikt zijn voor de 9700 PRO's alsnog te kunnen verkopen. Ik denk dat de Radeon 9500 PRO niet al te interessant wordt aangezien de 8 pipeline's niet optimaal benut kunnen worden met maar een 128 bit memory-controller en maar 1 texture unit per pipeline. Vooral op hogere resoluties en met AA&AF verliest ie erg veel terrein ten op zichte van de 9700 (PRO) Bovendien is directx 9 ondersteuning onzinnig omdat je nog minstens een jaar moet wachten op spellen die dat gebruiken en dan is de 9500 PRO waarschijnlijk te langzaam is voor die spellen. Of de radeon 9700 dan wel snel genoeg zal zijn valt ook te betwijfelen maar die geef ik toch meer kansen. Het blijft natuurlijk koffiedikkijken en ik ben benieuwd naar jullie op of aanmerkingen 8)
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Je heb goede artgumenten en heb er weinig op aan te merken. echter valt of staat alles met de prijzen van deze kaarten in Nederland, dan kan je pas echt oordelen over welke kaart de beste prijs/kwaliteits verhouding heeft. Uit je verhaal lijkt het of de Radeon 9500 pro de enige is met 1 texture per pipeline. het is echter zo dat de Radeon 9700 en 9700 pro ook " slechts" een texture per pipeline hebben. (kan zijn dat je dat wel weet maar ik nam dat zo uit je tekst op) Hoe dan ook heeft ATI er verstandig aan gedaan hun R300 core 1 4 smaken op de markt te brengen ipv 1. de concurentie positie tegenover nVidia is hier mee versterkt. Tblijft nu wachten op de eerste kaarten en de prijzen daling tegen de kerst. en uiteraard wat nVidia gaat doen.
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[quote:0bb116ba91="Red Dragon"] Uit je verhaal lijkt het of de Radeon 9500 pro de enige is met 1 texture per pipeline. het is echter zo dat de Radeon 9700 en 9700 pro ook " slechts" een texture per pipeline hebben. (kan zijn dat je dat wel weet maar ik nam dat zo uit je tekst op) [/quote:0bb116ba91] Ik bedoelde dat t.o.v. de GF4, die heeft wel 2 texture units per pipeline (bij 4 pipe's) 8)
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  • 3 weken later... TYAN SAID IT isn't late to the party with a Radeon 9700 Pro card it will introduce next week because it designed its own unit rather than just reselling ATI's own card. Sources at Tyan claim other makers are just rebranding the cards ATI makes, which isn't good enough. A somewhat bolshie attitude, but refreshing in a vendor or partner. Tyan obviously has an attitude problem... The firm said it will intro its Tachyon G9700 Pro and include a specially tweaked overclocked driver that will mean the performance of the card kicks butt on the "other guy's" card. Getting first to the market isn't that important and that's why Tyan claims it has taken its time before releasing the card. The heatsink is specially designed and Tyan claims the card will clock a 400MHz core speed. The designers, Tyan said, have tweaked the board layout and the card will work with all AGP 8X chipsets, again, unlike the "other guy's". It has hardware monitoring built into the board, which, we think, means it auto monitors how it's performing, although this appears to be propietary information. Quite a few reports on quite a few fora have suggested that Radeon 9700 Pro cards conflict with quite a few chipsets. There's no details of pricing at press time, but we do have a photo that is shown below. [img:40eaf7cf05][/img:40eaf7cf05]
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Die voorkant van de Tyan G9700 Pro is nog mooier. Ben benieuwd of hij in nederland een beetje leverbaar is. wat DirectX 9 betreft. als ze nu bij RC0 zijn dan zal het niet lang meer duren voor de Final er is denk ik (lees hoop ik). Ik wil wel eens een DirecX9 demo op een Radeon 9700 zien (of op de NV30) [Update] Ik zie dat de drivers waar Skinnered het over heeft er al zijn : [/update]
Link naar reactie [color=darkred:0a8d492cc6]ATI Control Panel Vesion: Filesize: 5.63MB Windows XP Driver Vesion: Filesize: 5.63MB Windows ME/98 Driver Vesion: Filesize: 6.36MB WDM Capture Driver Version: v1 File size: 3.40 MB Performance Gains CodeCreatures score is improved by 20% at 4X AA for 9700 series products NASCAR 2002 framerate is up as much as 18% across the entire RADEON products line NHL 2002 performance is up as much as 35% across the entire product line (largest gains on RADEON 7500/8500) Performance on legacy (dx6 and dx7) apps is improved by as much as 15% for RADEON 9700 Series products Features Added DX Override Refresh Rate - Users can easily override refresh rate limitation imposed by both Windows 2000 and Windows XP, which limits the default refresh rate to 60 HZ when applications are run at a different resolution than the resolution of your desktop. Currently users are only able to override the refresh rate for DirectX applications, a future driver release will allow users to override the refresh rate for OPEN GL applications as well. CATALYST 02.4 gives provides users with a new level of stability using SMARTGART 2. SMARTGART 2 gives users access to both the basic and advanced functionality through two control panel pages: The Catalyst 02.4 driver also offers customer-setting options for formats supported by YPrPb monitors/TVs. Televisions are typically over scanned (i.e., the actual image goes marginally outside of the normal viewing area of the display). Selecting an Optimized Format will compensate for this over scanning, for the chosen format, and allow the entire desktop to fit the viewing area. Or read the PDF file HERE Tell us what you think in our forum. Thanks goes to Mr.B for this one [/color:0a8d492cc6]
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CTRL+C, CTRL+V Ik wilde even weten of iemand goede ervaringen heeft met deze drivers. Ik heb ze net gedownload (+/- 5 minuten geleden) en ik ben ze nu al aan het uninstalleren. Mijn score in 3d mark ging van 5234 naar 4988 ofzoiets... Iemand wel goede ervaringen ermee? Oh ja, nog een detail: toen ik drivers geïnstalleerd had, veranderde er iets in mijn boot-systeem. Normaal staat zeg maar net na de ram test, boot from cd (2x, DVD-rom en CD-RW) waarbij hij zoekt naar cd-rom om van op te starten. Aangezien ik altijd vergeet m'n cd eruit te halen duurt dat even wanneer hij de cd bekijkt. Na de nieuwe driver installatie sloeg hij boot from cd soort van over, ging erg snel voorbij ondanks cd. De cd werd pas bekeken bij het opstarten van Windows. Ik heb getest en met de nieuwe driver is opstartsnelheid met 2 seconden en 7 honderste vertraagd
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