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rage3d [quote:13ed41d504]OpenGL Anisotropic Filtering on the Radeon 9700 Pro - 4:23 am EST - MrB I noticed on the forum a thread asking for clarification on 9700 and AF on Opengl which peaked my interest. In it was a link to an editoral at 3DGPU about anistropic filtering between ATI/nVidia. The editorial used material from an AF analysis done by ExtremeTech a few days ago. The clarification was needed in this matter: (ExtremeTech quote)"The AF settings selected by the user are forced on regardless of whether it's requested by an application, since few games have an explicit AF switch. According to ATI, the Performance mode forces on bilinear/AF for both Direct3D and OpenGL, while the Quality mode forces on trilinear/AF for Direct3D, but not OpenGL." (3DGPU quote) Well, this sucks totally! Some of the very best games, like Q3A and Serious Sam 1 & 2 are OpenGL, and for ATI to cop out on this one and not allow full quality in OpenGL is simply unacceptable. Why fix it D3D but use some lame excuse not to do it in OpenGL? Here is the next paragraph in the article: I was totally shocked by that and was pretty sure it was not true; that the 9700 is able to do tri+AF. So I took some screenshots in Serious Sam: SE to see what was up. Here's the results [/quote:13ed41d504] lees verder hier (en bekijk de screenshots)
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Guru3d heeft zijn Hercules Radeon 9700 pro test online smakelijk kaartje vind ik zelf :) Hier nog een keer de cooler :D [img:3426cec9cf][/img:3426cec9cf] Ook weer een mooi voorbeeld van FSAA en Aniso Slashead kan je dat niet in de Faq zetten? [quote:3426cec9cf][b:3426cec9cf]Full Scene Anti Aliasing (FSAA)[/b:3426cec9cf] - Full-Scene anti-aliasing (FSAA) is a sampling technique that creates more detailed and realistic looking images, by removing the stair stepping effect seen on the edges of objects within computer generated images. High quality anti-aliased graphics are achieved with sub-pixel edge detection and color compression for greatly improved performance. Full scene anti-aliasing modes 2x/4x/6x. [img:3426cec9cf][/img:3426cec9cf] [b:3426cec9cf]Anisotropic Filtering[/b:3426cec9cf] - Anisotropic filtering enhances overall 3D quality by rendering sharp, detailed textures. As more texture samples are filtered, the image quality improves. Without Anisotropic Filtering, objects and environments in the 3D world will appear blurry and fuzzy, effectively degrading the level of realism. [img:3426cec9cf][/img:3426cec9cf] Anisotropic filtering improves image quality by sampling textures more frequently. This is particularly important for objects rotated at sharp angles relative to the viewpoint. For example, textured flat ground in the distance and scenes with rotating 3D objects in the foreground will both benefit from anisotropic filtering, and are typically found in today’s gaming content. The Radeon 9700 Pro VPU filters more samples than the competition, with minimal performance degradation. Anisotropic filtering modes 2x/4x/8x/[/quote:3426cec9cf] voor de mensen die altijd alleen het onderste van een post lezen hier nog een keer de link voor de hele review:
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[b:89ab07ad06]ATI Reports Fourth Quarter and Year-End Financial Results Breakthroughs in Target Markets Set the Stage for 2003 [/b:89ab07ad06] [b:89ab07ad06]Markham, Ontario - October 2, 2002 - [/b:89ab07ad06]ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX: ATY, NASDAQ: ATYT), a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative 3D graphics and digital media silicon solutions, today announced financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended August 31, 2002. Revenue for the fourth quarter was $239.5 million, down 10 per cent from $266.2 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2002, but was up five per cent from the fourth quarter a year ago. Gross margin was 30.1 per cent, down from 35.0 per cent in the third quarter. Operating expenses, excluding amortization of intangible assets, increased slightly to $70.1 million from $69.2 million in the previous quarter. Adjusted net income(1) for the fourth quarter was $2.4 million or $0.01 per share. Net loss on a GAAP basis for the fourth quarter was $32.2 million or $0.14 per share. "Fiscal 2002 was a year in which ATI made great strides and breakthrough achievements in our target markets," said David Orton, President and Chief Operating Officer, ATI Technologies Inc. "In the past few months we have claimed the technology leadership crown with the introduction of our RADEONTM 9700 family of products. Major OEM design wins, independent evaluations and customer response confirm that ATI has broken through to become the clear choice for speed, performance and value in visual processing products." (1)Adjusted net income excludes the after-tax effect of gain (loss) on long-term investments (net), amortization of intangible assets related to the Company's acquisitions, and the deferred tax recovery of future tax liability pertaining to intangible assets acquired. Each of these items has been excluded from adjusted net income as they are not considered to be part of the Company's normalized ongoing operations. While the Company recognizes that adjusted net income does not have any standardized meaning described by generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, and that its adjusted net income calculation cannot be used as a comparison to other companies' financial performance, ATI believes that its adjusted net income more appropriately reflects the Company's operating performance. Please see the table titled "Adjusted Net Income - Reconciliation" in the Management's Discussion and Analysis of Interim Financial Results in this news release for the reconciliation between adjusted net income and net income which is determined in accordance with GAAP. All dollar amounts are stated in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted. All per share amounts are stated on a fully diluted basis unless otherwise noted. ATI's adjusted net income for the year increased to $49.7 million or $0.20 per share from a loss of $16.3 million or $0.07 in 2001. Revenue for fiscal 2002 declined two per cent to $1.02 billion, and gross margins increased 9.6 percentage points to 32.8 per cent, compared to fiscal 2001. "The transition of our business from a board to a chip model, while it had a constraining effect on our revenues for this fiscal year, has had a direct impact on improving margins and our profitability compared to last year," said Terry Nickerson, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, ATI Technologies Inc. "We are delivering new and innovative products across a broad range of the graphics business with the features, performance and price points that address every segment of our market," said K.Y. Ho, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ATI Technologies Inc. "Technology leadership and new market successes are enabling ATI to grow the core market, capture marketshare and enter exciting new digital consumer markets." Outlook ATI expects the success of the RADEONTM 9700 family of products, as well as contributions from the new integrated graphics processor chip sales, to result in stronger performance in the first quarter of fiscal 2003, relative to the fourth quarter of 2002. The Company is expecting a double-digit percentage increase in revenues for the first quarter, as well as a slight improvement in gross margin. Operating expenses are expected to increase over the fourth quarter of 2002 due to the acquisition of NxtWave, increased product development costs, and the ramp of the new consumer businesses. Based on these factors, ATI is targeting to achieve adjusted net income per share of between $0.03 and $0.05 in the first quarter of fiscal 2003. Operational Highlights During the fourth quarter, ATI introduced and started shipping the RADEONTM 9700, RADEONTM 9000 and MOBILITYTM RADEONTM 9000 to become the first graphics company in history to have the top performing products in the desktop market - mainstream and enthusiast - as well as the notebook market, simultaneously. These products captured new design wins with major OEMs, including Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and others. The Company also announced a series of design wins for its new products aimed at the growing integrated, digital TV, and wireless hand-held markets. Other operational highlights during the quarter: · ATI announced in August that its RADEONTM 9700-based technology would be rolled out to the workstation market with the introduction of the FIRE GLTM X1. · ATI's share of the market for notebook discrete chips increased by 4 points to 66 per cent in the second calendar quarter of 2002 according to Mercury Research. · On the desktop, ATI's share of the discrete market in the second calendar quarter increased by one percentage point to 28 per cent according to Mercury Research. · ATI began shipping integrated chipset products in volume in the fourth quarter and the Company believes this product represents a significant opportunity for market share over the fiscal year. · Over 30 models of Pentium 4-based notebooks shipping in the fourth quarter featured ATI RADEONTM chips. ATI achieved breakthroughs beyond the PC market with key design wins for the Company's digital TV and set-top box silicon solutions and wireless hand-held silicon products. · Key design wins with Scientific-Atlanta and Pace Micro, two of the world's largest manufacturers of set-top boxes, represent an important foothold in the set-top device market. · ATI's IMAGEON(tm) 100 was selected for Toshiba's e740 PocketPC, one of the most powerful PDAs available. The launch of Super Mario Sunshine, the latest version of one of the world's most popular games, sparked a new wave of enthusiasm for Nintendo's GAMECUBETM late in the quarter. According to Nintendo, more than 350,000 games were sold in the first 10 days of availability. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Interim Financial Results ATI's revenue for the fourth quarter declined 10 per cent to $239.5 million, compared to the third quarter, and was five per cent higher than the fourth quarter of fiscal 2001. Continuing weakness in the worldwide PC market in general and weakness in the notebook business in particular were factors in the decline in revenue compared to the third quarter of the fiscal year. An increase in both desktop and notebook market share accounted for the increase in revenues for the fourth quarter compared to the prior period a year ago, but was somewhat offset by a mix shift from boards to chips. Gross margin for the fourth quarter was 30.1 per cent of sales, compared to 35.0 per cent in the third quarter, and 29.6 per cent in the same quarter a year earlier. The sequential quarterly decline occurred primarily because of a weaker market for notebooks. The increase in gross margin in the fourth quarter of 2002 compared with the same period a year earlier is generally attributable to a richer chip mix. The Company recognizes that its gross margin is too low and is working to bring it into the target range of 32 to 35 per cent. Operating expenses, excluding amortization of intangibles, were $70.1 million, or 1.3 per cent higher than the third quarter, and 4.5 per cent higher than the same quarter a year earlier. The sequential quarterly increase in this expense was largely due to increased R&D spending resulting from the acquisition of NxtWave Communications in the fourth quarter, offset by lower administrative and selling and marketing costs. Compared to the same period a year earlier, the increase is largely attributable to higher R&D expense associated with increased costs for new semiconductor technologies as well as the acquisition of NxtWave Communications. Total operating expenses increased $12.7 million in the fourth quarter to $103.6 million compared to the third quarter and were 17.4 per cent higher than the fourth quarter of fiscal 2001. The increase in the fourth quarter, compared to both the prior quarter and the fourth quarter a year ago, was largely due to the writedown of core technology and goodwill associated with the prior acquisition of the intangible assets of ArtX and Chromatic Research, as well as the increase in R&D and amortization expense associated with the acquisition of NxtWave Communications. During the fourth quarter, the Company recorded a net writedown of the value of its long-term investments by an aggregate of $3.1 million to reflect the other than temporary decline in their value. Adjusted net income(1) for the fourth quarter was $2.4 million or $0.01 per share, compared to adjusted net income of $19.2 million or $0.08 per share for the previous quarter. This decrease in adjusted net income compared to the third quarter was primarily a result of lower revenue and gross margin due to weakness in the notebook market. Adjusted net income in the fourth quarter of 2002 was essentially flat compared to the same period a year ago. ATI's net loss, on a GAAP basis, in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002 was $32.2 million or $0.14 per share, compared with a net loss of $2.0 million or $0.01 per share for the third quarter and a net loss of $11.6 million or $0.05 per share for the fourth quarter a year ago. The decline in sequential quarterly net income was largely a result of lower revenues and margins, the writedown of intangible assets related to the acquisitions of ArtX and Chromatic Research, and to a lesser extent the net writedown of the Company's long-term investments. Inventory levels stood at $175.4 million at the end of the fourth quarter compared with $127.7 million at the end of the third quarter. The increase in inventory occurred, to a large extent, as a result of the Company rapidly ramping up production to support the introduction of new products. (1)Adjusted net income excludes the after-tax effect of gain (loss) on long-term investments (net), amortization of intangible assets related to the Company's acquisitions, and the deferred tax recovery of future tax liability pertaining to intangible assets acquired. Each of these items has been excluded from adjusted net income as they are not considered to be part of the Company's normalized ongoing operations. While the Company recognizes that adjusted net income does not have any standardized meaning described by generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, and that its adjusted net income calculation cannot be used as a comparison to other companies' financial performance, ATI believes that its adjusted net income more appropriately reflects the Company's operating performance. ATI's financial position remained strong in the fourth quarter. As of August 31, 2002, ATI had working capital of $361.7 million, compared to $370.1 million at the end of the third quarter. The Company's cash position was $236.9 million as of August 31, 2002, compared to $265.7 million at the end of the prior period. The decline was largely due to a cash payment associated with the acquisition of NxtWave Communications as well as increased inventory to support the introduction of new products. Intangible assets, largely consisting of goodwill associated with the acquisition of ArtX, declined to $209.7 million as of August 31, 2002, from $223.9 million in the third quarter. The decline in intangible assets was largely due to the continued amortization in intangible assets related to the acquisition of ArtX, as well as the writedown of $10.6 million in core technology and goodwill associated with its acquisition, offset by the intangible assets associated with the acquisition of NxtWave Communications which was recorded during the fourth quarter. Accounts receivable increased by $2.6 million during the quarter to $164.3 million. Accounts payable increased by $47.4 million in the fourth quarter to $172.1 million. The increase in accounts payable was primarily associated with the inventory buildup of new products. Adjusted Net Income - Reconciliation The table below presents adjusted net income (loss) and adjusted net income (loss) per share, which excludes the after-tax effect of gain (loss) on long-term investments, amortization of intangible assets related to the Company's acquisitions, and deferred tax recovery of future tax liability pertaining to intangible assets acquired, related to the Company's acquisitions. Three months ended August 31 Twelve months ended August 31 (Thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts) 2002 2001 2002 2001 (unaudited) Net loss - GAAP basis $ (32,156) $ (11,633) $ (47,465) $ (54,205) Loss (gain) on long-term investments 3,355 (6,364) 3,355 (61,216) Amortization of intangible assets 33,468 21,129 97,501 114,507 Net tax on sale of investment (152) - (152) 991 Deferred tax recovery of future tax liability on intangible assets* (2,090) (897) (3,547) (16,329) Adjusted net income (loss) $ 2,425 $ 2,235 $ 49,692 $ (16,252) Adjusted net income (loss) per share Basic $ 0.01 $ 0.01 $ 0.21 $ (0.07) Diluted $ 0.01 $ 0.01 $ 0.20 $ (0.07) Weighted average number of shares (000s): Basic 236,848 231,938 234,895 230,880 Diluted 244,874 245,118 246,872 230,880 *The future tax recovery for the twelve months ended August 31, 2001, is primarily due to the amortization of purchased-in-process R&D relating to the acquisition of ArtX. Forward-looking Statements and Uncertainties Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements." When used in this press release, words such as "plans," "intends," "anticipates," "should," "estimates," "expects," "believes," "indicates," "targeting," "suggests," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and entail various risks and uncertainties that are outlined in this press release and in the Company's 2001 Annual Report and Annual Information Form. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, the Company's operating results and common share price may be subject to significant volatility, particularly on a quarterly basis. For example, the markets for the Company's products are characterized by changing market conditions, frequent new product introductions, seasonal and variable demand and rapid technology changes. Other factors that could cause the Company's results to vary include, but are not limited to, lack of anticipated growth in the demand for PCs, gaming consoles and consumer electronic devices in which the Company's products are incorporated, reductions in the Company's average selling prices for its products due to competitive pressures and other factors, the introduction of new products by the Company's competitors which render the Company's products non-competitive, delays encountered by the Company in developing new products or enhancements, including integrated graphics and core logic components, in the time frame required by its customers, delays in manufacturing or unfavourable manufacturing yields experienced by the Company's independent foundries, unexpected variances in material costs, including silicon wafer, memory and printed circuit boards, and constraints on the supply of components utilized in the Company's products and in the PC industry generally. These risks and uncertainties could cause or contribute to actual results that are materially different from those anticipated or experienced in the past. Additional information concerning factors that could cause the Company's financial results to fluctuate is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian and U.S. securities regulatory authorities. ATI disclaims any obligation or intention to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Conference Call Information ATI Technologies Inc. will host a conference call to discuss its financial results for the fourth quarter, ending August 31, 2002 at 10:00 AM (EDT) (7:00 AM Pacific, 9:00 AM Central, 8:00 AM Mountain) today. To participate in the conference call, please dial 416-405-9328 ten minutes before the scheduled start of the call. No password is required. A live web cast of the conference call will be available at <> under the Financial Information section, under 2002 Conference Calls - Q4 2002 or at <> Replays of the conference call will be available through October 9, 2002 Please call 416-695-5800, passcode 1191694. A web cast replay will be available at the web sites noted above. About ATI Technologies ATI Technologies Inc. is a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative 3D graphics and digital media silicon solutions. An industry pioneer since 1985, ATI is the world's foremost visual processor unit (VPU) provider and is dedicated to deliver leading-edge performance solutions for the full range of PC and Mac desktop and notebook platforms, workstation, set-top and digital television, game console and handheld markets. With 2002 revenues in excess of US $1 billion, ATI has more than 1,900 employees in the Americas, Europe and Asia. ATI common shares trade on NASDAQ (ATYT) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (ATY). Copyright 2002 ATI Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. ATI and ATI product and product feature names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ATI Technologies Inc. All other company and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Features, pricing, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice. For media or industry analyst support, please visit our web site at <> or contact: Anne Ferguson, Acting Public Relations Manager, ATI Technologies Inc., at (416) 422-7154 or <> Allison Mudge, Public Relations Manager, BenchMark Porter Novelli, at (416) 422-7153 or <> For investor relations support, please contact: Janet Craig, Director, Investor Relations, ATI Technologies Inc., at (905) 882-2600, Ext. 2631 or <> - 30 - - Financial Statements Attached - [b:89ab07ad06]ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (Thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts) [/b:89ab07ad06] Three months ended Twelve months ended August 31 August 31 August 31 August 31 2002 2001 2002 2001 (unaudited) Revenues $ 239,480 100.0% $ 229,132 100.0% $ 1,021,722 100.0% $1,037,809 100.0% Cost of goods sold 167,289 69.9% 161,238 70.4% 686,210 67.2% 797,096 76.8% Gross Margin 72,191 30.1% 67,894 29.6% 335,512 32.8% 240,713 23.2% Expenses Selling and marketing 18,625 7.8% 17,522 7.6% 78,069 7.6% 75,541 7.3% Research and development 42,850 17.9% 39,629 17.3% 164,609 16.1 % 149,465 14.4% Administrative 8,672 3.6% 9,999 4.4% 35,662 3.5% 37,261 3.6% Amortization of intangible assets 33,468 13.9% 21,129 9.2% 97,501 9.5% 114,507 11.0% 103,615 43.2% 88,279 38.5% 375,841 36.7% 376,774 36.3% Loss from operations (31,424) (13.1 %) (20,385) (8.9%) (40,329) (3.9%) (136,061) (13.1%) Interest and other income 1,321 0.6% 1,994 0.8% 4,087 0.4% 2,915 0.3 % (Loss) gain on long-term investments, net (3,355) (1.4%) 6,364 2.8% (3,355) 0.3% 61,216 5.9 % Interest expense: Short-term (146) (0.1%) (12) - (226) - (1,180) (0.1%) Long-term (262) (0.1%) - - (433) (0.1%) - - Loss before income taxes (33,866) (14.1%) (12,039) (5.3%) (40,256) (3.9%) (73,110) (7.0%) Income taxes (1,710) (0.7%) (406) (0.2%) 7,209 0.7% (18,905) (1.8%) Net loss $ (32,156) (13.4%) $ (11,633) (5.1%) $ (47,465) (4.6%) $ (54,205) (5.2%) Net loss per share Basic and diluted $ (0.14) $ (0.05) $ (0.20) $ (0.23) Weighted average number of shares (000's) Basic and diluted 236,848 231,938 234,895 230,880 Outstanding number of shares at the end of the quarter (000's) 236,871 232,119 236,871 232,119 See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements [b:89ab07ad06]ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. INTERIM CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS [/b:89ab07ad06] (Thousands of US dollars) August 31 August 31 2002 2001 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 187,126 $ 171,455 Short-term investments 49,801 45,000 Accounts receivable 164,259 134,852 Inventories 175,348 98,970 Prepayments and sundry receivables 21,131 20,704 Future income tax assets 3,630 4,658 Total current assets 601,295 475,639 Capital assets 95,838 71,487 Intangible assets 209,673 285,869 Long-term investments 7,405 11,008 Future income tax assets 844 4,887 Total Assets $ 915,055 $ 848,890 Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity Current liabilities Bank indebtedness $ 12,015 $ 8,749 Accounts payable 172,093 79,719 Accrued liabilities 51,087 48,965 Deferred revenue 250 354 Income taxes payable 170 9,573 Current obligation under capital lease 568 - Future income tax liabilities 3,459 4,719 Total current liabilities 239,642 152,079 Obligation under capital lease 15,798 - Future income tax liabilities 12,588 15,176 Shareholders' Equity Share capital 561,477 551,217 Contributed surplus 4,630 2,033 Retained earnings 72,646 120,111 Currency translation adjustment 8,274 8,274 Total shareholders' equity 647,027 681,635 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity $ 915,055 $ 848,890 See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Thousands of US dollars) Three months ended Twelve months ended August 31 August 31 2002 2001 2002 2001 (unaudited) Cash provided by (used in): Operating activities: Net loss $ (32,156) $ (11,633) $ (47,465) $ (54,205) Add items not affecting working capital: Amortization of intangible assets 33,468 21,129 97,501 114,507 Future income taxes 5,083 (1,744) 1,223 (18,430) Depreciation 6,569 5,276 22,921 20,955 Loss (gain) on long-term investments 3,355 (6,364) 3,355 (61,216) Foreign exchange (gain) loss (164) (53) 620 431 Net changes in non-cash working capital balances relating to operations: Accounts receivable (2,572) 12,598 (29,362) 45,543 Inventories (47,621) 41,070 (76,378) 143,728 Prepayments and sundry receivables 2,110 5,527 (3) 12,487 Accounts payable 46,990 9,822 91,916 (104,189) Accrued liabilities (9,746) (614) 2,121 500 Deferred revenue (88) (555) (104) (3,304) Income taxes payable (7,911) (4,153) (9,403) 5,136 (2,683) 70,306 56,942 101,943 Financing activities: Increase (decrease) in bank indebtedness (243) 3,457 3,266 8,749 Principal payment under capital lease obligation (131) - (312) - Issuance of common shares 241 1,265 12,495 4,687 Repayment of share purchase loans - - 362 - (133) 4,722 15,811 13,436 Investing activities: Purchase of short-term investments - (45,000) (54,233) (45,000) Maturity of short-term investments - - 49,584 4,403 Additions to capital assets (5,841) (9,074) (30,111) (31,091) Investment in other assets - - - (2,500) Proceeds from sale of long-term investments - - - 65,061 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (20,050) (6,501) (22,118) (9,201) (25,891) (60,575) (56,878) (18,328) Foreign exchange gain (loss) on cash held in foreign currency (175) 53 (204) (431) Increase (decrease) in cash (28,882) 14,506 15,671 96,620 Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of period 216,008 156,949 171,455 74,835 Cash and cash equivalents - end of period 187,126 171,455 187,126 171,455 Short-term investments 49,801 45,000 49,801 45,000 Cash position - end of period $ 236,927 $ 216,455 $ 236,927 $ 216,455 Cash position is defined as cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements. [b:89ab07ad06] ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 [/b:89ab07ad06] The principal business activities of ATI Technologies Inc. (the "Company") are the design, manufacture and sale of graphics and multimedia products for personal computers and consumer electronics devices. The Company markets its products to original equipment manufacturers, system builders, distributors and retailers primarily in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. [b:89ab07ad06]1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: [/b:89ab07ad06]The accompanying unaudited financial statements are prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial statements and do not include all the information required for complete financial statements. These interim financial statements and notes related thereto should be read in conjunction with the Company's most recent annual consolidated financial statements, as at and for the year ended August 31, 2001. These interim consolidated financial statements follow the same accounting policies and methods of their application as the most recent annual consolidated financial statements with the exception of the following: (a) As a result of the new Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook Section 3500 "Earnings per share", the Company is required to retroactively use the treasury stock method for calculating diluted earnings per share. This change results in an earnings per share calculation that is consistent with United States GAAP. Previously reported diluted earnings per share have been restated to reflect this change. The following table presents a reconciliation of the numerators and denominators of the basic and diluted earnings per share calculations: Three months ended August 31 Twelve months ended August 31 (Thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts) 2002 2001 2002 2001 (unaudited) Net loss $ (32,156) $ (11,633) $ (47,465) $ (54,205) Weighted average number of common shares outstanding: Basic 236,848 231,938 234,895 230,880 Effect of stock options - - - - Diluted 236,848 231,938 234,895 230,880 Net loss per share: Basic $ (0.14) $ (0.05) $ (0.20) $ (0.23) Diluted $ (0.14) $ (0.05) $ (0.20) $ (0.23) [b:89ab07ad06]ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED): [/b:89ab07ad06] As at August 31, 2002, options to purchase 32,813,005 (2001-29,109,372) shares of common stock were outstanding but were not included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share because the Company had a net loss for the year and to do so would have been anti-dilutive. (b) As a result of the new Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook Section 1581 "Business Combinations", goodwill acquired in business combinations completed after June 30, 2001 was not amortized. In addition, the criteria for recognition of intangible assets apart from goodwill and the valuation of the shares issued in a business combination has been applied to business combinations completed after June 30, 2001. [b:89ab07ad06]2. PENDING ACCOUNTING STANDARDS [/b:89ab07ad06] (a) CICA Handbook Section 3870, Stock-based compensation and other stock-based payments In December 2001, the CICA issued Handbook Section 3870, which establishes standards for the recognition, measurement and disclosure of stock-based compensation and other stock-based payments made in exchange for goods and services provided by employees and non-employees. The standard requires that a fair value based method of accounting be applied to all stock-based payments to non-employees and to employee awards that are direct awards of stock, that call for settlement in cash or other assets or are stock appreciation rights that call for settlement by the issuance of equity instruments. However, the new standard permits the Company to continue its existing policy of recording no compensation cost on the grant of stock options to employees. Consideration paid by employees on the exercise of stock options is recorded as share capital. The standard is effective for the Company's fiscal year beginning September 1, 2002 for awards granted on or after that date. (b) CICA Handbook Section 1581, Business Combinations, and Section 3062, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets In September 2001, the CICA issued Handbook Sections 1581 "Business Combinations" and 3062 "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets". The new standards mandate the purchase method of accounting for business combinations and require that goodwill no longer be amortized but instead be tested for impairment at least annually. The standards also specify criteria that intangible assets must meet to be recognized and reported apart from goodwill. The standards require that the value of the shares issued in a business combination be measured using the average share price for a reasonable period before and after the date the terms of the acquisition are agreed to and announced. Previously, the consummation date was used to value the shares issued in a business combination. The new standards are substantially consistent with United States GAAP. Upon full adoption of the standards beginning September 1, 2002, the Company will discontinue the amortization of all existing goodwill, evaluate existing intangible assets and make any necessary reclassifications in order to conform to the new criteria for recognition of intangible assets apart from goodwill and test for impairment in accordance with the new standards. In connection with Section 3062's transitional goodwill impairment evaluation, the Company is required to assess whether goodwill is impaired as of September 1, 2002. The Company has up to six months to determine the fair value of its reporting units and compare that to the units' carrying amounts. To the extent a reporting unit's carrying amount exceeds its fair value, the Company must perform a second step to measure the amount of impairment in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation. This second step is to be completed no later than August 31, 2003. Any transitional impairment will be recognized as an effect of a change in accounting principle and will be charged to opening retained earnings as of September 1, 2002. [b:89ab07ad06]ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 [/b:89ab07ad06] [b:89ab07ad06]2. PENDING ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (CONTINUED): [/b:89ab07ad06] As of August 31, 2002, the Company had unamortized goodwill of $187.8 million and unamortized intangible assets of $21.9 million, all of which are subject to the transitional provisions of Sections 1581 and 3062. Amortization expense related to goodwill was $83.5 million for 2002. Because of the extensive effort required to comply with the remaining provisions of Sections 1581 and 3062, the Company has not estimated the impact of these provisions on its financial statements, beyond discontinuing goodwill amortization. (c) CICA Handbook Section 1650, Foreign currency translation and hedging relationships: CICA Handbook Section 1650 has been amended to eliminate the deferral and amortization of foreign currency translation gains and losses on long-lived monetary items, effective January 1, 2002 with retroactive restatement of prior periods. The Company is not impacted by this change. The CICA issued Accounting Guideline No. 13 (AcG-13), which establishes criteria for hedge accounting effective for the Company's 2004 fiscal year. The Company has not yet determined the impact the adoption of AcG-13 will have on its financial statements. [b:89ab07ad06]3. CAPITAL LEASE: [/b:89ab07ad06]In February 1999, the Company entered into a 50% ownership joint venture agreement for the purpose of constructing a new building facility in Markham, Ontario. The facility was completed during the third quarter of 2002. The completed cost of this facility amounts to $33.3 million. During the third quarter, the Company entered into a lease agreement with the joint venture, which is recorded as a capital lease. The building under capital lease is initially recorded at the present value of minimum lease payments at the inception of the lease. Depreciation is provided using the straight-line method over a period of 15 years. In October 1999, the joint venture arranged interim construction financing. On September 5, 2002, the Company obtained a mortgage commitment from a lender to replace the interim financing. As at August 31, 2002, the Company's proportional share of the interim construction financing amounts to $12.0 million. The underlying liability is denominated in Canadian dollars. The Company's obligation under the capital lease owed to the third party venturer is as follows: (Thousands of US dollars) Year ending August 31: 2003 1,585 2004 1,585 2005 1,585 2006 1,585 2007 1,650 Later years, through 2017 17,574 Total minimum lease payments 25,564 Less : amount representing interest at 6.31% 9,198 Present value of net minimum capital lease payments 16,366 Current portion of obligation under capital lease 568 ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 [b:89ab07ad06]3. CAPITAL LEASE (CONTINUED): [/b:89ab07ad06] Interest of $0.26 million and $0.43 million relating to capital lease obligations have been included in interest expense for the current quarter and fiscal 2002 respectively. [b:89ab07ad06]4. ACQUISITIONS [/b:89ab07ad06] On June 28, 2002, ATI acquired NxtWave Communications Inc. for (US) $20.2 million cash. NxtWave Communications is in the business of delivering broadband communications silicon using proprietary digital signal processing technologies adapted for applications in digital terrestrial and cable receivers. The acquisition was accounted for using the purchase method whereby the results of NxtWave Communications have been included in the consolidated statements of operations and retained earnings and cash flows from the date of acquisition. The fair values of the assets acquired were as follows: (Thousands of US dollars) Net assets: Current assets, including cash of $165 $ 538 Capital assets 899 Non current assets 59 Purchased in-process R&D 5,300 Core Technology 9,200 Goodwill 4,678 Liabilities assumed (459) Cash consideration $ 20,215 Purchased in process R&D and core technology are being amortized as following: Purchased in process R&D 1 year Core technology 2 to 5 years [b:89ab07ad06]ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 [/b:89ab07ad06] [b:89ab07ad06]5. INTANGIBLE ASSETS [/b:89ab07ad06] The net book values of the intangible assets acquired related to NxtWave Communications, FGL Graphics, ArtX and Chromatic Research Inc. at August 31, 2002 are as follows: Intangible asset type (Thousands of US dollars) Cost Accumulated amortization Net book value Purchased in-process R&D $ 105,550 $ 101,133 $ 4,417 Workforce 11,400 9,120 2,280 Core technology 32,544 17,383 15,161 Goodwill 380,957 193,142 187,815 Total $ 530,451 $ 320,778 $ 209,673 Amortization expense related to intangible assets amounted to $33.5 million and $97.5 million for the current quarter and fiscal 2002 respectively. During the current quarter, the Company conducted a comprehensive review of the carrying values of the intangible assets arising from the ArtX acquisition and concluded that there was a permanent impairment in these values. As a result, the Company wrote down the carrying values of the intangible assets by an aggregate amount of $10.6 million to reflect the permanent impairment in these values. [b:89ab07ad06]6. LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS [/b:89ab07ad06] Pursuant to the original agreement with Broadcom Corporation, the Company received an additional 107,387 shares, valued at $2.1 million out of escrow in the current quarter. The Company then wrote down its total investment in Broadcom by $4.7 million to reflect the other than temporary decline in its value. The Company also realized a loss of $0.3 million on the sale of another investment and also wrote down its value by $0.5 million to reflect the other than temporary decline in its value. This investment has been reclassified as a short-term investment as the Company no longer intends to hold the investment for long-term purposes. [b:89ab07ad06]7. SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION [/b:89ab07ad06] Three months ended August 31 Twelve months ended August 31 (Thousands of US dollars) 2002 2001 2002 2001 (unaudited) Cash paid for: Interest $ 484 $ 5 $ 573 $ 1,180 Income taxes 98 328 893 1,500 Interest received 724 1,256 4,889 3,507 Non-cash investing and financing activities: Acquisition of building through capital lease - - 16,262 - [b:89ab07ad06] ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 [/b:89ab07ad06] [b:89ab07ad06]8. SEGMENTED INFORMATION [/b:89ab07ad06] The Company operates in one operating segment, that being the design, manufacture and sale of graphics and multimedia products for personal computers and consumer electronics devices. The following tables provide revenues by geographic area and by product, as well as capital and intangible assets by geographic area: Three months ended August 31 Twelve months ended August 31 (Thousands of US dollars) 2002 2001 2002 2001 (unaudited) Revenues: Canada $ 2,699 $ 3,566 $ 15,441 $ 23,104 United States 64,146 75,570 293,808 325,464 Europe 24,282 36,253 149,412 247,795 Asia-Pacific 148,353 113,743 563,061 441,446 Consolidated revenues $ 239,480 $ 229,132 $ 1,021,722 $ 1,037,809 Product revenues: Components $ 142,109 $ 122,375 $ 543,769 $ 481,083 Boards 88,928 105,105 449,938 548,053 Other 8,443 1,652 28,015 8,673 Consolidated revenues $ 239,480 $ 229,132 $ 1,021,722 $ 1,037,809 Capital and intangible assets: Canada $ 78,842 $ 54,162 United States 220,811 297,417 Europe 4,644 5,071 Asia-Pacific 1,214 706 Consolidated capital and intangible assets $ 305,511 $ 357,356 ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 [b:89ab07ad06]9. U.S. GAAP [/b:89ab07ad06]The following table reconciles the net loss as reported on the consolidated statements of operations prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP to the consolidated net loss that would have been reported had the financial statements been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP: Three months ended August 31 Twelve months ended August 31 (Thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts) 2002 2001 2002 2001 (unaudited) Net loss in accordance with Canadian GAAP $ (32,156) $ (11,633) $ (47,465) $ (54,205) Tax effect of stock options exercised (60) (78) (1,868) (346) Write-off of purchased in-process R&D (5,300) - (5,300) - Amortization of purchased in-process research and development 883 - 883 30,151 Amortization difference between Canadian and U.S. GAAP 6,031 2,235 7,837 7,326 Stock compensation expenses * 4,738 (1,339) 997 (1,694) Net loss in accordance with U.S. GAAP $ (25,864) $ (10,815) $ (44,916) $ (18,768) Net loss per share Basic $ (0.11) $ (0.05) $ (0.19) $ (0.08) Diluted $ (0.11) $ (0.05) $ (0.19) $ (0.08) Weighted average number of shares (000's): Basic 236,848 231,938 234,895 230,880 Diluted 236,848 231,938 234,895 230,880 * Under U.S. GAAP, options granted after January 18, 2001, with an exercise price denominated in a currency other than the currency of the primary economic environment of either the employer or the employee, should be accounted for under the variable accounting method. Under Canadian GAAP, there is currently no equivalent requirement. The comparative figures for the three months and twelve months ended August 31, 2001 have been amended to include the impact of this difference between Canadian and U.S. GAAP. [b:89ab07ad06]ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS August 31, 2002 [/b:89ab07ad06] [b:89ab07ad06]10. SUBSEQUENT EVENT [/b:89ab07ad06]On September 5, 2002, the joint venture in which the Company has a 50% ownership obtained a mortgage commitment from a lender to finance the new building facility in Markham, Ontario. The Company's proportional share of the mortgage is expected to amount to $10.8 million (Cdn. $16.8 million), and the mortgage contemplates having a repayment term of 12 years bearing interest at a rate of 6.96% per annum. The underlying mortgage would be denominated in Canadian dollars. Funding under the mortgage is expected to be received in the first quarter of fiscal 2003.
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[quote:b20ac2b1f4="Red Dragon"]Ik vond deze ook wel duidelijk: [img:b20ac2b1f4][/img:b20ac2b1f4] FSAA en Aniso word hier met een radeon 9700 pro laten zien[/quote:b20ac2b1f4]\ idd ook wel duidelijk, nu zie ik toch het nut van anisio wat meer in, maar met een GF op anisio 4 tab is het verschil volgens mij veel minder niet?
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[quote:2ce2bb1766="Slashhead"]8) is eigenlijk [code:1:2ce2bb1766] 8 ) [/code:1:2ce2bb1766][/quote:2ce2bb1766] [OT] Damn, je was me voor, ik wilde net zeggen "wat is dit? vind de smiley?" Want dan heb ik m! :lol: [/OT] "Ze hebben winst gemaakt" is denk ik best een goeie :) Dat is ook wel te zien aan bijvoorbeeld 'er komen meer dan 30 modellen p4 laptops met ATI READONTM chipsets' :) Dan heb je best een goeie deal .. ;) //Fraggie Er is ook een Geforce topic ;) Het max level is op zich 8keer, maar ik weet niet of alles dan nog goed draait..
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//r4ggie Bij de GeForce 4 ti 4200/4400/4600 is dat Aniso level 8 Bij de Radeon 9700 pro is dat Aniso level 16 De Aniso preformance hit is vershillend bij OpenGl en Direct3D Hoe dat percies zit weet Skinnered wel. Hoe dan ook Aniso Level 4 is aan te raden voor de GeForce 4 ti voor Driect3D en OpenGL op de TI 4200 en snellere kaarten. Ik speel met de GeForce 4 ti 4400 bijna alle games standaard op 1024x768x32 alles MAX in de game en dan Level 4 aniso dat ging prima met de Radeon 9700pro deed ik 1280x1024x32 alles max en Aniso level 16. en dat ging ook vloeiend in alle games. De Ati Radeon 8500/9000 en 9700 hebben veel minder last van de Performance hit als de GeForce 3 en 4 ti dat hebben helaas, ik hoop dat dat bij de volgende nVidia kaart (NV30) beter word. Dus Fr4ggie bij de ti 4200 kan je meestal wel aniso op level 4 zetten in games. loopt een spel niet meer vloeiend moet je het op level 2 zeten. //Marcel zelfs level 2 Aniso is zichtbaar op de GeForce 4. en level 4 helemaal.
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Leuke link voor als je je Radeon 9700 pro wil Vmodden 8) [url=]Klik met je muis cursor hier op deze idioot lange zin voor de website waar je de vmod van de Radeon 9700 pro kan lezen :D [/url]
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Crucial, bekend om zijn erg goedkope doch goed presterende memory modules, gaat zich nu ook op de videokaarten gooien. Ze hebben zopas hun ATi 9700pro kaart gereleased. Crucial kennende, staan er extra goede memory modules (2.8ns DDR) op, waardoor de geheugensnelheid naar 350mhz i.p.v. de 310mhz (DDR) opgedreven wordt. Een mooie prestatiewinst dus. [img:ebc66e85e8][/img:ebc66e85e8] [quote:ebc66e85e8]"We're very pleased with the response we've received since expanding our product line to include video cards," said Crucial's General Manager Mike Bokan. "Our customers know they can count on us for quality products that improve system performance. The new Crucial Radeon 9700 Pro takes graphics to the highest level, allowing us to meet the needs of our most performance driven customers." "The Crucial Radeon 9700 Pro is one of the fastest cards available," said Crucial's Technical Support Manager Mike Sanor. "Tests in the Crucial performance lab show that our card delivers a higher speed, richer colors, and more liquid movement than most of its predecessors - it truly feels like you're manipulating a movie on the big screen."[/quote:ebc66e85e8] lees verder op: [url=]DEZE[/url] forums of
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[quote:31b4877566="Red Dragon"]Edward, Druk gewoon van het voorjaar een 3,133ghz P4 met Hyper threading in je pc en klok die een beetje over eventueel. samen met de NV30 die je dan vast wel heb heb je weer een mega pc ;) 8)[/quote:31b4877566] Ik ben benieuwd of dat hyper threading ook "helpt" bij games..
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