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Tweak je videokaart

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Met de heavy graphics van ut2k3 en bf1942 kan het wel eens van pas komen om net dat beetje extra performance uit je videokaart te persen. Bij [url=]sharkyextreme[/url] hebben ze een propere guide gemaakt die je step by step uitlegt hoe je meer performance uit je ATi of nVidia kaart haalt. [quote:2169c3ba69]As today's video cards become increasingly advanced, the sheer number of options and tweaks that go unseen to the average user seems to increase. Sometimes these remain unseen because ATI and NVIDIA will often neglect, or outright refuse, to make these tweaks available with their standard driver package. While many of these configurable items can be relatively benign, there are still a healthy number of extremely rewarding (we're talking extra performance and image quality here) options that can greatly enhance the visual quality and speed of modern ATI and NVIDIA video cards.[/quote:2169c3ba69]
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