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Next-Generation graphics part III

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Stukje over de 40.41 drivers, de Radeon 9700 en de NV30 [quote:3d50b222a7]Further to our telecon this morning, nvidia released these drivers yesterday morning at 06:00 and as I said they have increased the performance of Geforce 3's and Geforce 4's Ti's included, overall the performance increase is anything between 200 and 1200 3d marks in 3d Mark 2001SE dependant on system spec and condition I.E. clean install- re-install & hardware involved, this equates to between 2-3 FPS on a Geforce 2 and 15-20 FPS on a Geforce 4 Ti 4600. I have conferred with my sources and they have stated that although unconfirmed that nVidia deliberately withheld 2 texture pipelines from the spec sheets, it is the only possible way an increase of performance this large could have been obtained, moreover the Geforce 4 Ti 4600 is now only 1000 3D marks behind the Radeon 9700 PRO, and it is being considered a deliberate act of subterfuge to lull ATI into releasing the current build of the Radeon 9700 at the performance level it has, in order to make it look as unattractive an alternative as possible. [b:3d50b222a7]Bearing in mind that the Geforce 4 Ti 4600 is now retailing at £260, no-one will either upgrade from a Ti 4600 or buy a Radeon 9700 PRO at the current retail pricing as the performance difference between the two has now been closed down to a level which equates to around 10 FPS increase, which in todays 3D enviroment will be not be enough to sway the market in ATI's favour and in turn the future release of the Standard 9700 with the lower clock speeds could severely be jeopardized as this model will only be in terms of performance 1-3 FPS ahead of the Ti 4600. Again the market comes into play as no-one will want to pay the difference between the two cards for an extra 1-3 FPS, also in terms of availability and quantity, consumers will be wary of the OEM versions which more than certain may have problems besting the Ti 4600, with the current drivers available, it is my suspicions that nVidia will release another set of drivers in the very near future, which will close the gap even further or possibly equal the 9700, I am also concerned that the as yet undisclosed graphics card ATI has in mind could be jeopardized by future driver releases, with the nV30 now being taped out and in design stages and the expected release date being December,( it is expected to be named "[color=red:3d50b222a7]Omen[/color:3d50b222a7]" ). The Radeon 9700 Pro, although it is competition for the Ti4600, will not be any competition for the nV30 and in turn the "new ATI card" could be doomed to failure unless action is taken immediately taken to counteract the nVidia subterfuges as this is not the first time, I refer to the nVidia 23.11's which boosted the Geforce 3 scores during a time ATI were having severe difficulties with their drivers, and in turn made the Radeon 8500 look an unattractive option, they have done exactly the same again.[/b:3d50b222a7] Unless ATI has a driver build for all the Radeon range to counter this turn of events then the 8500 will dwindle and to the 3D community will be considered obsolete in favour of the Ti4200 which up until yesterday ran at more or less the same speeds as the Radeon 8500 and now runs 15-20 FPS faster! Dirty tricks seem to be nVidia's cup of tea and it is high time the tables were turned on them [i:3d50b222a7]George Templeman[/i:3d50b222a7] [/quote:3d50b222a7] Wist niet helemaal waar ik dit moest plaatsen, heb het hier maar gedaan. vond het wel een itteressant stukje bron:
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[quote:61b6608bc5="Red Dragon"]Stukje over de 40.41 drivers, de Radeon 9700 en de NV30 [quote:61b6608bc5]Further to our telecon this morning, nvidia released these drivers yesterday morning at 06:00 and as I said they have increased the performance of Geforce 3's and Geforce 4's Ti's included, overall the performance increase is anything between 200 and 1200 3d marks in 3d Mark 2001SE dependant on system spec and condition I.E. clean install- re-install & hardware involved, this equates to between 2-3 FPS on a Geforce 2 and 15-20 FPS on a Geforce 4 Ti 4600. I have conferred with my sources and they have stated that although unconfirmed that nVidia deliberately withheld 2 texture pipelines from the spec sheets, it is the only possible way an increase of performance this large could have been obtained, moreover the Geforce 4 Ti 4600 is now only 1000 3D marks behind the Radeon 9700 PRO, and it is being considered a deliberate act of subterfuge to lull ATI into releasing the current build of the Radeon 9700 at the performance level it has, in order to make it look as unattractive an alternative as possible. [b:61b6608bc5]Bearing in mind that the Geforce 4 Ti 4600 is now retailing at £260, no-one will either upgrade from a Ti 4600 or buy a Radeon 9700 PRO at the current retail pricing as the performance difference between the two has now been closed down to a level which equates to around 10 FPS increase, which in todays 3D enviroment will be not be enough to sway the market in ATI's favour and in turn the future release of the Standard 9700 with the lower clock speeds could severely be jeopardized as this model will only be in terms of performance 1-3 FPS ahead of the Ti 4600. Again the market comes into play as no-one will want to pay the difference between the two cards for an extra 1-3 FPS, also in terms of availability and quantity, consumers will be wary of the OEM versions which more than certain may have problems besting the Ti 4600, with the current drivers available, it is my suspicions that nVidia will release another set of drivers in the very near future, which will close the gap even further or possibly equal the 9700, I am also concerned that the as yet undisclosed graphics card ATI has in mind could be jeopardized by future driver releases, with the nV30 now being taped out and in design stages and the expected release date being December,( it is expected to be named "[color=red:61b6608bc5]Omen[/color:61b6608bc5]" ). The Radeon 9700 Pro, although it is competition for the Ti4600, will not be any competition for the nV30 and in turn the "new ATI card" could be doomed to failure unless action is taken immediately taken to counteract the nVidia subterfuges as this is not the first time, I refer to the nVidia 23.11's which boosted the Geforce 3 scores during a time ATI were having severe difficulties with their drivers, and in turn made the Radeon 8500 look an unattractive option, they have done exactly the same again.[/b:61b6608bc5] Unless ATI has a driver build for all the Radeon range to counter this turn of events then the 8500 will dwindle and to the 3D community will be considered obsolete in favour of the Ti4200 which up until yesterday ran at more or less the same speeds as the Radeon 8500 and now runs 15-20 FPS faster! Dirty tricks seem to be nVidia's cup of tea and it is high time the tables were turned on them [i:61b6608bc5]George Templeman[/i:61b6608bc5] [/quote:61b6608bc5] Wist niet helemaal waar ik dit moest plaatsen, heb het hier maar gedaan. vond het wel een itteressant stukje bron:[/quote:61b6608bc5] Wat een kortzichtig stukje tekst, om alleen de kaarten te vergelijken in de 3DMark2001 deafaulttest zonder Aniso en AA waar de R9700 CPU limited is. Diegene die dit geschreven heeft heeft er wel erg weinig kaas van gegeten, je zal daar als leek maar van afhankelijk zijn.
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Here we Go again: [quote:bfc622916c]The BitBoys finally presented a silicon a while ago, it's named the [url=]axe grapics processor.[/url] To bad for them the product is technology wise overtaken by the competition. This will just be another mid-range graphics chip. [quote:bfc622916c][i:bfc622916c] Axe graphics processor is designed for the volume desktop PC market. It supports full OpenGL ® 1.3 and Microsoft DirectX ® 8.1 feature set with MatrixAA™ anti-aliasing. Axe builds on Bitboys patented XBA™ technology, and a complete prototype chip has been manufactured by Infineon Technologies on their 0.17 micron embedded DRAM process. As Infineon has closed down its embedded DRAM fabrication line, Bitboys will not bring Axe to the PC desktop market. The processor contains over 6 million logic gates and 12M bytes of embedded DRAM memory, working together with external SDRAM memory (up-to 128M bytes). The memory is connected to the graphics engine via a multi-channel memory management unit that provides the extreme bandwidth required by the core pixel processor. The rendering engine processes four pixels and two textures every clock cycle, performing advanced texture filtering, color blending and shading in real-time. High visual quality is achieved through a combination of precise color processing and MatrixAA™ anti-aliasing. The graphics processor is connected to the PC through an AGP 2X/4X industry standard interface. [/i:bfc622916c][/quote:bfc622916c] [img:bfc622916c][/img:bfc622916c] [/quote:bfc622916c] Bron: Vaporware Again!? en als hij echt komt. dan kan ik dit wel zeggen : TE LAAT!
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hehe, maar je weet toch dat ze er dan zo weer wat bij verzinnen? Dit design ziet er idd zwaar verouderd uit. Ze hebben het wel over embedded RAM in de GPU, maar aan de andere kant zitten er wel TSOP memchips op ipv BGA... hoekanda ???? Zeker als je Xtreme Bandwith wilt crearen :lol: (NB: BGA chips zijn dus geschikt voor 256 bits bussen, TSOP dus niet) En verder is de 4x2 Pipelinestructuur ook niks nieuws. Verder zie ik ook geen zwaar voedings gedeelte, er zit wel een 12V molex op, maar er zijn wel condensatoren etc nodig voor omvorming en stabilisatie van de spanning. (LOL: Vcore 12V haha) Beetje nep dus imho.
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[quote:e3fc19277c="Red Dragon"]Nu je het zegt, er zitten idd geen grote condenstors op "a la gf4 ti 4400/4600". De vorige 100x dat ze wat hadden te melden kwam er ook niets. als er nu wat komt verwacht ik er ook niet echt veel meer van.[/quote:e3fc19277c] Condenstatoren zijn toch die cilindervormige dingen die op je mobo en mijn GF zitten? Ik zie ze hier helemaal niet :?
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The SAA7114 is based on the principle of line-locked clock decoding to yield the highest quality video with maximum discrimination and automation. This highly integrated solution combines 9-bit analog-to-digital converters, a high-performance adaptive 4-line comb filter, an advanced up/down 2-D scaler, and a versatile data slicer for closed caption, teletext, etc. The SAA7114 also provides hardware-based Macrovision detection and patented Real-Time Control, which are critical in personal video recording and time-shift applications. Is dit voor een set-top box ofzo?
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[color=darkred:7203339945]Dankzij een tip van een Japanse vriend van me, kreeg ik de volgende roadmap van NVIDIA in handen. Op de roadmap is te zien wat NVIDIA tot 2003 van plan is. Zo zal de NV30 chip van NVIDIA in februari op de markt komen. Deze zal redelijk snel gevolgd worden door de NV31. Verder is te zien dat de opvolgers van de GeForce 4 Ti en MX eind dit jaar al zal verschijnen. Op de derde plaat is de verhouding tussen NVIDIA en ATi te zien tot 2003. [/color:7203339945] De roadsmaps:
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Begint er steeds meer op te lijken dat de NV30 pas volgende jaar komt, helaas: [quote:a06b3968a6]The latest headline that shows up on NVIDIA's list of recent news at Yahoo Finance says that the NV30 may be delayed. It will be interesting to see investors reactions based on this information (although the sources are highly speculative). [i:a06b3968a6]InPlay: NVIDIA may delay new chip - 7:36AM NVIDIA may delay new chip (NVDA) 9.06: says that Japanese web site PC Watch claims to have inside information that indicates NVDA will introduce its next graphics chip in Q1, missing the crucial Christmas selling season.[/i:a06b3968a6] MikeC: Will "damage control" be the order of the day?[/quote:a06b3968a6]Het is nog maar een gerucht, echter daar begint het wel vaak mee ;)
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Nou dan koop ik wel een Radeon 9700, zie ik die NV30 volgend jaar wel weer. ben nu al zo lang nVidiot, word tijd dat ik overstap naar een Ati ;) opvallend vind ik de naam voor hun nieuwe budget lijn van 2003. de NV31. dat suggereerd dat ie sneller is dan de NV30, maar dat verwacht ik niet. gebruiken ze de MX truc nu ook al bijproductie codes.
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