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-= Next-generation videocard Topic =- Deel 2

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[quote:67294114d5="BA"]Ik vind DX8 performance op dit moment sowieso belangrijker, omdat DX8 games net een beetje mainstream worden. Tegen de tijd dat DX9 mainstream is hebben we toch weer nieuwe kaarten :D[/quote:67294114d5] uiteindelijk zijn de results in directX8 itteressanter op dit moment dan DirectX 9, dat ben ik zeer zeker met je eens, zeker omdat er nog lang geen directX 9 games zijn echter ik ben erg nieuwschierig naar de mogelijkheden van directX 9 en een Kaart die volledig directX 9 compliant is. ik kijk daarom uit naar techdemo´s en 3dmark2003 om die dan op zo´n kaart te zien draaien. Nuttig? nee leuk? zeker!
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Gelezen op welke het weer van the inquirer heb [quote:4d851fe9da]Seems that the rumors are true. Let me explain a bit as this thing tends to get confusing for some readers, chipmaker designs a chip (NVIDIA), producing the chip/silicon is done by another party (TSMC). That party tends to deliver bad yields. That sums up what NVIDIA seems to be facing with the new GeForce5/NV30. Moving into the awesome yet new 0,13 micron fabrication which 'was' done by TSMC is problematic. The Inquirer now tells us that NVIDIA is giving TSMC a slow boot. TSMC clearly can't deliver high-volume 0,13 silicons right now and therefor NVIDIA is moving on towards United Microelectronics Corp (UMC). [i:4d851fe9da] UMC apparently told investors that Nvidia will cut its orders with number one foundry TSMC from 140,000 parts in the first quarter to 30,000 parts in Q3. Presumably, UMC will pick up the slack, which is presumably why the whole thing is mentioned at all. The move is certainly not a reflection of poor sales at Nvidia. We believe from sources close to the company that it is still banging out parts like there's no tomorrow, and that its sales continue to be strong to its industry partner. NVIDIA obviously wants to ensure that its move to 130 nanometer technology doesn't hit the kind of bumps that Transmeta suffered.[/i:4d851fe9da] There's something else we can conclude from this story though .. NVIDIA is mass-producing the NV30 silicon ..[/quote:4d851fe9da] massa productie aan NV30 cores :) die van mij ligt daar ook vast al tussen :wink:
Link naar reactie [quote:f747c09b8b] from current conference call: nv30 status "It should be available for holiday season" "Has the NV30 taped out yet?" "Historically Nvidia done a good job with tapeouts etc... We're in the process of wrapping it up" "So it has not been taped out yet?" "We're in the process of wrapping it up so the answer is not" [/quote:f747c09b8b]
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If you tried any of the latest 30.30 or 30.82 Nvidia beta drivers you would have noticed perhaps that they support some new chipsets yet to be announced by Nvidia. These are NV18 and NV28 and professional versions of them, ie NV18GL and NV28GL. While we still know little about them, it already emerged that they are the AGP 8x versions of Geforce4 MX and Geforce4 Ti cards. Click on Read More for more info. The rumours suggest that they will be launched within the next month or so and now we know to expect 10 different cards based on these new chipsets: 2 cards based on NV28 - A recent story here suggests that Ti4400 is being phased out, so perhaps that's why we will only see 2 cards based on NV28 as opposed to 3 when NV25 cards were announced. This means a Ti4200 and Ti4600 with AGP 8x support will be introduced while Ti4400 with AGP 8x support will not. We don't know however what the real names of the new cards will be. 2 cards based on professional version of NV28, i.e. NV28GL. Here we will see a high end Quadro4 card - something after Quadro4 900, with AGP 8x support of course and either a card on middle or low end of the Quadro4 XGL range ... (NV25GL had 3 different Quadro4 cards here, NV28 will only have 2). 3 cards based on NV18 chipset - This could well mean a GeForce4 MX 420/440/460 with AGP 8x support will be introduced here but it’s yet unknown if that's going to be the case and what names the cards will have officially. 3 cards based on professional version of NV18, i.e. NV18GL. Here we can expect a high end and low/mid end Quadro4 cards with AGP 8x support based on NV18 chipset. It’s unclear if any of these will be Quadro4 NVS cards or if all will be Quadro4 XGL cards. At this time there is no information available on the individual specs of these new cards and launch dates are unconfirmed. However, all these cards are coming. [color=red:e39a916327]<<[/color:e39a916327][url=]Source[/url][color=red:e39a916327]>>[/color:e39a916327]
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[quote:1a3a008593="Slashhead"]Meestal zijn deze plaatjes nep, maar goed take a veeeery close :o look @ it. [img:1a3a008593][/img:1a3a008593][/quote:1a3a008593] wat ik vreemd vind is de NV16 en NV26 op deze prent. die bestaan niet eens. verder verteld deze prent weinig nieuws
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