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-= Next-generation videocard Topic =- Deel 2

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Ik wou hier graag al de [i:cf8dbe0672]"next-generation Videocard"[/i:cf8dbe0672] Rummors in kwijt, Nieuws over nVidia's NV3x, Ati's R350, 3dlabs P10 en andere toekomstige kaarten. De Radeon 9000 en 9700 kunnen van mijn part worden besproken in het Radeon Topic. Dus nieuwtjes, opmerkingen etc etc over deze kaarten kan je hier kwijt
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Op: staat een itteressant artikel over de NV3x en CineFX. hier een stukje ervan: [quote:8a8165d1f3]NVIDIA’s recent announcements give us a glimpse of what NV3x will be capable of, although there are still quite a few details that have not been announced. We haven’t been given clock speeds of the graphics core or memory subsystem, nor do we know any fill rate or other numbers that can be used as a metric of performance. Instead what we are given is a look at just what is possible with NV3x, and based on what we’ve seen so far it should match up very closely with ATI’s RADEON 9700. Other details that we do know is that NV3x will be built off TSMC’s 0.13-micron manufacturing process, will fully support AGP 8X, and supports high-speed DDR-II memory. In terms of availability, all we know is that NVIDIA has timed NV3x’s release with that of Microsoft’s DirectX 9 API. This puts NV3x somewhere in the fall timeframe, which, if ATI holds up to its RADEON 9700 release schedule, gives ATI a one to three month time-to-market advantage over NVIDIA. Speaking of the RADEON 9700, a lot of preliminary performance estimates have popped up over the web. All of these comparisons have pitted a prototype RADEON 9700 board against the current performance king, NVIDIA’s GeForce4 Ti 4600. It will be interesting to see what configuration final RADEON 9700 boards will ship in, and just how great a performance advantage RADEON 9700 possess when it is launched. We wouldn’t be surprised to see RADEON 9700 ship in 30 days, retake the performance crown from NVIDIA, and NVIDIA subsequently slash prices on its entire GeForce4 line. Once NV3x is released, NVIDIA could then restore its presence in the $400 high-end market. This is just one contingency plan NVIDIA may have in the works. We’ve also heard rumors that NVIDIA is hard at work on an NV25 successor with AGP 8X graphics. Whatever ends up happening, one thing is for sure, we haven’t seen this level of competition since around this same time last year. With Matrox and 3D Labs also playing in the same field (although to a lesser extent) things are even more interesting. This gives consumers choices in the marketplace, and that is definitely a good thing.[/quote:8a8165d1f3] op was te lezen dat nVidia de users de nieuwe naam wil laten verzinnen voor de NV3x: [quote:8a8165d1f3]GeForce 5 Name: NVIDIA Asks You! Well at least according to Computer Games Magazine. Their is a question Nvidia has asked the magazine to ask their viewers about what they think of their naming schemes and what they should name the next-generation chip: [i:8a8165d1f3]NVIDIA's names - Graphics giant Nvidia asked us to find out what our readers think of their naming scheme for graphics chips. They recognize that the GeForce 4 MX was ill-named because it doesn't have even as many 3D features as a GeForce 3, but they're trying to improve naming in future products. Are all the model numbers confusing (Ti 4600, Ti 440, Ti 4200, MX 460, MX440, etc.) or do they help you make buying decisions? Would you continue to use the GeForce name on the upcoming next-generation chip, even if it has drastically different capabilities from a GeForce 4? How would you change the naming conventions for NVIDIA's products? They want to know what you think, and your opinions can have an impact on what they do in the future. Send your thoughts and ideas to and I'll forward them along.[/i:8a8165d1f3] Seems Nvidia wants to know what you the consumer would name the next card. Should it be the GeForce 5? Or should it be labeled as ? ? ? [/quote:8a8165d1f3] Ik weet wel een naam voor de NV3x: DragonForce ;)
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[quote:3c17f89c04="Red Dragon"][/quote:3c17f89c04] Ik weet wel een naam voor de NV3x: DragonForce ;)[/quote] He eh, nou niet het te hoog in je bol krijgen he, nou je kunt vliegen en vuurspuwen ;) Maar, ga je een R9700 kopen? of zing je het voorlopig uit tot de NV30, je kan tenslotte alles spelen...
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[quote:6f457e97b3="SkinnerEd"][quote:6f457e97b3="Red Dragon"]Ik weet wel een naam voor de NV3x: DragonForce ;)[/quote:6f457e97b3] He eh, nou niet het te hoog in je bol krijgen he, nou je kunt vliegen en vuurspuwen ;)[/quote:6f457e97b3] Helemaal mee eens :P :wink: BTW. De NV3x ging toch the Omen heten oid? Maar dat was natuurlijk 1 van de velen rumours... maar leek we ook wel leuk opzich :wink:
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[quote:e4d9e8841a="kajutsa"] BTW. De NV3x ging toch the Omen heten oid? Maar dat was natuurlijk 1 van de velen rumours... maar leek we ook wel leuk opzich :wink:[/quote:e4d9e8841a] Zoals je net al kon lezen gaat hij geen Omen heten en ook geen GeForce 5 of zo maar iets wat wij consumenten mogen gaan verzinnen dus wees creatief. :) BTW : Don't try to defeat the ones you can't defeat. leuke sig.... daar vallen Dragons´s ook onder :D //Skinered Ik blijf toch wachten op de NV3x en ga dan kiezen tussen Ati en nVidia. ik kan me het niet veroorloven om en een radeon 9700 en een NV3x te kopen. :cry:
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[quote:9d25b38541="Red Dragon"] BTW : Don't try to defeat the ones you can't defeat. leuke sig.... daar vallen Dragons´s ook onder :D[/quote:9d25b38541] Ja ik ben niet opgewassen tegen zo'n sterke draak... dus wees voorzichtig met me, want ik ben breekbaar :wink: BTW. is er al iets meer bekent over de prijs van de nieuwe 3DLabs plank? En ik vind de plank-layout niet echt bijzonder :)
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[quote:7187fedaef="Red Dragon"]Op: staat een itteressant artikel over de NV3x en CineFX. hier een stukje ervan: [quote:7187fedaef]NVIDIA’s recent announcements give us a glimpse of what NV3x will be capable of, although there are still quite a few details that have not been announced. We haven’t been given clock speeds of the graphics core or memory subsystem, nor do we know any fill rate or other numbers that can be used as a metric of performance. Instead what we are given is a look at just what is possible with NV3x, and based on what we’ve seen so far it should match up very closely with ATI’s RADEON 9700. Other details that we do know is that NV3x will be built off TSMC’s 0.13-micron manufacturing process, will fully support AGP 8X, and supports high-speed DDR-II memory. In terms of availability, all we know is that NVIDIA has timed NV3x’s release with that of Microsoft’s DirectX 9 API. This puts NV3x somewhere in the fall timeframe, which, if ATI holds up to its RADEON 9700 release schedule, gives ATI a one to three month time-to-market advantage over NVIDIA. Speaking of the RADEON 9700, a lot of preliminary performance estimates have popped up over the web. All of these comparisons have pitted a prototype RADEON 9700 board against the current performance king, NVIDIA’s GeForce4 Ti 4600. It will be interesting to see what configuration final RADEON 9700 boards will ship in, and just how great a performance advantage RADEON 9700 possess when it is launched. We wouldn’t be surprised to see RADEON 9700 ship in 30 days, retake the performance crown from NVIDIA, and NVIDIA subsequently slash prices on its entire GeForce4 line. Once NV3x is released, NVIDIA could then restore its presence in the $400 high-end market. This is just one contingency plan NVIDIA may have in the works. We’ve also heard rumors that NVIDIA is hard at work on an NV25 successor with AGP 8X graphics. Whatever ends up happening, one thing is for sure, we haven’t seen this level of competition since around this same time last year. With Matrox and 3D Labs also playing in the same field (although to a lesser extent) things are even more interesting. This gives consumers choices in the marketplace, and that is definitely a good thing.[/quote:7187fedaef][/quote:7187fedaef]He, over oud nieuws gesproken ;) Dit had ik al gepost namelijk in [url=]Deel 1[/url]
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Waarschijnlijk toch DDRII: [quote:d349a964fa]An interesting set of developments has taken place, with regards to nVidia's next generation product. NVMax put a short overview of NV30 up on their website yesterday, in which they claim to have signed an NDA with nVidia. In fact, this overview claims to have been published and developed by nVidia. To the point, they claim that NV30 will, indeed, sport a 256-bit memory interface, along with DDRII memory. Given the recent press release by Samsung in which they plan to bring 500 MHz. DDRII (1000 MHz. effective) out this Fall, that would come out to approx. 32 GB/sec memory bandwidth! As was pointed out in the NVMax overview, this would effectively shift the performance bottleneck from memory to geometry processing. Furthermore, the article also hints at even stronger/better Hidden Surface Removal capabilities. No details were provided, and it seems to be yet another feature that might catch the competition off guard. As it now stands, the next-generation nVidia part is _really_ shaping up to be signifacantly more powerful than previously imagined. The coming weeks shall certainly be interesting as ATI gears up to bring their Radeon 9700 to market.[/quote:d349a964fa]Source: [url=]nV News[/url]
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ernistig ja. die besmetting. nu maar weer een nieuw nieuwtje: [quote:541a67e95e]HardOCP posted this one. It seems that they found a benchmark test that compares the latest GeForce4 Ti 4600 towards the new ATi Radeon 9700 with 3D MArk 2001 SE. The ATi Radeon 9700 card (R300) beats the NVIDIA GeForce 4 Ti 4600 card by 2320 points. But ... beta drivers, so expect that Radeon 9700 number to go up during it's launch. Also there is a difference in FSB/CPU. [url=][img:541a67e95e][/img:541a67e95e][/url] Click on the image to see the entire snapshot.[/quote:541a67e95e] Niet helemaal eerlijk. het zijn net verschilende systemen en de FSB van het GeForce 4 is hoger. maar ja. het geeft een lichte indicatie.
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