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AMD en DX 8.1 onder Win XP kan problemen geven

Aanbevolen berichten [color=olive:561931f1a2]SYMPTOMS On computers with an AMD processor, programs that use Microsoft DirectX 8.1 may quit without displaying an error message. The same programs work correctly on computers with Intel processors. CAUSE The DrawIndexedPrimitive function stops working without displaying an error or debug message. This occurs because of a code error in the AMD-specific optimized code. This code error may lead to heap corruption. No wonder why some games suddenly quit to the desktop without an error, especially Dx8.1 games. More info on how to fix it [url=;en-us;Q321178]here[/url]. [/color:561931f1a2]
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Over DirectX gesporken HJS had al eens gemeld dat er een [b:d8109c6dad]DirectX 8.1b[/b:d8109c6dad] was Hij is nu ook officieel door microsft uitgebracht inclusief bugfix list!! [quote:d8109c6dad][b:d8109c6dad]DirectX 8.1b[/b:d8109c6dad] is now available for download for normal consumers and also lists bug fixes. [url=]You can grab it right here.[/url] DirectShow Modifies kernel component stream.sys to correct failure of laptops to resume from hibernation as described in Knowledge Base article Q307207. This fix only affects Windows 2000 systems using a docking station having an attached USB camera. Fixes a blocking issue in quartz.dll on Windows 2000 when running DirectShow in a service. Corrects a boundary case in the MPEG-2 Demultiplexer where packets may be dropped. This condition can occur if the video stream packet size is an integral multiple of transport packet size. The fix is incorporated for all DirectX-supported platforms. Direct3D Fixes Direct3D-base screen savers, when the computer may be unable to enter standby or hibernation by using the timer in Power Management properties. Fixes some recent game titles that use DrawIndexedPrimitive() API with clipped TL vertices. Fixes flashing polygons/lines issues in some applications that used DirectX 8.0 DrawPrim(), DrawClippedPrim, DrawIndexedPrim() APIs.[/quote:d8109c6dad] Dowload hier: [color=darkred:d8109c6dad][edit][/color:d8109c6dad] Ik lees overigens dat je hem als winXP eigenaar niet hoeft te instleren. [quote:d8109c6dad]On Windows XP, you will need to download the latest Service Pack, or install the corresponding hot fixes. Please see Knowledge Base Articles Q321178, Q307207, and Q318507, for more information[/quote:d8109c6dad] er is ook geen winXP versie van DirectX 8.1b daar. wel een Win2000 versie dus die zou je denk ik wel kunnen instaleren maar als het niet nodig is dan zou ik het niet doen[color=darkred:d8109c6dad].[/edit][/color:d8109c6dad]
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