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-= Radeon Topic deel 8 =-

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hij heeft 2 ramdacs. sterker nog. 10-bit ramdacs. zelfde als de Parhelia?? [img:b875a24154][/img:b875a24154] ik heb bergrepen dat hij halverwege Julli word gereleased onder de naam R8800 dus we moeten tot dan wachten om alles zeker te weten
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Iemand deze al gezien? Hercules Phophet 8500 128 MB, 275/275, helaas geen 2de RAMDAC: [img:be0d81be8e][/img:be0d81be8e] [img:be0d81be8e][/img:be0d81be8e] [img:be0d81be8e][/img:be0d81be8e] [img:be0d81be8e][/img:be0d81be8e] [img:be0d81be8e][/img:be0d81be8e] Hele verhaal staat [url=]Hier[/url]
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Nee, die was er al ;) Dit vond ik op het forum van tweaktown: [img:b4e9088c96][/img:b4e9088c96] [quote:b4e9088c96] R8500 MAXX Features Truform™ Smartshader™ AFR™ DirectX 8.1® support OpenGL® 1.3 Smoothvision™ Anti-aliasing Hyper Z™ III Charisma Engine™ II Pixel Tapestry™ II Video Immersion™ II High Performance Memory Support Dual Display Support Integrated Transformation, Clipping and Lighting Triple Cache Architecture SuperScalar Rendering Single-Pass Multi-texturing True Color Rendering Triangle Setup Engine Texture Cache Bilinear/Trilinear Filtering Line & Edge Anti-aliasing Full-Screen Anti-aliasing Texture Compositing Texture Decompression Specular Highlights Perspectively Correct Texture Mapping Mip-Mapping Z-Buffering and Double-buffering Emboss, Dot Product 3 and Environment bump mapping Spherical, Dual Paraboloid and Cubic environment mapping Fog effects, texture lighting, video textures, reflections, shadows, spotlights, LOD biasing and texture morphing Dual 400Mhz RAMDACS' A popular rumour about the ‘Radeon II’ was that it would feature two Radeon256 GPUs, like the Rage Fury MAXX. As you know ATI brought out the Radeon 8500, which I think you will agree is a much better GPU than the Radeon256 and featured a lot more performance than two Radeon256 GPUs. However, with the R300 in development, and the Radeon 8500 doing so well, it makes sense to release a dual Radeon 8500 board. A Radeon 8500 MAXX if you will, so we have more time to spend on the R300 where as the R250 isn’t going to be as much as an architectural change as the R300 will be. With the improved AFR™ technique used, we can almost double performance, without any of the negative effects attributed to SLI. This is the biggest new feature of the Radeon 8500 MAXX, but there are a few tweaks to the Radeon 8500 GPU. The card has updated Hyper Z™ to make more effective use of available memory bandwidth. It now is 100% effective at removing hidden surfaces. Also as part of it we have given it an extra cache (hence the Triple Cache Architecture). This third cache stores the Z-Buffer coordinates of the previous scene; I can’t go into detail on it, but it effectively compares the cached Z-Buffer to the new one, this in conjunction with our new HSR algorithm allows for much quicker removal of hidden surfaces. For example in UT2003 you may be walking down a path, and in front of you is a large structure. No matter, which way you look, you can’t see the inside of the structure, only the front. With HSR, the polygons you don’t see are chucked away before they are rendered. With the help of the cache, it will be easier to see that those polygons are still behind the front and can be chucked away straight away, before using our complex algorithm to see fully if the polygon can be removed, thus saving a lot of computational power, and leaving more room for the actual rendering of the game. (We had begun optimising this further but the development of the drivers was problematic...they might just sort out for the planned release date.) The dual 400Mhz RAMDACS are integrated in the Radeon 8500 GPU, but only one in each. The primary GPU houses the primary RAMDAC, and obviously the secondary GPU houses the secondary RAMDAC. This allows for all Radeon 8500 MAXX boards, regardless of manufacturer, to support dual 24” monitors. With the R300 we managed to integrate the 2D filters into the GPU as well, that way we can ensure all R300 boards have the best 2D quality available to users, regardless of who makes the card. The reason for this is a lot of customers have expressed their desire for much sharper text at high resolutions, as well as more vibrant colours. (my emphasis: We have managed to gain some improvements from this, but its still not great.) We also have a daughter card that will be made available. This daughter card will feature full VIVO functions, expanding the features of the MAXX. The way the daughter board will be attached to the Radeon 8500 MAXX is currently still to be decided. A prime concern with customers was texture quality. The devs at ATI have taken this very seriously, and have taken great lengths to make the texture quality of the Radeon 8500 MAXX the best of any other 3D product, and from working development cards it is noticeable better than the 8500. Only other comments I will give on the R300 are 8 pipelines, and DirectX 9 support. [/quote:b4e9088c96] R250 noemen hun het :???: Zal wel weer niet waar zijn, maar feit is wel dat er in de drivers entry's zitten voor een R8500 MAXX.
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Volgens mi werkte die kaart prima hoor... Alleen was de GeForce 256 aldoor net iets sneller, en goedkoper door zijn 1 chip design, waardoor de Rage Fury MAXX nooit echt doorgebroken is. Ik zou trouwens best eens zo'n kaartje willen hebben, puur voor de interressantigheid. Eigenlijk moet ik er dan ook een dual CPU systeem omheen bouwen :D
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Mja, uit oogpunt van faetures zou je idd beter op de R300 kunnen wachten, maar ik denk dat een dual chip design van de R8500 qua snelheid wel op gelijke hoogte zou komen, ieg ver boven de GF4 Ti4600 uit. En die DX9 features hebben we het komende jaar toch niet nodig. Nu zou ieg wel de tijd zijn om zoiets uit te brengen, de R8500's zijn relatief goedkoop, dus als je ook realtief goedkoop een dual GPU design op de markt zetten kan om de GF4 te countren, dan zitten ze ieg tot de R300/NV30 gebakken.
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  • 2 weken later...
Weer wat gelezen op guru3d [quote:a4eb0ddf0f]A new Radeon 9000 based product has surfaced from shallow waters. The compamny producing it is Untitec and they will cal it the Optimus 9000 pro! The card will be clocked at a 275/275 MHz clock frequency. Card looks pretty sweet designed :) [img:a4eb0ddf0f][/img:a4eb0ddf0f] Secondly, I was just hinted to as in their forum someone posted the first results on the Radeon 9000/RV250 which is an affordable card. Tested with: Athlon 1800+, 256 DDR 266, WinXP, Driver 7.74 3D Mark 2001 SE 330 RV200 RV250 MX460 8500LE 1024 x 768 5549 7548 5931 8475 1280 x 1024 4315 5987 4591 6915 1600 x 1200 3286 4652 3506 5376 Aquamark RV200 RV250 MX460 8500LE 1024 x 768 25.2 41.6 25.2 46.8 1280 x 1024 20.8 29.1 19.8 36.9 1600 x 1200 15.5 21.1 14.6 26.9 Quake 3 RV200 RV250 MX460 8500LE 1024 x 768 116.4 160.7 163.8 183.1 1280 x 1024 73.7 105.6 115 139.9 1600 x 1200 52.7 73.4 81.3 92 Jedi Knight II RV200 RV250 MX460 8500LE 1024 x 768 87.9 92.2 92.6 90.9 1280 x 1024 65.7 86.9 80.5 91.3 1600 x 1200 46.8 66.2 60.6 82.2 The big benefit is like I said the card is affordable and can handle Pixel and Vertex shaders. Source: [url=]darkcrow[/url][/quote:a4eb0ddf0f] zo te zien is de Radeon 9000 (RV250) dus duidelijk langzamer dan de Radeon 8500. Als dit zo is dan is de naam "Radeon 9000" net zo misleidend als dat de GeForce 4 MX is.
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