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Volgens mij wisten de meesten al dat DoomIII op de E3 beurs draaide op een R300 van Ati. Ati bevestigd dit nu officeel: [quote:dcd39c2c40][b:dcd39c2c40]ATI chosen to power DOOM III™ for E3 2002[/b:dcd39c2c40] [i:dcd39c2c40]ATI's ultra- high-end, next-generation chip provides best performance and visual quality for running DOOM III™ at E3 2002 Friday May 24, 2002[/i:dcd39c2c40] E3 2002, Los Angeles, CA - May 24, 2002 - Id Software™ has chosen ATI's next generation graphics architecture as the platform for previewing their unbelievably realistic and much anticipated DOOM III™ at this year's E3 Expo. ATI's chip was chosen because it offers the most advanced, high-performance graphics architecture to power the demonstration at E3 2002. DOOM III™, scheduled for release in 2003, has been highly anticipated both as an unbelievable game and as a true measure of today - and tomorrow's - graphics architectures. Also highly anticipated, ATI's next generation product, scheduled for release this fall, will cement ATI firmly as a leader in the ultra-high-end 3D and gaming graphics market. "ATI's next generation hardware has an ideal feature set for the DOOM III™ engine, and at the moment is the fastest platform to run the game on," said John Carmack, Chief Technical Officer & co-founder of Id Software, Inc. "We want users to be blown away by their gaming experience," said Rick Bergman, Senior Vice President, Marketing and General Manager, Desktop, ATI Technologies Inc. "Our next-generation product will move gamers a quantum leap forward in realistic and immersive gaming. Gamer's won't just play DOOM III™ with ATI's next generation hardware - they'll live it." Copyright 2002 ATI Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. ATI and ATI product and product feature names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ATI Technologies Inc. All other company and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Features, pricing, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. DOOM III™, Wolfenstein 3D®, Return to Castle Wolfenstein™, DOOM®, QUAKE®, QUAKE II™, QUAKE III Arena™, QUAKE III: Team Arena™, and the id Software™ name are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Id Software, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. [/quote:dcd39c2c40] [url=]bron[/url]
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[quote:ad4750db82]Doom III is very much hardware driven, and one of the controversies of this year’s E3 was that the game was demonstrated on the latest ATI graphics card rather than a card from NVidia. “NVidia has been stellar in terms of driver quality and support and doing all of the things right,” says Carmack, who has been an outspoken evangelist for NVidia’s GeForce technology. “For the past few years, they have been able to consistently outplay ATI on every front. The problem is that they are about one-half step out of synch with the hardware generation because they did Xbox instead of focusing everything on their next board. So they are a little bit behind ATI.” “I told everyone that I was going to demonstrate Doom III on the best hardware, and there has been no collusion or kickbacks or anything like that going on. Our objective is the technical merit.” “The new ATI card was clearly superior. I don’t want to ding NVidia for anything because NVidia has done everything they possibly could; but in every test we ran, ATI was faster.” [/quote:ad4750db82] rage3d
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[quote:e4aebad6ff]It [The ATI card used] was compared against a very high speed GF4. It shouldn't be surprising that a next-generation card is faster than a current generation card. What will be very interesting is comparing the next gen cards (and the supporting drivers) from both vendors head to head when they are both in production. Everyone working on DOOM still uses GF4-Ti cards at the moment, and if someone needs to buy a new video card today, that is what I tell them to get. John Carmack [/quote:e4aebad6ff] Aanvulling ook van Rage3d.
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eindelijk een Beefed up R8500: [quote:f02093b9f6] Gigabyte launched a new Radeon 8500 based videocard. Basically a beefed up version of the Radeon 8500 qith this very cool heatsink. Some keywords for this card are 128MB , 3.3ns 4Mx32 DDR, Core Clock = 300MHz , Memory Clock = 300MHz, D-Sub , S-Video , DVI-I, Huge Golden FanSink double side Onboard and 6 bundled games. [img:f02093b9f6][/img:f02093b9f6][/quote:f02093b9f6] als de prijs goed is een aardig kaartje. leuk als concurent tegen de Ti 4200. tenslotte is de ANISO hit van de Radeon 8500 nog steeds minder dan bij de GeForce 4 ti Meer Info [url=]HIER[/url]
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IMHO zijn evt problemen met de R8500 eerder te wijten aan 'luie' software-producenten dan aan de "slechte" drivers van Ati. Ik meen dat Carmack in een interview zei dat Ati bepaalde hardware-specifieke zaken anders aanpakte, wat voor problemen zorgde omdat men de 'nVidia'-aanroepen gewend was ...
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Tijdens het surfen opgepikt van het [url=]web[/url] [quote:ba9699905a]RV250 - Technically ready for a while This information was available first through the AnandTech Newsletter. Click Here to Subscribe. We've already been briefed under NDA on ATI's RV250 part so we cannot share the majority of material about the RV250 chip but we can definitely offer what we've learned today. The RV250 chip will be the mainstream part that will take over once the R300 launches. While we can't disclose the specific specifications of the part, our board manufacturing contacts today informed us that the performance of the RV250 is very close to that of the R200 (Radeon 8500). This obviously means that the RV250 will not only make the Radeon 8500LE obsolete but it will also make the Radeon 8500 useless as well. Apparently ATI has had the RV250 ready for a while but they didn't want to kill Radeon 8500 sales so they held off on releasing it until closer to R300's launch. Considering the chip will be a mainstream product we can expect it to sell on boards for around the $199 price point. The architecture is very similar to R200 (DX8 part) with a few things removed and core clock speeds are expected to be close to 300MHz according to our sources today. At 300MHz the RV250 has the potential of being tough competition for the GeForce4 Ti 4200, but we'll have to wait for its launch before we can decide for certain.[/quote:ba9699905a] De RV250 is dus toch een Budget kaart en geen Highend.
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[quote:bd279cc795="BA"]Dat wisten we toch al ;) Volgens mij is het nu sowieso al te laat voor een R8800, laat ze maar opschieten met de R300 :)[/quote:bd279cc795] ja dat wel maar een bevestging is altijd wel fijn. opvallend vind ik dat je in het bovenstaande verhaal kan lezen dat er ook nog een paar features worden gestript van de R200 om een RV250 te maken.
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