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STMicroelectronics stopt er ook mee...

Aanbevolen berichten

[quote:8acd1bdcc1] GENEVA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 8, 2002--STMicroelectronics (NYSE:STM) has announced that it is withdrawing from the PC Graphics Accelerator IC market & is currently seeking a buyer for the related assets & activities of its PC Graphics business, which accounted for approximately $15 million of ST's $6.36 billion revenues in 2001. The potential sale is in line with ST's objective of focusing its R&D efforts on market areas that are strategically important to the Company, notably: communications, automotive, computer peripherals, smart cards & digital consumer. In the digital consumer market, ST will continue to emphasize set-top box, DVD & digital TV applications, in which the Company holds worldwide leadership positions. You can find a good bit more information about this over on the Beyond3D Forums. Guess this may cause Hercules some problems (In case you didn't notice they hadn't announced any Geforce 4 Graphics cards). Lets hope this doesn't delay work on Kyro 3 & that someone is found relatively quickly to get them to retail. [/quote:8acd1bdcc1] Hm, als het op deze manier door gaat danblijven er wel erg weinig over in de wereld van grafische kaarten...
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Ze zoeken alleen een koper, ze zijn gelukkig niet out-of-business. quote: iets anders dan die van BA. [quote:255e0ea078] Technologies Group PLC 8 February 2002 IMAGINATION TECHNOLOGIES GROUP PLC ('Imagination') Re: Announcement by STMicroelectronics ('ST') Imagination's partnership with STMicroelectronics is focussed upon using Imagination's technology in a number of different markets. Imagination reports that in relation to the PC market, ST has today announced that it is currently seeking a buyer for its PC Graphics Business which utilises Imagination's PowerVR technology and as a result will be withdrawing from this market area. Imagination is aware of discussions taking place with interested parties and has been involved in supporting ST with these activities. In addition, a number of interested PC chip companies have approached Imagination regarding access to future PowerVR PC technologies. Imagination and ST will continue their partnership activities to utilise Imagination's technology in the set-top box market and expect to extend relationship to the mobile device market in due course. Imagination will update shareholders with any further developments. [/quote:255e0ea078]
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Hier een berichtje van Hercules, about this isue :wink: Heb het door een vertaal machine gehaald dus sorry voor de eventuele brakke gramatica. [quote:275d3b671a] We contacted Hercules in the person of Christophe Urbanik to know the position of the principal graphic board manufacturer containing Kyro chips. Hercules will not stop the production of products containing Kyro chips and will continue with the possible reprenor. The sales of the 3D Prophet 4000XT and 3D Prophet 4500 are besides always with beautiful fixed. With is the question " there a relationship between the partnership with ATI and the advertisement ST Microelectronics? " the answer of Hercules was formal: " not ". It appears clearly that the with dimensions one of Gacilly one knows of it a little more about the continuations of the advertisement of ST Microelectronics but that the Breton manufacturer leaves the care with the Franco-Italian giant or Imagination Technologies to reveal themselves the lower parts of this advertisement at the very least surprising. Hercules thus remains optimistic on the future of the products Kyro and we await a response of ST Microelectronics for you to say some more. [/quote:275d3b671a] _________________ "No, no, I'm not playing, I'm testing... give me that controller back... muaaaaaaa...." [ Dit Bericht is bewerkt door: Slashhead op 2002-02-08 22:45 ]
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Hoe dan ook: het gaat niet goed in GPU land!! Hercules zal binnenkort, in navolging van Elsa dan ook wel stoppen want die bla bla van verder gaan met de nieuwe eigenaar (voor de Kyro) is natuurlijk maar reclamepraat. En van alleen Ati kaarten kun je niet leven. Straks gaat het met nVidia net zoals met Microsoft en dat lijkt me toch niet de bedoeling. Nou ja, eigenlijk zijn ze al volledige monopolist.
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  • 4 weken later...
[url=]Via geruchten[/url] [quote:6a18161b65] In response to a recent rumor that it is planning to acquire the graphics chip division of STMicroelectronics (ST), chipset designer VIA Technologies on March 5 only confirmed that it has indeed been in contact with some international graphics chip companies, but refused to comment further on the progress of the plan, and more importantly, the identity of the candidates. VIA said that its graphics chip acquisition, S3, may have leading advantages in the notebook sector, but to strengthen its desktop graphics chip product lines it has started reaching out to some graphics chip designers for possible cooperation. The company further noted that acquisition is not necessarily the only way to obtain related technology. Industry sources said that they would be conservative about the actual value of the purchase if ST’s division is truly a candidate VIA is considering. They indicated that the market response to ST’s Kyro II line, launched in 2001, was rather weak. ST transferred its graphics chip technology from Nvidia, and had manufactured graphics chips for Nvidia, four to five years ago. The production cooperation only lasted for just over a year. As for the driver program for its graphics chips, ST has adopted the technology of UK-based VideoLogic Systems. Given the moderate performance of VideoLogic’s driver program, compared to those of Nvidia and ATI Technologies, it is believed that VIA may not purchase the driver program segment if an acquisition were to be proposed. [/quote:6a18161b65]
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